its cycle time for pincrusher



well i finally got tired of staying off the juice so i just started a new cycle. boy did it feel great to do that first injection in the ole glutes. liked it so much i reloaded another pin and did a second injection in my ventrogluteal site on the same side. decided to front load some deca:D
nothin like the feel of the 23g needle sliding in through the ole flesh and down through the muscle:p
my cycle is not going to be posted but i have quite a few years experience so i certainly know what i am doing LOL i just dont want any newbies trying what i am doing cause it will not be a very good first time cycle. besides that i am using bolasterone which i doubt anyone on here would be able to get their hands on since i have it made special by a very good friend of mine who sells powders and works for the manufacturer directly. it was a one time run so sorry to anyone who might want some, i gots it all:D
right now i am sitting at 214lbs at 5'6" tall, bodyfat is a little high but will come down later on in the cycle. i use extra anti-estrogen products due to the higher fat percentage since it will cause a higher conversion rate in the adipose tissue than anywhere else in the body. this is one of the reasons why we always recommend dropping your bodyfat below 12-14% before you cycle.
main product lines used will be british dragon, redicat paperbolics & homebrewed stuff.

MaSTa LifTa

Registered User
Apr 29, 2005
pincrusher said:
well i finally got tired of staying off the juice so i just started a new cycle. boy did it feel great to do that first injection in the ole glutes. liked it so much i reloaded another pin and did a second injection in my ventrogluteal site on the same side. decided to front load some deca:D
nothin like the feel of the 23g needle sliding in through the ole flesh and down through the muscle:p
my cycle is not going to be posted but i have quite a few years experience so i certainly know what i am doing LOL i just dont want any newbies trying what i am doing cause it will not be a very good first time cycle. besides that i am using bolasterone which i doubt anyone on here would be able to get their hands on since i have it made special by a very good friend of mine who sells powders and works for the manufacturer directly. it was a one time run so sorry to anyone who might want some, i gots it all:D
right now i am sitting at 214lbs at 5'6" tall, bodyfat is a little high but will come down later on in the cycle. i use extra anti-estrogen products due to the higher fat percentage since it will cause a higher conversion rate in the adipose tissue than anywhere else in the body. this is one of the reasons why we always recommend dropping your bodyfat below 12-14% before you cycle.
main product lines used will be british dragon, redicat paperbolics & homebrewed stuff.

you? experienced? no way. haha. one of the smartest guys i know when it comes to juicing. sounds like a good cycle. i really wanna try the papers, but i have tons of bd orals to use up first.


healthfreak said:
keep us posted on your gains bro. sounds like fun
best part about the whole thing is i have a new training partner to do legs with. finally found someone to keep up with me when doing legs:D
was a great feeling to get back on gear especially with a 1gram frontload of deca to get it started much quicker than normal;)
decided to try a few different idea's during this cycle to see which ones will work and which ones dont. will give a full report after about 5 weeks or so:)