Injection and steroid info for newbies


Perfection Personifide
Dec 7, 2004
Here's some information i read and thought i'd share to answer some Newbie questions about using steroids and injection procedures.

1. Have shower! Try to use a anti-bacterial soap if you can this will kill of any bacteria on the skin which will prevent them getting in though you injection and if you get achne during your cycle it may help.
2. Check you have all of you injection materials at hand. Build yourself a kit with all you will need in it. Detox do a good anti bacterial soap for under a pound.
3. Soak oil based steroid ampules (or the base of bottles) in hot water (not boiling) for a few minuets prior to injection this will thin out the oils making them easier to pass down the needle and to spread out in the muscle.
4. Remove any excess garments before injecting as they may fall on your injection area during injections.
5. The best pins to use are either greens (21 gauge) or blues (23gauge) and should be either 1 inch or one and a half inches long, I would recommend that you use a needle only once. Orange (25guage) thinner needles can be used for water or alcohol based steroids.
6. The syringe should be large enough to accommodate the entire steroid the best to get are probably 3-5cc/ml.
7. The injection site should be properly disinfected before injection using a steret or if that is not available an alcohol based disinfectant like surgical spirit to kill of any surface bacteria. Anti bacterial wipes can also be used.
8. It may be best to wipe down the top of the ampules with the steret as well, so that no bacteria can get into the needle when you draw up the steroid. Also never touch the needle with you hands.
9. Choose a site that you are happy with. Personally I think the ass is the best place. If you stand up and clench you buttocks and you will be able to feel at the top forward point of the glute there is a bulge in which the muscle sticks out a little more that the rest of the buttock. I found this to be the best site for oil based steroids.
10. If you sleep on you side you may find it better to inject into the buttock of the side you do not sleep on so you may have more ease sleeping.
11. Draw the oils up the needle slowly to prevent lots of air bubbles forming.
12. Place the cap on the needle and place the syringe in a upright position to allow the small bubbles to rise to the top some flicking of the syringe may help dislodge and stubborn bubbles stuck to the side of the chamber.
13. After a few moments all of the bubbles will have reached to top when this has happened you need to squeeze the air slowly out of the chamber and allow a little of the oil to run down the pin. This will ensure that there are not any little bubbles remaining at the top of the chamber and the oil which runs down the needle will act like a lubricant when the needle penetrates the skin.
14. While holding the syringe in one hand find the injection site with the other, pull the skin slightly apart to allow ease of injection. When the site is found the needle should be sharply thrust into the skin a little way and then the whole of the needle should be slowly inserted into the muscle.
15. Note when inserting, retracting or injecting the needle should not be allowed to wiggle inside the muscle as this may scratch up the inside and cause irritation, the needle should only move in and out with no deviation at all.
16. When the needle is in place you should retract the plunger a little. If blood appears you have entered a vein and you should retract the whole needle and find a new site as injecting straight into a vein will give you a good chance of having a stroke or heart attack if the pure oil enters the brain or heart.
17. If you see an air bubble form at the top of the needle when you pull the plunger back, there is air in the needle and it is best to retract, expel the air and re-inject.
18. Once the needle in embedded in the muscle pressure should be gently applied to the end of the syringe to slowly and evenly deliver the entire steroid. If not enough pressure is applied it will take too long and you may have to stop pushing because you hand get too tired and if you push it in too fast a pocket of oil may form which can be uncomfortable.
19. Withdraw the needle slowly, immediately after the needle has left the skin massage vigorously. Do this for some time, as it will help distribute the steroid evenly over the muscle as well as stopping blood loss threw the injection site.
20. Dispose of your injection equipment with responsibility. Don't just chuck it in the local bin in the street as any small kids could hurt themselves on it. It is best if you get a pair of pliers and you bend down the end of the needle so that it cant hurt any one. Needle exchanges can be used for disposal and will be happy to supply you disposal equipment etc.
21. Never share a needle with any one!
22. Always use strict hygiene in every injection, if one day you forget or cant be bothered you may end up with a two inch abscess in your ass which will eat and destroy your muscle and you may have to take three months or more to recover.
23. Only use steroids from some one you trust if you are in doubt of what's in the bottle DO NOT USE IT!
24. When cracking off the tops of ampules use a towel or dry flannel as some times when it breaks the glass shatters and you don't want hands cut to ribbons or you can use a file to lightly score it first.
25. When using steroids that come out of bottles rather than amps. Use one needle to draw out of the bottle with and one to inject with. Also when drawing out of a bottle, say you want to draw out two ml. into the chamber then it is best to fill the syringe with 2cc's of air. Then insert it into the bottle and push the air in this will give a certain amount of pressure in the bottle and will make it easier to draw up the oil.
26. Always have all the steroids and other drugs for your cycle before you start as you may think you local source is reliable and if he gets hit by a bus while you are 5 weeks in you could be in trouble.
27. If you are doing a cycle you have never done before or are new to steroid use always have a good supply of anti estrogens to hand as you don't want to get gynomastoma. Clomid or nolvadex are probably the best.
28. If you get problems with Roid-rage (although rare) consider the effects you will have on you loved ones. Is getting massive more important that you wife and family?
29. Steroids only have their best effect with proper training, diet and rest, ask you self " do I have all these?" If the answer is no you better sort them out before wasting you time and money on steroids.
30. People who are still growing should never contemplate steroid use. As it may stunt their growth and deform their bones.
31. Injectable steroids need only be applied once or twice a week while orals have to typically taken through-out the day.
32. Do a lot of research into cycles and the effects and side effects of steroid use and make an educated decision before parting with your cash. The Internet is very useful for this.
33. Typical side effects on men, from testosterone based steroids are: water retention, gynomastoma, achne, oily skin, mood swings, sleeping problems, sexual appetite changes, reduction in the size of the testicles and reduction in the amount of fluid you ejaculate.
34. Water or alcohol based steroids can be injected into the delts as well as the usual glutes and quads.

