Increasing the female libido


Sep 17, 2003
Im sure NONE of the SM ladies need any of this info but maybe you have a friend that could use it....

I didn't post this because I wasn't sure of the author but I believe it's By Michael Mooney

Increasing the Female Libido

When it comes to lack of desire, my sister likes to
joke that women do not need treatment; they just need
a pill that will turn their fat husbands into Brad
Pitt. And while no drug will cure a woman who hates
her husband, it is pretty well established that in
women, desire is influenced by testosterone and
arousal is influenced by estrogen.

Women need only one tenth to one twentieth the amount
of testosterone as men. But, research has indicated
that in women with lack of desire, one culprit may be
a testosterone deficiency.

Methyl Testosterone
This treatment is often used in combination with
estrogen in menopausal women, for symptoms of
inhibited desire, dyspareunia, or lack of vaginal
lubrication. There are conflicting reports regarding
the benefit of methyl testosterone and/or testosterone
cream for treatment of inhibited desire and/or
vaginismus in pre-menopausal women. Potential benefits
of this therapy include increased clitoral
sensitivity, increased vaginal lubrication, increased
libido, and heightened arousal. Potential side effects
of testosterone administration, either topical or
oral, include weight gain, clitoral enlargement,
increased facial hair, and high cholesterol.

The only FDA approved testosterone replacement for
women is a drug called Estratest made by Solvay
Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Estratest is indicated for the management of moderate
to severe vasomotor symptoms associated with menopause
in patients who do not respond to estrogens alone.
This hormone combination contains esterified estrogens
(a type of estrogen) with Methyltestosterone (a type
of androgen) in one pill. Estratest is available in
two dosage strengths:

The half-strength formulation, contains 0.625 mg of
Esterified Estrogens and 1.25 of Methyltestosterone.
The full strength formula contains 1.25 mg of
Esterified Estrogens and 2.5 mg of Methyltestosterone.

Andro Infusion
Testosterone does for women what Viagra does for men.
And Mass Quantities Andro Infusion is a testosterone
stack in a capsule. Andro Infusion is a powerful
composite of the 2 most beneficial second-generation
testosterone steroid precursors, 4-Androstenediol and
5-Androstenediol. - a radical improvement over the
first-generation androstenedione used in most
companies' Andro products.

These two testosterone steroid precursors are fused
with the proven Maximum Enzyme Delivery System or MED
System that Mass Quantities pioneered with its Norabol
product. Superior steroid precursors and MED System
technology guarantees the greatest amount of
testosterone conversion and absorption with the fewest
unwanted side effects. Women should not take the same
dosage of Andro Infusion as men. For increasing the
libido, a single capsule taken an hour before
intercourse on an empty stomach should do the trick.
To read more about Mass Quantities Andro Infusion,
click here.

If a woman has normal estrogen and testosterone
levels, a lack of sexual desire might be psychological
in nature. Even mild depression can have profound
effects on sexual desire. Wellbutrin and in particular
Wellbutrin SR (the SR stands for slow release) has
been shown to alleviate depression. But where as the
SSRI's (the Prozac family) can interfere with sexual
function and actually make things worse, Wellbutrin is
almost completely free of sexual side effects. In
clinical trials, Wellbutrin also promoted weight loss,
so it might be the ideal medication to consider if
depression is related to poor body image.

Mass Quantities Tribulus Gold, has long been used by
male athletes to raise their natural testosterone
levels. But where the male would take three capsules
per day, the female would only want to take one.
Tribulus exerts its effect on lutenizing hormone
production, which stimulates the production of
testosterone. Many women have reported that Tribulus
Gold had a profound effect on libido. And it is a safe
natural way for women to get some of the added
benefits of increased testosterone.