Is 1/2 a course still worthwhile?


New member
Jan 15, 2005
I have been training for a year now and i have lost 20kg of fat and put on some size. I am now lookig to steroids to get ripped and put on a little more size.

I have been doing research, and for my fist time i am going to use Stanazol. I am wondering if only doing 1 vial over 9 weeks will have any benefit, or should i just go the 2 vials over 12 weeks?

Are there any other things i need to be taking with this product?


downe88 said:
I have been training for a year now and i have lost 20kg of fat and put on some size. I am now lookig to steroids to get ripped and put on a little more size.

I have been doing research, and for my fist time i am going to use Stanazol. I am wondering if only doing 1 vial over 9 weeks will have any benefit, or should i just go the 2 vials over 12 weeks?

Are there any other things i need to be taking with this product?
first off, congrats on the weight loss and progress so far. with a year under your belt you are in a position to now be able to start juicing as you have some experience training.
for a basic first cycle i would recommend staying away from a stanazol only cycle and would rather you go with a test cyp or test enth cycle with some stanazol added at the end. your results will depend more on the diet and training you do than the products you use but the test will help you keep gains better and i feel all cycles should include some form of testosterone.

without having any stats on you i cant give you dosing amounts but i would also like to go over your nutritional needs with you to help set you up to accomplish what you are setting out to do. give some stats such as height, current weight and bodyfat%, kind of training schedule you keep, what kind of diet you are currently employing, your age, and anything else that may be helpfull in helping you meet your goals.


New member
Jan 15, 2005
Current Stats:
Age: 24
Height 183cm
Weight 83kg
Body Fat % 12%

I train weights 5 days per week, i do 3 cardio sessions per week and i walk after dinner 3 nights per week.

I eat quite well Mon-Fri, about 2000 calories throught out 6 meals and a PM shake before bed. Saturday and Sunday i do no formal trainning and have no formal meal plan.

Sorry to be ignorant, but what is EOD and what is this Test you are talking about? How often do i need to take the test with the Stan?


Steroid Nazi
Jan 25, 2004
The shadows of your mind


DragonRider said:
ED is every day.
EOD is every other day.
Test is testosterone the primary androgen.

Take a look at these two threads. They will start you on your road to discovery.
those are some good references for a newbie DR
as far as your diet is concerned downe88, you will need to up the calories some especially with the amount of cardio you are doing. not sure exactly how kg's convert to lbs but 2000cals would be good for someone who weights about 120lbs and is trying to gain muscle but if you weight more than that it is not enough. you will also need to experiment a little with the amount of cardio you do, maybe drop it down to 2x per week and see how that works and if you do start to gain fat instead of muscle then increase it. i always recommedn for people who are trying to put on muscle mass to keep cardio to a bare minimum and only use it to help control fat gain. all those calories you are burning up during cardio are valuable calories that will help build muscle.
just try to keep your diet as clean as possible and stay away from junk food. if cheating on the weekends try to limit yourself to 1 cheat day but keep the other weekend day relatively clean as far as food consumption goes. since you dont train on the weekends your metabolism will slow down some and those cheat days you may find yourself having will do more harm than if you were doing some form of training.