

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Hi all I don't post much but do more reading trying to learn. I've been back to working out a little over a year , I've had some successes with it and some setbacks I've really tried to use the first year back as an experimental time to see what works best and it has worked well for that. I started out over 250 and a fat ass and now re comped to between 200 with decent abs and 220 and can see where they are depending on the diet I'm running at the time. Its seems no matter how I try to cycle carbs I add ,not a ton but some mid section fat, I'm pretty sure upping the cardio and getting on a good cycle will change this I respond very well to low amounts of gear without a lot of sides.

Were I'm headed with this is my schedule is going to change over the next month dramatically and I wont have much control over it and honestly my lift sessions are my only true enjoyment and peace I get so I'm not giving them up.

I have been putting together a complete 20 or so week winter run, and with the changed schedule I'll only have a full day of my own every 5 days and depending on who I go with I will be working 12 to 18 hrs the other days, if I get lucky and get the 12hr shifts I think I could make the gym everyday with a little effort. If I dont what do you guys think about maybe cardio and core ,maybe dumbell work on working days and then on my day off work a full body till fail routine. I am pretty sure I can keep the diet dead on point because I will be busy all the time and when its time to eat force it and go. The work out is what has me worried because like I say to me its what I enjoy about body building , don't get me wrong we all want to look good but tearing up the weight is were its at for me personally.

any and all recommendations will be appreciated


Feb 7, 2013
I kinda think I know what you're asking - but not entirely sure. Are you wanting to put together a 20 week plan?


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
I kinda think I know what you're asking - but not entirely sure. Are you wanting to put together a 20 week plan?

mainly a way to address the workout side of it and not loose gains I would have made with a normal 3on 1 off routine , I have a pretty good handle on what the gear /supps will be and really my only question on the diet would be that with the extra 12 to 16 hr work days and running a heavy cycle just how monstrous do I need to eat.

But having said that I more than welcome all suggestions on it from gear to food to the workouts because I'm sure I'm not an expert yet lol


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
I think really I'm looking as much here for whats not a good Idea as much as a good way to fit in the work. I don't want to waste the whole winter going about it wrong. What I'm thinking at this point is say mon cardio and back ext,tue cardio and abs, wed,thur,and fri repeat, and each day try to fit in different dumbell work because I can keep adjustable bells with me , then on sat hit the gym and do an entire top to bottom workout by splitting it into different body part workouts split to different parts of the day, say chest/shoulders/tri morning , legs midday, back/bis evening. Then on the seventh day start over.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
I have a little more time now so I will add to the post by saying I'm not really looking for someone to spoon feed me a workout ,over the last year I've pretty much figured out what works for me and how long it will work before I change out to different lifting styles. I am more hopeing some of the guys that have run long cycles on bad schedules could share what worked or didn't work for them.

When I say I'm planning a heavier 20 week cycle I also dont me some boston loyd nonsense ,I plan to cycle several things in and out over about twenty weeks and then drop back to my normal trt dose of test. at time the doses will be moderately high but nothing like a veteran high dose.


Jun 10, 2013
What does ur cycle plan look like? I am working 12-14 hrs a day and still find time to workout. Some days might be longer but those days I take a day off. Eating clean when its not prepared for you already is hard believe me I know. I'm curious as to what and how many mgs u plan on running. So lay it out for us


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
I am a little worried about the meals also because I have turned the long hr days before myself but I ate like an idiot back then, so what I'm hoping to do is cook up ahead if I can land shift work but if I'm not on shit work I could be stuck in the field till my day off and that will make it a ton harder I'm guessing.

I wont through out cycle plans in open forum but I will shoot you an email


Jun 10, 2013
I'm currently in a similar situation but I don't get the luxury of shift. Read this http://anasci.org/vB/showthread.php?p=243938

Plus in my days off I usually spend up to 12 half on Saturday half on Sunday driving to see my family. I have laundry and other shit to do a little more important than prepping all my meals for the week. Currently working 6 days a week between 72-88 hrs a week. So between that and working out, sleeping, commuting back and forth to work, work, and eating. I really have no free time to spend a few hours prepping for the week. I wish I could find somewhere to send me prepacked meals cheap. Everywhere I find is more outrageous than gear and growth. Needless to say I'll just use my per diem and try and buy healthy food.

Remember where there's a will there's a way


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
I thought about trying to find someone to pay to prep meals but I'm really waiting to see if I can land shift work because if I dont get shifts I'm probably gonna be in the same boat as you are.

I fully agree with the were theres a will theres a way because I will do it regardless.


Jun 10, 2013
I just am trying to bounce ideas off people on what's the healthiest places to eat. Basically all I was doing in my thread.

As far as gear usage no one hear will bash you for high doses. This ain't pm where everyone runs high doses they're just to scared to actually say what they run. Hell me personally I've ran well over a gram of test alone with other compounds on top of that. My best gains were from running extremely high doses for long periods of time. So don't be bashful their might be one or two guys who say something, but not to many.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Its not really about bashing its just more a personal choice . I welcome constructive criticizem and even a jab here and there. I think without it a person would be to closed minded to learn, as for bashing I generally just don't pay it much mind because it hinders learning and waiste time.

I have to this point tried to base most of what I've done off blood test and what results I got so I'm sure at some point that will lead to pretty high doses with me.Its more a question what I need to get the right result rather than how high my dose is if that makes sense.


Feb 7, 2013
Honestly there is no need to "prep meals"

This concept kills me- this is only something you do if you can't manage to work with bland foods.

Meaning- you can buy two rotisserie chickens a day and what ever carbs you need... I mean you can spend one night a week microwaving 10 lbs of sweet potatoes.

They don't all have to weighed out and portioned perfectly into Tupperware...I mean I can go to almost any salad bar and there is chicken breast there.

Some times when you look in the back of my car you'll see canned black beans with a pull top lid- or the pre strained tuna packs in foil.. And a loaf of wheat bread.. This isn't meal prepping it's just having shit to eat all times

Costco and SAMs club sells big bags of pre cooked and sliced chicken breast.. Throw a cooler in your truck and keep it on ice with some cottage cheese and what ever else.

IMO people way over complicate this issue
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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
that is a good thought I might just figure my macros for the day put all of it in one big salad in a big bowl and just eat on it as I go through the day because really at this point I dont really eat for taste its more to fill macros