I need help!!!


New member
May 9, 2005
well my brother is in my ass to help him out but i'm not sure on how to advise him on this...

he is 28 yrs old 5'9" 135-155lbs he has Cystic fibrobris(sp?) diabeites type 3.
he has a script for test cyp 200mg, GH pre-mixed, and takes slin of course his problem is that out of all the shit hes taking hes not gaining mass @ all. hes ripped to the bone and strong as an ox but as u can see by the LBS he weighs hes not getting bigger. i think that he needs a system/schedule to take all this shit, like GH in the evening, slin after working out test in the morning but i don't know + he wont listen 2 me cause he thinks i don't know shit :confused: oh well.
if any of you experienced players have any suggestions please let me know
if you have any questions, i'll have an answer or ill get it

thanks alot fellas
J.C. ;)


Steroid Nazi
Jan 25, 2004
The shadows of your mind
well my brother is in my ass to help him out but i'm not sure on how to advise him on this...

he is 28 yrs old 5'9" 135-155lbs he has Cystic fibrobris(sp?) diabeites type 3.
he has a script for test cyp 200mg, GH pre-mixed, and takes slin of course his problem is that out of all the shit hes taking hes not gaining mass @ all. hes ripped to the bone and strong as an ox but as u can see by the LBS he weighs hes not getting bigger. i think that he needs a system/schedule to take all this shit, like GH in the evening, slin after working out test in the morning but i don't know + he wont listen 2 me cause he thinks i don't know shit :confused: oh well.
if any of you experienced players have any suggestions please let me know
if you have any questions, i'll have an answer or ill get it

thanks alot fellas
J.C. ;)
It's all about diet.
With steroids or without steroids, with growth hormone or without growth hormone, it still comes down to what you eat.
Look at a fire. Small pieces of wood make a small fire, but the more wood you feed it, the bigger the fire gets...............You have to feed it.
How much GH does he do per day? Growth takes extended periods of time (4 to 6 months) to get growth benefits from it and generally you need over 4 iu's per day. At 4iu's and below you usually don't grow, you only get very lean.


New member
May 9, 2005
well about diet scince he is a type 3 diabetic its real strict and how much this man eats is an understatement he eats 5-6 times a day (we went to the 72oz steakhouse in amarillo tx he ate the whole 72oz + potato + my godfathers potato=insane.so he has a big appitite and a very fast metabolizm but when it comes to shitting he get backed up all the time due to his CF
hes been on GH for about 8 months.
iu's i don't know but i'll find out i think it is 4 iu a day but not sure.

dragon-do you know of any routine if all the above are met?
thanks for the reply

Eating Machine

Registered User
Jun 20, 2005
It is definitely about the food. He needs to make sure that he is getting his 2gram of protein per lb of lean body mass.

If his body is still producing gh then the time of day he wants to take the hgh is imediately upon waking. If he is taking more than 4ius I would split the dosage up administering one upon waking and one at his normal lunch time.

Long estered test like cyp is not sensative to timing of the dose. He should be administering his weekly dose in 2 shots though to help even out blood levels. ex mon, thurs.

The insulin timing is going to be dictated by his diet and he should follow his doctors advice to the "T" on that IMO.

It really is about the food and more specifically the protein.


i have been doing alot of talking with a nutritionist about eating and fast metabolisms and the nutritioist seems to think that if you have a fast metabolism, first order is to slow it down which eating 5-6 meals a day will not do. this nutritionist had people cut back to 3 squares per day and it really helped slow down their metabolism so they could start gaining. i dont know how this would affect the diabetes though so it would have to be something he would need to talk to his doc about.
eating many small meals per day is designed to maintain a higher metabolism because your body knows it gets fuel every few hours but if you slow down on the fueling then the metabolism will also start to slow down.


Registered User
What Pin said is right on the money....it's kinda like shocking your metabolism but your making it reverse and slow down. With the CF he might find himeself still ahving to do a more controlled eating schedule but he cna maintain his diet and also watch his bs for the diabetes. Nutritionist do some amazing things when working with people who have not been fopllowing any kind of schedule...they tend to be the ones who have some of the best results...kinda like reconditioning your body all over again. Md


New member
May 9, 2005
great thought pin! glad your still hanging around.
though it might affect his dib. since he has 2 regulate his blood sugar often
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great thought pin! glad your still hanging around.
though it might affect his dib. since he has 2 regulate his blood sugar often
he will definately need to talk to his doc or nutritionist about this but if he eats 3 main meals and only supplements when necessary to control bloodsugar then it may make a difference. i wish him the best of luck with everything :)