In Conclusion:

If you are the typical 17 year old wannabe who has been training arms and chest only for the last six weeks and wants to do a course of 1000mg a week sustanon who eats burgers, beer and pizza and wants too look like Flex or Leverone? IT WON'T HAPPEN! You have more chance looking like the Madeline Allbright after you cycle.
Being massive is NOT what it's all about. If you are a 200lbs fat fuck you will be a 240lbs fatter fucker after you cycle. learn to control you calories. Its better to be smaller and leaner and look better than to be a lard ass.
What ever you do, do it properly be it natural or chemically assisted know what you are doing. There are no fast routs to getting lean or massive it takes time and dedication.


that was a nice overall guide oracle. only thing i would add is that you should use an 18-20g needle for drawing up the product from the vial or amp into the syringe then replace with a frest 21-23g needle for injecting since the tip of the needle will get dulled when pushing through the rubber stopper on a bottle or from scraping the sides of an amp.


Perfection Personifide
Dec 7, 2004
That would be the ideal way....but i'd be a hypocrite since i use one pin to do both :)


Sep 19, 2004
Me too it's a friggin drag. I slammed the pin into the bottom of an amp once and it got so dull, it made a quarter inch divot in my thigh before it punctured the skin.


Perfection Personifide
Dec 7, 2004
sometimes when i try to inject the pin it bounces off my thigh. Kinda have to give it a stronger push, just stings a little more.


oracle said:
sometimes when i try to inject the pin it bounces off my thigh. Kinda have to give it a stronger push, just stings a little more.
if you changed pins after you draw up the product, you will find it much much easier on your skin and less painful. when i use igf, because slin pins dont have replacable pins, it takes a good bit more pushing to pierce the skin than if it is a fresh needle.
next time you buy pins get a package deal where you order the syringes with pins attached in 20g size and get loose 23g pins so you can switch them out after drawing up the solution.
i will try to find the picture i saw once of what a needle looks like after pushing it through a rubber stopper. it will cause you to think twice about using the same needle for everything. ;)


pincrusher said:
if you changed pins after you draw up the product, you will find it much much easier on your skin and less painful. when i use igf, because slin pins dont have replacable pins, it takes a good bit more pushing to pierce the skin than if it is a fresh needle.
next time you buy pins get a package deal where you order the syringes with pins attached in 20g size and get loose 23g pins so you can switch them out after drawing up the solution.
i will try to find the picture i saw once of what a needle looks like after pushing it through a rubber stopper. it will cause you to think twice about using the same needle for everything. ;)

got you covered bro.....


