i would like diet/training advice please :)


New member
Jan 25, 2013
hey everyone. I copied this over from my introduction post and it was suggested that I post on the nutrition section in order to get more views and possibly more feedback. I guess this is both nutrition and training but I didn't want to post all over the place and be a forum whore. ;)

Soooo...if anyone sees any holes in my diet or exercise plan, please offer your opinions and/or facts. I'm going for weight loss overall, and hoping to lose as little muscle in the process.

If you need to know more about me in order to better help, you can check out my post in the introductions section or else ask here or PM me.

I appreciate it in advance!

Great post man! I think you're right about a trip to the doctor being in order. I'm sure my test levels are low due to obvious circumstances.

I think my diet is okay now, if not good. I'm eating almost all whole foods right now and my macronutrient intake is around 45 percent protein, 30 percent fat and 25 percent carbs.

I'm on a 5 day weight training program now with volume being the focus. Warm up cardio each lifting day. And a full day of just cardio. Looks like this:

Monday - chest/tris
Tuesday - back/bis
Wednesday - shoulders and moderate cardio
Thursday - legs
Friday - cardio day
Saturday - light cardio
Sunday - off day

I'd like to work on more deadlifting and squatting but I'm not sure how to incorporate them yet.

My regular diet looks roughly like this:

Breakfast (right away) - a meat of some kind (usually chicken breast but once a week lean beef), brown rice or sweet potato, banana

Snack - usually cottage cheese and/or a fruit

Lunch - A meat of some kind. Mostly chicken breast. Sometimes salmon or tuna. Usually broccoli.

Snack (usually also my post workout meal) - lean protein supplement (right now, Titan is the brand) and/or a couple hard boiled eggs (i eat the yolk, is this good or bad?)

Dinner - i try to make this mostly just meat. tuna or chicken

I ingest right around 2300 calories per day and I have kept a pretty strict diary and such since the first of the year.

As far as soda and candy, I don't eat/drink either one of those things. I allow myself a little bit of a cheat each saturday. a pint of ice cream or maybe a baconator but not a whole day. just one really crappy food at a time. lol

Let me know if you have any input on this. Thanks again!



Nov 11, 2012
Mûnich , Germany
Hell Dimmak that's looking great as you are just getting back into the swing a things.. Just wanted to ask if had any blood checked for anything from chloresterol to just general health . It's kinda important and I know it's money out etc ..
The whole egg is great.. Normal body hormone needs some cholesterol for perfect function and yolks got a bad rapp from some food guru I think.. There's a forum area that talks about whole eggs so kinda look around on anasci .lemme know if u can't find..
As far as dead and squats .. How bout you start by getting your core( lower back , abs ) in strong form by doing reverse hyperextentions, crunches, machine back exercises etc eod start out slow ..and maybe start out super light so form is spot on so you can squat and dead forever .. Nothin worse than a back injury so protect it . Not sure of what the gym you train has for equipment but some leg machines offer great movement and helps build balance type muscles. And do inner and outer thighs on the machine .. It's not just for girls.. It's a great way to build leg strength.. Kinda see my ramblings ?
Sure I prob forgot something and a brutha or more here will add to it.
Eat more fresh greens . Filling and fiber , the diet mans best friend.. Thanks ..


New member
Jan 25, 2013
Hell Dimmak that's looking great as you are just getting back into the swing a things.. Just wanted to ask if had any blood checked for anything from chloresterol to just general health . It's kinda important and I know it's money out etc ..
The whole egg is great.. Normal body hormone needs some cholesterol for perfect function and yolks got a bad rapp from some food guru I think.. There's a forum area that talks about whole eggs so kinda look around on anasci .lemme know if u can't find..
As far as dead and squats .. How bout you start by getting your core( lower back , abs ) in strong form by doing reverse hyperextentions, crunches, machine back exercises etc eod start out slow ..and maybe start out super light so form is spot on so you can squat and dead forever .. Nothin worse than a back injury so protect it . Not sure of what the gym you train has for equipment but some leg machines offer great movement and helps build balance type muscles. And do inner and outer thighs on the machine .. It's not just for girls.. It's a great way to build leg strength.. Kinda see my ramblings ?
Sure I prob forgot something and a brutha or more here will add to it.
Eat more fresh greens . Filling and fiber , the diet mans best friend.. Thanks ..

Thanks man. Appreciate the input tons!!!

To answer your questions:

I did have a physical about 9 months ago for my job. The doctor specifically said that everything looks pretty good except for the obvious fact that I'm overweight and he also said that my blood pressure is a little high but actually lower than he would have expected for someone my size. I don't remember the actual number. I just promised him I would start exercising and stop drinking energy drinks. ;) I don't remember what my cholesterol was at but I'm guessing it wasn't a concern since he didn't mention it as a problem area.

