I need serious help, please.......

lil hurk

New member
Feb 16, 2006
First off, I am 5'10" Hover around 190lbs for the last year or so. I just started a cylce of dbol and test enen almost 2 months ago, and my girlfriend brought me home a nasty virus. Called gastro something. Tou puck and puck and crap for 2 days. I did. Couldn't eat or drink. 2 damn days. I was 205lbs and feeling great. The biggest I've ever been. Now, heres where I need help. I eat all the time. And work out steadily. Now I can not get my chest to grow. I've done many dif programs and still nothing. Everything else grows if I even look at it. But my chest. Shitty. Any ideas? Now for my diet. I eat everything, about every 3 or 4 hours. If it has protein and cals and carbs, I eat. I stay away from fats as much as I can. I eat only the minimum of fats.

Here is what I am thinking of doing for a diet:

1. In the morning, first thing, eat a bowl of go lean cereal. 30g protein 300cals

2. When I get to work, about 1 hour or 2 later, I drink a shake w/ milk. about 40-50g protein 300calories

3. on break 3-4 hours later, eat 6 -8 egg whites while 2 of them are w/ yolks with either a chicken sandwich or a cheeseburger. 50 or so grams of protein and about 400+ cals. +Maybe some oatmeal+

4. Either a steak or some meat with potatoe and green beans or a balanced meal. about 60 g protein and about 600 cals. +fiber

5. I drink another shake w/ milk as I leave from work to the gym. About 40-50g protein 300calories

6. When I get home, eat a peanut/jelly sandwich and a glass of milk before bed.

So, any advice would be helpful. I don't quiet get the whoile diet thing done yet, but I will. I read all the time on this and other forums about dieting. So, I am learning. But please help so I can once again be a better monster.:twisted:


Registered User
May 18, 2005
You need to incorporate more complex carbs, and vegetables...leafy greens, etc. You also need to watch the protein shakes and make sure your getting more protein through meats....fish, turkey, steak, chicken...etc..

No offense but you diet is a mess...


Registered User
Oct 3, 2005
Ontario Canada
Sorry bro I was following your thread and got totally off what you are really requiring. First you said you got sick, then what your chest stopped growing? So to counter this you are asking for dietary advice? Is this correct? Have you simply plateued and you are no longer gaining anywhere or has your chest just stopped growing? I am not sure so please make this more clear, your all over the place in that post.
For diet, it is simple. Eat ever 2 to 3 hours, incorporate lots of complex carbs (like Zaven already said) and complete protiens. Now these are not huge meals, they are small to mid sized meals. Try to get in 6 to 9 a day and that should take care of your caloric needs. Also post workout your body need protien in a quickly absorbed form, ie. whey! You need more calories either way!
If it is training that is causing the stagnation then try to change up your chest routine from what you are currently doing. Muscles usually stop growing because they adapted to the stimulis they are receiving. Change up the stimulis and growth occurs. Rule of thunb use weights that you can rep 4 to 6 times, meaning positive failure in this range.
I hope this helps abit as your questions are all over the place and each section needs to be addressed seperately. More info will help!

lil hurk

New member
Feb 16, 2006
I was saying that I was up to 205, and I got sick. Now that I lost all my wieght, I would like to try a more straight forward diet. Instead of eating everything I see. And I would like to do something about my chest. I should have made it better and easier to read, hell I understand it. Sorry. I've tried everything to get my chest growing. It is very slow. And by the time I get my chest to get near pumped, my shoulders begin hurting. I need more help than just dieting. I also need help on chest. I go heavy.

I usually warm up on incline bench, then go into 10 reps 195lbs. Then I do 8-10 reps of 285. Then I go 305 for 4-6 reps. 315 for 2 and 325 for 1. I really don't feel anything on flat bench. So I don't do it.

Then I go to incline barbell press and go from 55lbs to 100lbs, descending in reps like above. Then I do cable flyes and/or incline cable flyes. Finish with dips or peck deck flyes. I feel the cable flyes. And see most growth with it. I do do afew other little things, like an incline reverse barbell press?(hands left hanging to the sides, then slowly raise to chest level bringing the barbells together while squeezing the chest) Understand. Its hard to explain. I usually do it every 3rd day. I work my back out along with my chest and my bis. Then the next day I do everything else and keep the same routine. My body likes the abuse but my chest never grows. The harder I work my back and arms and legs, the bigger and stronger it gets. So now you have all that, why is my chest lagging. I have changed my chest routine before and still no response. This is the only thing that I can do to get it to grow. Hope this helps.