  • pic_needles01.jpg
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wolfyEVH said:
got you covered bro.....
thanks wolfy, i was going nutz trying to remember which site i saw that posted on, belong to to damn many i guess LOL


Perfection Personifide
Dec 7, 2004
It doesn't look bad going in after 1 insertion into the vial. But i guess when i start to use my winny i might want to consider changing the pin.


Pain4Gain said:
How do you guys dispose of your syringes and needles? Considering safety and anonymity.
some hospitals or pharmacies have anonymous disposal available for you to use. other than that, i just put mine in a ziplock bag, wrap it really really good with tape then find a large trash dumpster and toss them in there.


Feb 6, 2004
oracle said:
That would be the ideal way....but i'd be a hypocrite since i use one pin to do both :)

I do too most of the time. If I remember to pick up some 20gs, and some 23g tips, then Ill switch them out. Otherwise, there is no problem with shooting w/ the draw pin.


Registered User
Nov 20, 2005
I have been doing about 3/4 of these from just common sense, I always heat up my juices, best way to shoot em up, But Nice read and at least I found someone that promotes this becuase when I told a couple of my freidns they looked at me funny heh Nice good solid read though! should help alot fo bro's out.


Registered User
Sep 9, 2005
Up North
Nice review info. Oracle. One thing that's a bit exagerrated though is the part about having a stroke or heart attack from oil injection into a blood vessel. Venous blood enters the right side of the heart, it goes through the right atrium to right ventricle, then via the pulmonary artery to the lungs to be oxygenated, then to left atrium and ventricle, then out the aorta to supply the rest of the body. Any oil getting injected in a vein will get stopped / filtered when passing through the very fine pulmonary capillaries when it goes through the lungs. Thus, it may make you cough and can cause some lung injury / inflammation, even resulting in shortness of breath, but very little if any will make it to the left side of the heart. As a result, there will be no oil in the blood flowing to the brain via the carotid or vertebaral arteries (therefore no risk of stroke from oil) and similarly no oil getting to the coronary arteries coming off the base of the aorta and supplying the heart (therefore no risk of "heart attack" - myocardial infarction - from oil). There of course could be rare exceptions where the right and left sides of the heart are connected directly (patent foramen ovale, atrial septal defect, ventricular septal defect, etc.) that would allow oil to cross to the systemic circulation ("paradoxical embolus") without being 'filtered' through the lungs, but you'd almost certainly know if you had one of those conditions.

As for pin disposal, use an old hard plastic liquid laundry detergent container to pitch your used needles.


New member
Nov 26, 2005
Kingdom of Canuckia
Nice info as always Stealthmeister, I'm wondering though could it cause pulmonary oedema(sp? sry english isnt my first language) due to the increase of BP in the capillaries, if any increase of pressure at all?

BTW sorry for hijacking this thread


Registered User
Sep 9, 2005
Up North
NinjaWizard said:
Nice info as always Stealthmeister, I'm wondering though could it cause pulmonary oedema(sp? sry english isnt my first language) due to the increase of BP in the capillaries, if any increase of pressure at all?

BTW sorry for hijacking this thread
It could possibly cause pulmonary edema, but likely not for the reason you're thinking. "cardiogenic" pulmonary edema or high pressure pulmonary edema is from excessive pressure in the pulmonary capillaries, usually from back-pressure from the pulmonary veins due to left heart failure. High pressure pulmonary edema can also occur from excessively high pressures in the pulmonary artery going forward. However, low-pressure or non-cardiogenic pulmonary edema would be most likely from oils damaging the pulmonary capillaries. In this case, even though the pressures aren't high, the damaged capillaries leak fluid into the surrounding lung.....accumulation of this lung fluid is pulmonary edema, resulting in shortness of breath.