I'm starting a new thread which is comparing IV Anadrol and Balkan pharmacy Anadrol


Registered User
May 3, 2013
Ok so thinks how its going do far
The first few day I used 50mg of iv Anadrol preworkout
Plus another 50 spread throughout the dAy,I felt great.
Then second half of week did 100mg preworkout and 50 throughout the day,felt even better.
Second half if second week raised to 150 preworkout and 50 throughout the day. Was really strong but started to lose my appetite and my lower back started hurting
I stayed with this protocol till the 3rd day of 3rd week.
The appetite got even worse and my lower back seemed to hurt more especially during traps .
By the way I'm up 10 pounds while losing bodyfat but I'm bloated.
3rd day 3rd week switched to Balkan pharmacy Anadrol and will continue using it for 2 weeks total .
The only diff I noticed is I'm more nauseas than before not sure if it had anything to do with switch but ill update again in 2 weeks
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Aug 23, 2013
Los Angeles
I hope the anadrol works well for you. I myself just don't like the sides from anadrol. The Loss of appetite is the worst. I don't run Orals any more but if I was going to I would run dbol because it just makes me feel great


AnaSCI VIP / Donating Member
Oct 29, 2012
Keep Us posted I love those Balkans and always wondered about the IV


Nov 11, 2012
Mûnich , Germany
Yepp both are good , and anadrol needs constant fuel even if loss of appetite and when u don't eat enough is when the nausea happens.
Force feed like bazooka joe does, when u are full eat another plate full..


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 10, 2012
Yepp both are good , and anadrol needs constant fuel even if loss of appetite and when u don't eat enough is when the nausea happens.
Force feed like bazooka joe does, when u are full eat another plate full..

I'm using it while restricting calories and I always have to have a snack handy or i feel like upchucking.


Registered User
May 3, 2013
I'm still getting in between 4-500 grams of protein a day.
since the nausea started hitting me I decided to lean out a bit but I'm still gaining weight I'm sure its alot of water but I'm def taking in enough protein to grow and I'm losing bodyfat in the process.
I'm hoping to hold off for another 3 weeks of Balkan pharmacy drol.
So far its basically the same , I'm a little more nauseous and have less of an appetite but that could be cause I'm on the end of week 3.
Then if I can make it another 3 weeks of drol all the inj will be kicking in as well and.im gonna switch to dbol since that makes me feel great,I have both metatest and iv dboll so I'm not sure if ill mix the 2 or just do straight oral dbol.
That. Decision will be made at a later date,
Wish me luck.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Stupid idea for effectively comparing the two. When on a none restrictive diet most of adrols effects are seen in the first 3 weeks and it's side effects get worst week after week. In fact most of it's effects (weight increase) will be seen in the first 10 days. Therefore whatever you start week 3 is never gonna do as well. The body can only put on some much weight (water) in a matter of weeks. Your on a big dose too... on that dose most would feel pretty shit by week 3 and that will only get worse. A better experiment would be 3-4 weeks of 1 brand then literally 2-3 months off and 3-4 weeks of another brand.

Liver toxicity is often exaggerated but doing 6 weeks of adrol then straight onto dbol is another stupid idea. I don't mean to be offensive but I just think you could have planned this out better.


Registered User
May 3, 2013
Stupid idea for effectively comparing the two. When on a none restrictive diet most of adrols effects are seen in the first 3 weeks and it's side effects get worst week after week. In fact most of it's effects (weight increase) will be seen in the first 10 days. Therefore whatever you start week 3 is never gonna do as well. The body can only put on some much weight (water) in a matter of weeks. Your on a big dose too... on that dose most would feel pretty shit by week 3 and that will only get worse. A better experiment would be 3-4 weeks of 1 brand then literally 2-3 months off and 3-4 weeks of another brand.

Liver toxicity is often exaggerated but doing 6 weeks of adrol then straight onto dbol is another stupid idea. I don't mean to be offensive but I just think you could have planned this out better.

I get bloodwork done often so that's the determining factor.
I can't really see a diff between the 2 and yes the sides are starting to outweigh the gains.
I'm gonna finish off this week with Anadrol then if blood works ok I'm gonna switch to dbol cause I love the way I feel on it.
You said switching Orals us a stupit idea but 8 weeks if Orals or even 12 is no big deAl,there's people staying on tren for a year at 100mg a day and I feel tren is worse off on your body than Orals are .
We both gave opinions but I've been in this game for over 25 years with no health problems but my injurys from a debilitating car accident.
so I know my away around by now.
anyway this is week 4 so at the end if the week ill have bloodwork done and if in check which mist likely is since I've stayed on Orals due a year straight before(not suggesting it)with no liver or cholesterol problems and if course the rest of the panel being ok.
I don't have a choice I must have bloodwork cause of my meds for pAin,also I have an EKG and sonogram done every 8 weeks.so I'm covered to make sure my health is in check and not just being reckless.
Ill keep you updated and I don't find your comment offensive if I didn't get all these tests done I'd prob say the same thing to myself,lol..
anyway ill update you next week guys fir whoevers interested.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I get bloodwork done often so that's the determining factor.
I can't really see a diff between the 2 and yes the sides are starting to outweigh the gains.
I'm gonna finish off this week with Anadrol then if blood works ok I'm gonna switch to dbol cause I love the way I feel on it.
You said switching Orals us a stupit idea but 8 weeks if Orals or even 12 is no big deAl,there's people staying on tren for a year at 100mg a day and I feel tren is worse off on your body than Orals are .
We both gave opinions but I've been in this game for over 25 years with no health problems but my injurys from a debilitating car accident.
so I know my away around by now.
anyway this is week 4 so at the end if the week ill have bloodwork done and if in check which mist likely is since I've stayed on Orals due a year straight before(not suggesting it)with no liver or cholesterol problems and if course the rest of the panel being ok.
I don't have a choice I must have bloodwork cause of my meds for pAin,also I have an EKG and sonogram done every 8 weeks.so I'm covered to make sure my health is in check and not just being reckless.
Ill keep you updated and I don't find your comment offensive if I didn't get all these tests done I'd prob say the same thing to myself,lol..
anyway ill update you next week guys fir whoevers interested.

