If this aint bullshit, then i dont know..

Robin Hood

Registered User
Sep 18, 2004
Here is something i read in an article posted on the web...This is the most bullshit i have EVER read... :twisted:

--Why Do People Abuse Anabolic Steroids?--

One of the main reasons people give for abusing steroids is to improve their performance in sports. Among competitive bodybuilders, steroid abuse has been estimated to be very high. Among other athletes, the incidence of abuse probably varies depending on the specific sport.

Another reason people give for taking steroids is to increase their muscle size and/or reduce their body fat. This group includes some people who have a behavioral syndrome (muscle dysmorphia) in which a person has a distorted image of his or her body. Men with this condition think that they look small and weak, even if they are large and muscular. Similarly, women with the syndrome think that they look fat and flabby, even though they are actually lean and muscular.

Some people who abuse steroids to boost muscle size have experienced physical or sexual abuse. They are trying to increase their muscle size to protect themselves. In one series of interviews with male weightlifters, 25 percent who abused steroids reported memories of childhood physical or sexual abuse, compared with none who did not abuse steroids. In a study of women weightlifters, twice as many of those who had been raped reported using anabolic steroids and/or another purported muscle-building drug, compared to those who had not been raped. Moreover, almost all of those who had been raped reported that they markedly increased their bodybuilding activities after the attack. They believed that being bigger and stronger would discourage further attacks because men would find them either intimidating or unattractive.

Finally, some adolescents abuse steroids as part of a pattern of high-risk behaviors. These adolescents also take risks such as drinking and driving, carrying a gun, not wearing a helmet on a motorcycle, and abusing other illicit drugs.

While conditions such as muscle dysmorphia, a history of physical or sexual abuse, or a history of engaging in high-risk behaviors may increase the risk of initiating or continuing steroid abuse, researchers agree that most steroid abusers are psychologically normal when they start abusing the drugs.

here is the url---> http://www.steroids.org/whydo.htm


Steroid Nazi
Jan 25, 2004
The shadows of your mind
See. This is exactly why I would never participate in a study to educate the masses.
Who gives a crap what the masses think? Does anyone really believe that educating the masses will cause steroids to be legalized?

Let them drown in their own ignorance.

Robin Hood

Registered User
Sep 18, 2004
All i know why I like BBuilding, is because it looks f'n good on a human..Since childhood i wanted to look like Hercules....not because i was abused or whatever, but because the guy looked fucken FANTASTIC!!.......I just use steroids to help me get that look quicker....thats all....Also, i think a person actually respects your body more as well, now that you can actually see WHAT it can also give you :)


Sep 19, 2004
That sounds like some freshmen in college had a hard on for an A in his nutrition class. I laugh at them all.


Perfection Personifide
Dec 7, 2004
I was this guys case study...he interviewed me and i told him everything. lol


im going to be a little different here and say that to some extent, i agree with the study. now that being said, i also will say that all studies can be totally controlled based on who you interview or study. if you only approach people who were sexually abused and ask if they take steroids and then ask why, im sure these are the kinds of results you will get.
lets face it, steroids make us big and strong, with that comes more self respect and an improved attitude which, if you were someone who was picked on or abused at an early age, would make a tremendous difference. alot of people who were picked on when they were young or abused, lack any kind of self confidence later in life and what better way to change that then to make yourself big and strong enough so that you dont feel threatened anymore by others?
how can i say this? i was one of those small guys in school who was picked on all the time by people bigger than me which didnt take much since i was only 5'6" & about 110lbs when i graduated. once i started weight training and grew both in size and strength, my self confidence changed for the better also which has made a huge difference in my life.


Steroid Nazi
Jan 25, 2004
The shadows of your mind
pincrusher said:
how can i say this? i was one of those small guys in school who was picked on all the time by people bigger than me which didnt take much since i was only 5'6" & about 110lbs when i graduated. once i started weight training and grew both in size and strength, my self confidence changed for the better also which has made a huge difference in my life.
Welcome to the club. I was 6' tall and weighed 150 when I graduated. I had a 28" waist. I was still the same size when I went into the military a year and a half later. People see me now at 240 and say, man you must have played football in High School. They almost fall over when I tell them I was too skinny.

The funny thing is most of the guys I know who played football in High School are all fat and overweight now. Their lives pretty much ended after school.

