Jason Genova & Rich Piana ordeal


Oct 25, 2012
This was a bad deal but he didn't know he was disabled. I felt sorry for the guy and felt sorry for Rich when he figured out what he had done.

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lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
Oh no, Rich admitted to researching who was makimg threats. He knew who jason was at the expo. He obviously and admittedly watched jason's video prior and it doest take a genius to see in a few seconds that Jason isnt normal. Being in person at the expo, you can easily tell Jason has Autistic characteristics just within a matter of seconds during the conversation.

However, the person in charge of Jason has failed to be a proper conservator and most of the blame is on that person for everything Jason has done. Rich's only fault is allowing his emotions to control him. i am pretty sure with the above mentioned that bad publicity is publicity and that is all he wanted. Im surprised no one involved law enforcement or attornies and or law enforcement has not seen this video and tried to charge both parties for state and federal crimes.

If Rich was so scared that he carried a gun illegally to the gym and on him, he should have had called law enforcement. His slap boxing bullshit was premeditated and he even asked if Jason would "press charges"... guess what maybe Jason doesnt have the mental compaciy to understand the request and implications, therefore Rich is in some deep shit if someone wanted to take his ass to court.

Any ways, just a bad situation and shit happens. I would totally feel like shit if i was in Rich's position. I have lost what little respect I had for the guy, and am sure many clients have and or will be lost over this.

I dont follow or like Jason at all, it is just the fact Rich was so tasteless, reckless and negligent to his image & company. He wanted to be filmed and put on social media as a tough guy and now he looks like an idiot.


WPF Champion / Donating Member
Nov 4, 2013
Oh no, Rich admitted to researching who was makimg threats. He knew who jason was at the expo. He obviously and admittedly watched jason's video prior and it doest take a genius to see in a few seconds that Jason isnt normal. Being in person at the expo, you can easily tell Jason has Autistic characteristics just within a matter of seconds during the conversation.

However, the person in charge of Jason has failed to be a proper conservator and most of the blame is on that person for everything Jason has done. Rich's only fault is allowing his emotions to control him. i am pretty sure with the above mentioned that bad publicity is publicity and that is all he wanted. Im surprised no one involved law enforcement or attornies and or law enforcement has not seen this video and tried to charge both parties for state and federal crimes.

If Rich was so scared that he carried a gun illegally to the gym and on him, he should have had called law enforcement. His slap boxing bullshit was premeditated and he even asked if Jason would "press charges"... guess what maybe Jason doesnt have the mental compaciy to understand the request and implications, therefore Rich is in some deep shit if someone wanted to take his ass to court.

Any ways, just a bad situation and shit happens. I would totally feel like shit if i was in Rich's position. I have lost what little respect I had for the guy, and am sure many clients have and or will be lost over this.

I dont follow or like Jason at all, it is just the fact Rich was so tasteless, reckless and negligent to his image & company. He wanted to be filmed and put on social media as a tough guy and now he looks like an idiot.

I agree with you about Rich.

But Jason agreed to it and isn't low functioning. He prob has a Schizoaffective disorder. Would fit the mania, depression, and delusions he has. They said in one episode he takes Haldol. You can see how it effects him when he gets his monthly shot.

But people with disabilities need to be treated like people. Not everyone with a disability is an angel on Earth. Almost every one just patronizes him. Thats why he keeps doing dumb shit.

People act like Rich beat the sht out of him, he just gave um a few smacks. IT WAS A DICK MOVE. But Jason is always extorting people, using people, getting in trouble, harassing people, and being a douche. Hell he scammed all those people out of tshirt money and threw his partner under the bus. And the partner had all the evidence to show that Jason did it!

PJ Braun I feel bad for. He knows Jason does dumb shit and uses him for free stuff. He's prob scared to kick his out because the Order 66 thing.


Oct 25, 2012
It's just a bad deal all around. I still don't know anything about Jason and what he has done so my first reaction was to feel sorry for the guy but like psych said, if he's smart enough to do the things he did then it changes things. Hopefully they both leant something from this.

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Super Moderator
Mar 1, 2006
What a dick. Trying to ham it up for the camera and his friends.
I do not follow these guys, But I did not enjoy anything about that video.

lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
I doubt rich consulted anyone in the legal or law enforcement field prior to posting his 30 min rant/explanation that further incriminates himself. Sadly, he is not thinking straight and wtf is up with his right eye???


Registered User
Jan 10, 2016
Kinda glad I don't know shit about social media and have no desire to....AR....


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
All I saw was 2 retards fighting with each other about Facebook. You know what they say about online arguements. Even if you win, you're still a fucking retard.


Aug 28, 2005
What a dick. Trying to ham it up for the camera and his friends.
I do not follow these guys, But I did not enjoy anything about that video.

Pretty stupid on RICH's part as well assaulting someone on camera. That situation could have gotten really ugly.