Registered User
Oct 3, 2005
Ontario Canada
Well first of all incline will use alot more front delt then flat bench, so your weaker body part will exhaust before your stronger one will. Even though you say you feel little from bench, do it anyways! You are doing almost all incline, you need to stick to the basics. Bench, incline are the most important chest exercises by far, but one without the other is leaving half your chest largely unworked.
Also your sets are more geared towards powerlifting then bodybuilding. Stick with the 4-6 rep range, that is where the muscle grows and gets stronger! 3 working sets (not including warmup and acclimation sets) max per excerise. Since you get the 4-6 with 305, then that is your set weight, until you can do it for more than 8 then increase the weight.
Lastly, if I read it right, you are training your chest every 3rd day, so sometime 2-3 times a week...thats overtraining! Once per week to positive exhaustion (were you cannot complete the rep, no forced reps) per set! Rest is right up there with eating and training, you cannot overlook it.

Now about your diet, as I said before make sure you are eating every 2-3 hours and you shall satisfy your caloric needs. If you are still growing everywhere else and your weight is consistantly going up then that is a sign that you are eating enough to grow. This indicates it is not a problem with diet (even though the diet you posted does look deficient!)

Anyways stick to the basics and you will see a vast improvement, and make sure you do not over train, more is not necessarily better! I hope this helps!

lil hurk

New member
Feb 16, 2006
Ok. I will do flat bench. And some decline. I do inclines because that is where my chest really lacks. I am almost flat. So, basiclly, 2 times a week and rest. It just seems, the more I work it out, the bigger it gets. Thats why I do it so often. But, I'll try and the diet, I'll add more food and greens. Thanks for the help.


Registered User
Oct 3, 2005
Ontario Canada
lil hurk said:
Ok. I will do flat bench. And some decline. I do inclines because that is where my chest really lacks. I am almost flat. So, basiclly, 2 times a week and rest. It just seems, the more I work it out, the bigger it gets. Thats why I do it so often. But, I'll try and the diet, I'll add more food and greens. Thanks for the help.

No worries bro give it a try you will know in a couple weeks if it is working or not!


New member
Jul 21, 2005
most important is to not wory about the weight you are useing, its all about the sqeeze, in my earlier days I used to ego lift alot, and got my bench up to a 465 max, its is not until I went lighter and concentrated on the contraction of the muscle is when my chest truely started to grow. You wont be able to lift as heavy weight sqeezing hard on every rep, because you are actually recruting more fibers, thus doing more work, than just throwing up heavy weight, this is bodybuilding not powerlifting. Try this and you will grow, then if you want to go back to heavy ego lifting you will be even stronger than you were before.


Registered User
Oct 3, 2005
Ontario Canada
TrainerDave said:
most important is to not wory about the weight you are useing, its all about the sqeeze, in my earlier days I used to ego lift alot, and got my bench up to a 465 max, its is not until I went lighter and concentrated on the contraction of the muscle is when my chest truely started to grow. You wont be able to lift as heavy weight sqeezing hard on every rep, because you are actually recruting more fibers, thus doing more work, than just throwing up heavy weight, this is bodybuilding not powerlifting. Try this and you will grow, then if you want to go back to heavy ego lifting you will be even stronger than you were before.

Ya there are many methods to any lift, a favorite is the five second rep, takes 5 seconds to complete, 1 stationary then another 5 to return. Tough! You have drop your normal weight in half but it add extra stimulis!

lil hurk

New member
Feb 16, 2006
well, when I lift, I never feel anything. As to squeezing. I have tried to squeeze before and I just didn't feel like it was doing anything. If that is what I need to do, then I will drop the weight, and start squeezing my chest. Is it kind of like squeezing it together, or more less like stretching it out? Thanks


New member
Mar 13, 2006
Bro, you jump around a lot while explaining things. lol.

I would suggest that you start a diet and training log. Those are two of the best things you can do to progress in your training. Instead of saying you eat everything in sight you can tell us exactly what you eat, and how many calories that they contain. You can even give us a breakdown of protein, fats, and carbs. As well as how many sets you did and how many more that you did from the week prior.

If you're progressing in strength the size isn't too far behind...Remember that.


New member
Mar 13, 2006
One other thing - Fats are not necessarily a bad thing. Good fats can really help you progress by packing in the calories as well as provide healthy omega 3,6,9's that raise testosterone and provide heart protection and decrease bad cholesterol and increase the good cholesterol. Olive, grape, flax are all good fats.

Robin Hood

Registered User
Sep 18, 2004
TrainerDave said:
most important is to not wory about the weight you are useing, its all about the sqeeze, in my earlier days I used to ego lift alot, and got my bench up to a 465 max, its is not until I went lighter and concentrated on the contraction of the muscle is when my chest truely started to grow. You wont be able to lift as heavy weight sqeezing hard on every rep, because you are actually recruting more fibers, thus doing more work, than just throwing up heavy weight, this is bodybuilding not powerlifting. Try this and you will grow, then if you want to go back to heavy ego lifting you will be even stronger than you were before.
465???...Shit mate...thats a lot..You must be one HUGE guy.....Did you post any pics of yourself??