I have become a form snob...


Feb 2, 2013
So, I have always been a stickler for decent technique, I have no issue with a few cheat curls once your arms are fried or even a couple of partials at the end of a set. But all your reps should not look that way.

Now, coming full circle with the emergence of crossfit making squats and deads popular have left my gym lacking enough squat racks for these douche bags. Now, combine that with the fact I have now take up powerlifting so have become even more critical of the guy next to me has transformed me into a form snob.

Example from this past Friday. The gym was pretty dead so I grabbed the power rack and began my workout of pause squat singles working up to a fairly heavy single pause squat. Now, my squats are always at parallel and I use a 2 to 3 second pause in the hole. Now, Sid the super douche or wannabe sets up in the squat rack next to me. I have seen Sid train before...it is irritating just to watch him as he always seams like he is in a hurry and he is bouncy...amped. I have an issue with guys who try to appear like this shit isn't work.

Anyway, the squat rack itself lends itself to half squats since the catches simply will not allow and 6' or shorter to hit parallel. Now, add a high box inside the rack which only allows Sid to go 2/3 rds the way down and your beginning to get the picture. But, it doesn't stop there, he uses the box like a trampoline as he sit back and torques his spine to gain the momentum needed to drive the weight up.

All I can imagine is that Sid the super D is totally impressed with himself as he looks at this hulk next to him to calls it quits with a deep 470 pause and he 50 lbs lighter settles for a 455 bounce squat. I suspect he was pretty proud of himself lol.

Unfortunately, the this dude will never do a meet rather he will impress all his only buddies with his feets of strength.

Told yah I have become a snob,


Mar 22, 2014
I watched a guy set up in the power rack yesterday. Thought he was going to do rack deads. He proceeded to the shortest ROM shrugs I have ever seen with 495.

Not only were they short but it was all bouncing.
:confused: :sFun_duh2:


Registered User
Jan 24, 2013
It is true there are a lot of ignorant people in the gym I just look at them now and just laugh to myself. They think they are really doing something and thinking they are lifting heavy and growing in the gym.


Super Moderator - RIP
Oct 28, 2012
Good story CH... these people get on my nerves too. My pet peave is the deadlifters that "ratchet" the weight up with a nice big bow forward in their spine.

In times like these I think of those great words "You can't fix stupid"


Nov 20, 2012
I watched a guy set up in the power rack yesterday. Thought he was going to do rack deads. He proceeded to the shortest ROM shrugs I have ever seen with 495.

Not only were they short but it was all bouncing.
:confused: :sFun_duh2:

I saw basically the same thing recently. 4 or so plates on each side and didn't have the strength to shrug it. Actually felt sorry for him. I use one or two plates and shrug and hold at the top and contract for at least a 6 count on each and every rep. (Something I learned here on anasci, I might add) You don't need a lot of weight when you do sets of ten with a six count contraction at top of each rep. Sad thing is that some other idiot probably taught him that...


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
I saw basically the same thing recently. 4 or so plates on each side and didn't have the strength to shrug it. Actually felt sorry for him. I use one or two plates and shrug and hold at the top and contract for at least a 6 count on each and every rep. (Something I learned here on anasci, I might add) You don't need a lot of weight when you do sets of ten with a six count contraction at top of each rep. Sad thing is that some other idiot probably taught him that...

The smith machine at my gym has become the go-to apparatus for shrugs for too many guys. They load it up with way too much weight, half rep it, and get a big bounce at the bottom. It's funny to watch, but also a little depressing at the same time.

My form is definitely not perfect, though. So, I probably shouldn't be bashing anyone else's. But, I definitely try to watch my form and be as deliberate as I can be. And it's been paying dividends the last few months.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Feb 19, 2013
midwest usa
My best friend back home was a complete and total form nazi when i trained with him if i didnt do it correctly the rep didnt count period fucking hated him in the gym lol.......having said that when I trained with him I made the best gains Ive ever made in my life in strength and size and had virtually no injuries....those fuckers that bounce their reps out are not only cheating their selves their begging for a serious injury....nothing wrong with being a form nazi hawk


Registered User
Nov 2, 2012
I was never as bad as the examples given, but I had much to learn. A year ago I had a distal biceps rupture. I tore the biceps tendon completely off the bone in the forearm of the left arm. It still does not feel right. I am very paranoid about reinjuring.

A year ago I was doing bent over rows with an underhand grip with 135 lbs. I am getting back into this stuff slowly and weeks ago took an EZ curl bar with twenty pounds on it and did this exercise. I was also slightly more upright than I used to do them. The middle back, lower/mid trapezius, instantly swole up. The pump was crazy and for the first time ever I felt those muscles working and burning. This has made me a believer! I am now looking at doing this with all exercises.


New member
Sep 1, 2014
As a personal trainer I'm in the gym all day and It bothers me to see people putting on 2 times the weight they should be lifting. LOL The form is shit and its crazy looking. Drop the weight work on form. I used to be one of those dushbag guys and I have learned that you get bigger off form then using all that weight.


Super Moderator - RIP
Oct 28, 2012
I do remember this "man-like" chick in the gym I used to train at years ago and she would load up the bar to squat. She put waaaaay too much weight on there. Then she would just barely do a 'squat'. Not even a 1/4 squat. It used to make me nervous as hell to watch because I knew if she went 1 inch too deep she was going to the floor and it was not going to be pretty.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 10, 2012
As a personal trainer I'm in the gym all day and It bothers me to see people putting on 2 times the weight they should be lifting. LOL The form is shit and its crazy looking. Drop the weight work on form. I used to be one of those dushbag guys and I have learned that you get bigger off form then using all that weight.
I learned the hard way. My deadlift form was sloppy and I was laid up for almost a month. Lighter+ great form = progress


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 10, 2012
I do remember this "man-like" chick in the gym I used to train at years ago and she would load up the bar to squat. She put waaaaay too much weight on there. Then she would just barely do a 'squat'. Not even a 1/4 squat. It used to make me nervous as hell to watch because I knew if she went 1 inch too deep she was going to the floor and it was not going to be pretty.


Donating Member
Jan 16, 2014
Island life
:mad:I love to watch the "Lames" they will never go away and they are who keep the gyms open with their monthly payments. An evil necessity.