Robin Hood

Registered User
Sep 18, 2004
Well, i'm sure you guys know how SMALL i actually am, but funny it doesn't bug me one bit..Even at school i was never bullied....( Think i was stronger in the head than they were...lol )...My philosophy is, you may be small on the outside, but big on the inside, and visa versa....but i must admit...BBuilding DOES give you one hell of a mental boost though :)


Sep 19, 2004
Pincrusher, I have to disagree with you. Who didn't get picked on when they were young. I don't think this has any relation to why we do what we do. As if we were going to track down the old class bully and kick his ass for old times sake. I don't think anyone wakes up in the morning and says, "man I'm gonna do steroids because...." It is a natural progression that occurs within a weightlifters lifestyle. JMHO
As far as pro atheletes who take them to "enhance their performance." What a waist of time.


Steroid Nazi
Jan 25, 2004
The shadows of your mind
Blackbird said:
Pincrusher, I have to disagree with you. Who didn't get picked on when they were young. I don't think this has any relation to why we do what we do. As if we were going to track down the old class bully and kick his ass for old times sake. I don't think anyone wakes up in the morning and says, "man I'm gonna do steroids because...." It is a natural progression that occurs within a weightlifters lifestyle. JMHO
As far as pro atheletes who take them to "enhance their performance." What a waist of time.
Blackbird I would have to disagree with your disagreement. At least a little bit.
First, we are who we are. What that means is some people are born bullys or predators and if it's not beaten out of them at an early age (oops, I meant to say if their behavior isn't modified at an early age), they never change. Even though some of us got picked on when we were younger, it doesn't mean that we were motivated to grow huge muscles so we could get even. However, it could have contributed to our desire to be big enough to earn the type of respect that bullys look for easier targets. I am not the kind of person to go looking for people to dominate to feel better about myself. Getting bigger did not change that. On the other hand, if I were to meet you or Pincrusher in the gym, I would venture to say there would be an automatic unearned respect between us just because we recognize each other as fellow lifters.


Sep 19, 2004
I respect everyone's opinion on this board. DR, PC, well said, and you both are very well thouhgt out, anti muscle heads. I simply look at it this way, this study was like a handful of buckshot thrown in the air with the hopes of hitting something.Not much thought in the old "distorted body image" theory.
Or maybe as a writer I am just offended by fluff like this.


just think, for every study that comes out stating one thing, soon after a different study will come out saying the opposite.
right now steroids are a very big issue with the media. i dont believe it is as much of an issue with the general public though because most people understand the reasons why professional sports players juice, because the public demands an ever increasing performance. would baseball have made the big comeback it did after their last strike if it wasnt for a handfull of guys juicing and creating the great homerun race a few years ago?
i find it funny how the media wants us to believe that only a few baseball players juice, but why is it that every year there are 2-3 guys in the homerun derby who were not known for their power beforehand. how is it that there are infielders leading the homerun chase nowadays when before it was unheardof to have an infielder hitting for power? steroids has changed the progression of baseball in a way that pleases the people who watch it so why ruin that?
like i have stated before and will continue to stae, you will never reduce the amount of kids taking steroids in school without mandatory testing, unfortunately the president is so busy hamering the pro's that he will not acknowledge this fact!!!!!!!! no test=no stopping the use


Sep 19, 2004
Now we agree 100%. Even before I used I wanted to see bigger players hit further, harder, throw longer, jump faster whatever. I sometimes show my hand when the debate on steroids comes up and I let people know how I really feel.Crusher, you touched on this, but again it is the hypocrisy of the media that fuels this argument. For the six oclock highlight reels steroids work for America. However it is a completely different story at nine oclock when they are telling parents how to raise their children.

Robin Hood

Registered User
Sep 18, 2004
Would you guys believe me if i tell you i actually feel "weird" when ppl start to look at me with sorta "respect"....it makes me feel "uneasy", because i'm not a type of person who like to look "down" on someone else....if you know what i mean..Sometimes, i actually feel kinda "out"......is this normal??...lol


Feb 6, 2004
Studies are like assholes, everbody has one. They can be manipulated to what you want them to say. I'm sure some took steroids because they were small and wanted to be bigger. I was one of the toughest guys in high school and always had a great build from lifting, running and swimming. I just wanted to be bigger. Each person has their own reasons. Also, who the fuck says we are abusing the steroids??? I surely dont think I do. Yes, some take ridiculous doses that could be called abuse, but just because you take steroids doesnt mean you are abusing them. Just because you drink wine or a beer on occasion doesnt mean you abuse it. If your lying in the gutter each morning with a hang over and not knowing how you got there, thats called abuse. These dickheads that write these articles/studies are always trying to slant them to their perspective.