I did forget to mention that I do abs once a week. I have P90X and use the Ab Ripper dvd. The "gym" I train at is barely that. It's just the fitness center at my place of work. Pretty limited for overall equipment. Plenty of free weights though. Not much for machines. Nothing for abs. That said, I do have a membership to Anytime Fitness, so I will go there now. I didn't see much need for it so far because I'm not a big fan of machines. I prefer free weights. Maybe that's the wrong attitude on my part.

I'll look around for the eggs post. I've been pecking at some articles everyday since I joined. I'm actually very glad to have run into this site. TONS of great info!

Let me know if you need further info. As I said before, I'm glad to provide anything that would help you guys help me!

Thanks again, Iron! Very useful!


Nov 11, 2012
Mûnich , Germany
Ok great! Sometimes machines can be beneficial for finishing type movements to end a free weight type workout. Also sometime being around other people, and many will say I'm crazy, it helps to obtain a outlook like I better get my ass to the gym or so and so will say I'm slacking so you go and skip watching the news at home.. Anytime should have free and machined weights and if it's closeby home use it.. Free is good.. I'm cheap.. Lol.. I know many here hate the health club style but hey you're getting back into the swing a things and the many variations of equipment will keep a person interested to the point you really see some change and never stop. I'm sure your bp will drop like a rock after a few months from the gym so sounds not a big issue. You sound pretty healthy otherwise.. So are u a red bull or monster energy drinker. Glad u mellowed on those . Lotta sugar.. But hey can't stop all the good things in life cause thats not living.. Thanks and Keep pounding steel..


Super Moderator - RIP
Nov 18, 2012
T levels etc should be checked . Not sure if you've cycled . If you have and had
a mediocre pct the condition you described yourself getting into seems to indicate that possiblilty(low test, maybe high E etc). Excess adipose accumulation, depresiion , lethergy, etc.
If you have the means do so. If you have insurance you can tell your doc very low libido and depression. If he is worth a shit he will order an endo panel.
keep your resistance training in there to keep your set point from dropping further. Lot's of low intensity cardio. Ramp up the intensity slowly as your condition improves. Try to keep insulin spikes minimal in your carb selections.
Anything simple and fast - post w/o. Cut those carbs several hrs before bed.
I would greatly increase your cardio frequency. I would do other back work for a bit before getting too far into dling. Your biomechanics will improve greatly
as you drop more wt. Deadlitfing is usually not very natural feeling when you are very over wt . What again was your wt peak and where is your wt now?
How much more you guesstimate needs to go away?
Good luck . Know that we're in your corner.. Thanks, T


New member
Jan 25, 2013
What again was your wt peak and where is your wt now?
How much more you guesstimate needs to go away?
Good luck . Know that we're in your corner.. Thanks, T

Thanks for the input Turbo!

My peak weight was around 360 at the first of the year. I'm at 351 right now. I weighed 238 in my best health and I would estimate I could have dropped another 20 pounds maybe and been in the neighborhood of 10% bf there. I was at either 13.5% or 15.3% back then. I don't remember for sure.

I think going to the doctor to get some labs done sounds like a better idea all the time.


New member
Jan 25, 2013
Ok great! Sometimes machines can be beneficial for finishing type movements to end a free weight type workout. Also sometime being around other people, and many will say I'm crazy, it helps to obtain a outlook like I better get my ass to the gym or so and so will say I'm slacking so you go and skip watching the news at home.. Anytime should have free and machined weights and if it's closeby home use it.. Free is good.. I'm cheap.. Lol.. I know many here hate the health club style but hey you're getting back into the swing a things and the many variations of equipment will keep a person interested to the point you really see some change and never stop. I'm sure your bp will drop like a rock after a few months from the gym so sounds not a big issue. You sound pretty healthy otherwise.. So are u a red bull or monster energy drinker. Glad u mellowed on those . Lotta sugar.. But hey can't stop all the good things in life cause thats not living.. Thanks and Keep pounding steel..

Iron, thanks again sir.

I certainly don't hate machine weights. In fact, they make me feel stronger since I can push higher numbers. lol. But yes, I get what you are saying. I'll get my ass to an actual gym for those and for competition. ;)

I was a Monster guy. Now, it's one cup of black coffee in the morning (evening technically for me since I work nights) and then plain ole water the rest of the day. I sneak a unsweetened, home brewed green tea in occasionally as well.