Nice to see this reply. That's great that you're getting regular bloodwork so at least you know what is doing what. Please do what you feel is right and as you say orals aren't as bad as many think. I do think short bursts are best with orals though so instead of 6 weeks you do 3 on 3 off 3 onto allow effective recovery from any possible toxicity. I think it keeps things running smoother and usually results in less side effects. But you know your body better than anyone else so good to hear your plans and I hope you are pleased with the results. You done orals for a year... wow... thats a long time. Again though everyone responds differently. I know a few people who run silly amounts of orals and seem fine on them. One guy used approx 400mg adrol and 150mg dbol together... doesn't make it right though and that's 100% reckless. Looking forward to the updates :)


Registered User
May 3, 2013
Nice to see this reply. That's great that you're getting regular bloodwork so at least you know what is doing what. Please do what you feel is right and as you say orals aren't as bad as many think. I do think short bursts are best with orals though so instead of 6 weeks you do 3 on 3 off 3 onto allow effective recovery from any possible toxicity. I think it keeps things running smoother and usually results in less side effects. But you know your body better than anyone else so good to hear your plans and I hope you are pleased with the results. You done orals for a year... wow... thats a long time. Again though everyone responds differently. I know a few people who run silly amounts of orals and seem fine on them. One guy used approx 400mg adrol and 150mg dbol together... doesn't make it right though and that's 100% reckless. Looking forward to the updates :)

Yes there was a guy on this board I think running 400mg drol a day not sure if he's on dbol also.
I'm getting Nauseous on 200mg total a day,u do take less on non- training days, usually around 100mg total a day.

dbol seems to affect me the best both positively and negatively .
Positive I feel euphoric all day long,I feel like life is great and have awesome workouts.also makes me grow even better than drol.
Everyone is effected differently.
This is my first real drol I've taken since the 90s and both are def real and compareable
Negatives to dbol that debilitating lower back pain,that makes it so painful I need to sit .
Other than that can't say it effects me negatively in any other manner.

Hopefully bloodwork come back normal cause I'm thinking of taking 2ccs a day of metatest on workout days and oral dbol on days off ,this will be fun cause it will be the beginning of week 5 so the rest if the gear should kick in,can't wait to see where this takes me


Registered User
May 3, 2013
I noticed the more I stayed on Balkan pharmacy Anadrol the water weight started disappearing ,so its very possible that the first brand could of been dbol ,or could of just been since my carbs were so low I started losing water,so I'm going to have to try Balkan pharmacy Anadrol for 3 weeks on its own later down the road to really compare.
I stopped after 4 weeks and am taking a break from Orals since my cycle kicked in and in still really strong ,so my next experiment is the inj dbol and test suspension stack taken an hour to an hour and a half before gym only but this will wait to give my liver a rest.
Will get bloodwork before I start up the dbol combo .
See where liver and cholesterol and the rest of the panel the dr gives me come back within normal range
sucks he don't carry aramosin (exemestane )
I might just get pharm grade since liquid isn't an option for me,don't trust them being accurate


Registered User
May 3, 2013
I will have to do another run to make sure,cause once I started the Balkan pharmacy drol the water weight started coming off and I got more nautious .
I was on I.V drol for about 3 weeks and the water weight and back pumps were bad.
The only real way to tell is given body some rest from the orAls.
Later on I will do 3 weeks of just Balkan pharmacy because there's no way I was making another 3 weeks,my piss started Snelling bad and the color was weird so that tells me my liver was stressed and I need a break .
I need to start fresh further down the line so I can make a fair assumption .
anyway the rest of the cycle kicked on and I'm even stronger than while on the Orals.
I'm kind if happy that the drol made me loss my appetite for the 4 weeks,cause now my stomach shrunk and its easier to stay on a low carb diet.
I was going to bulk but it turned into a cutting cycle,lol.


AnaSCI VIP / Donating Member
Oct 29, 2012
I just started some Balkan Anadrol 9 days ago. Strength is INSANE and I'm already busting out of my shirts.

I tried the batch I got for 3 days and they seemed amazing I'll be throwing them in the cycle in the next week or so