Husband wants to try steroids. Help me understand.


New member
May 23, 2016
So, my husband is 26 years old, 5'10, 132 lbs, 11% body fat and goes to the gym religiously. Try as he might he can not gain weight. Several guys that he works with take steroids and he's seeing the outcome and wants to try them. Of course, I'm nervous because of all the bad things you hear. I'm trying to do my research but there's a lot of terminology I don't understand so I thought this would be a good source. He's looking to take TEST E 200MG / EQ 200MG but I'm not sure how much or how often he's supposed to take them. I just want to make sure he doesn't over do it. I want to support him but I'm worried about the side effects. Thank you in advance for any information you can give me.


Registered User
Aug 13, 2013
So, my husband is 26 years old, 5'10, 132 lbs, 11% body fat and goes to the gym religiously. Try as he might he can not gain weight. Several guys that he works with take steroids and he's seeing the outcome and wants to try them. Of course, I'm nervous because of all the bad things you hear. I'm trying to do my research but there's a lot of terminology I don't understand so I thought this would be a good source. He's looking to take TEST E 200MG / EQ 200MG but I'm not sure how much or how often he's supposed to take them. I just want to make sure he doesn't over do it. I want to support him but I'm worried about the side effects. Thank you in advance for any information you can give me.
I'd he is going to "do steroids" he should likely do 400mgs a week of test E or C, save eq for 3 or four months later. By the way test , is bio identical to what he already produces, EQ is a HORSE STEROID lol, as a nubie he should sitter clear of that one in my opinion as he likely doesn't need the vascular benefits it provides. His sex drive will boost and he'll put on 20-40 lbs within 3-5 months if he "eats right" and works out hard. It's all about self confidence and vanity, so give him a chance, test won't hurt him in the short term -3-9 months, but that other shit can carry undesirable effects.

So if you want a happier and more confident man and a enhanced sex life, let him give it a go.

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Registered User
Aug 13, 2013
So, my husband is 26 years old, 5'10, 132 lbs, 11% body fat and goes to the gym religiously. Try as he might he can not gain weight. Several guys that he works with take steroids and he's seeing the outcome and wants to try them. Of course, I'm nervous because of all the bad things you hear. I'm trying to do my research but there's a lot of terminology I don't understand so I thought this would be a good source. He's looking to take TEST E 200MG / EQ 200MG but I'm not sure how much or how often he's supposed to take them. I just want to make sure he doesn't over do it. I want to support him but I'm worried about the side effects. Thank you in advance for any information you can give me.
200 Mgs would be more of a therapy dose then "doing stetoids"

Please ask more questions, any of us are happy to help.

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New member
May 23, 2016
Thank you so much for the quick reply!! I'm letting him go for it and he has my full support. I recently has weight loss surgery so who am I to judge? I just like to do my research and understand everything so I'm not stressing about it. And I have a higher sex drive then he does so that's something I'm looking forward to!! .Also, how long do you normally take them? I've seen people say things like "cruising" and "blasting"


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
His diet and training would be the first 2 things to get straightened out. Without a proper diet, any progress he makes when using AAS would be limited, and most likely temporary. Things like that are difficult to do by proxy through a third party. He'd be better off registering here himself and getting some direction first hand. It just makes sure that important details don't get lost in translation.

As far as the side effects of the cycle you outlined, they'd likely be minimal. Oily skin and acne are always a possibility. If you're anything like my g/f, your biggest concern is "roid rage". That's a mostly fictional side effect that remains part of the stigma associated with steroid use due to constant reinforcement by the media. The media frankly doesn't care if the "information" they disseminate to the public is accurate, or even true. The basic truth is that if your b/f is already an asshole, he might become a little more of an asshole. This effect is also very individualized. My g/f has never been able to tell if I'm on cycle or not.

Also, his balls will likely shrink. This is temporary and not a big deal. I prefer mine shrunk, otherwise they get in the way all the time. I sit on them daily, and it gets really old.

The only other issue that is of concern is gynecomastia. Those are pretty low amounts that your talking about, so that would be a minimal concern. And gyno can be prevented with ancillaries medications while he's on cycle. Arimidex or Aromasin can prevent gyno while on cycle.

Like I said earlier, he should register himself and we can help him out. These things are tough to do through someone else. There's other concerns like post cycle therapy and ancillaries that he'll need some help getting sorted out. There's plenty of guys here that can help him with all those things.


New member
May 23, 2016
It's funny you said that about your balls, when he told me his might shrink I told him "Good, maybe you'll stop sitting on them!" I'll try and talk him into getting on here, I know it would make me feel better knowing he has such a great source of knowledge. I feel like he thinks he's just going to give him self a shot every so often and that will be that. To be honest, I didn't think it was much more than that before I started researching.


Super Moderator
Mar 1, 2006
I have personally seen guys have great results on as little as 300mg per week of testosterone only.
I always tell guys that is a good starting point. See how your body reacts.

He will of course have to take a shot in the ass. That's often nerve wrecking for beginners lol


Super Moderator - RIP
Oct 28, 2012
Totally agree with rAJ. Start out with a lower dose of test and see what happens. Those first-time lower doses can have great results and it gives you a point of reference for the future.
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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
It's funny you said that about your balls, when he told me his might shrink I told him "Good, maybe you'll stop sitting on them!" I'll try and talk him into getting on here, I know it would make me feel better knowing he has such a great source of knowledge. I feel like he thinks he's just going to give him self a shot every so often and that will be that. To be honest, I didn't think it was much more than that before I started researching.

I wish it were as simple as just taking a shot every week. If that were the case, I wouldn't have spent the better part of 2 years doing research before I started my first cycle. There's so much more to it than it would seem, initially.

Make sure he does significant amounts of reading before he jumps in. Unfortunately, most of the guys at his gym that are using probably aren't very good sources of information about the drugs they're using. If he's going to be injecting something into his body, it's a good idea to make sure he knows everything there is to know about it. Surprises aren't fun with this stuff.

We also have many good sources of product on this board that provide a solid reliable product at reasonable prices. Guys get screwed all the time buying gear from their "buddies" at the gym. Not only do they pay ridiculous prices, but the quality and safety can be very suspect. Several of our sources here have been in the game for a decade or more, and are some of the most trusted names in the industry, both for quality, cleanliness and reliability.


Registered User
Dec 10, 2014
Everything that everyone has said is spot on. Have him read everything he can before jumping into it. Also, please encourage him to join these boards. I personally have learned so much in the relatively short amount of time I have been here.

At his age I see no reason why he couldn't make gains off of 250-300mg of test a week. Hell, I was 40 with pretty low test levels and I saw great gains on 250.

Even if he runs a low dose of test, he should also make sure he has an ai like aromasin or arimidex on hand just in case. Better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it.


Super Moderator
Oct 30, 2012
With the little knowledge that the two of you have, he is no where near ready to go down this path. The first thing he/you need to do is research proper diet and begin that while training...never stop training...consistency is one of the main keys, not AAS! Then simultaneously research AAS and ancillaries as well as all of the health precautions that go along with it!

This isn't a decision that should be taken lightly! There is a lot of research that needs to be done. Look through many of the threads here and be sure to use the search function!


Donating Member
Jan 16, 2014
Island life
Mandy, I do have to commend you on educating your self instead of listening to the hype and rumors. I wish there were more ladies like you who educate instead of listening to the crap out there. anyway, the common verdict is low dosage, eat right, sleep, and guage his tolerance to it. Best of luck.


Oct 29, 2012
Out in the boondocks
Please hold off with your husband doing a cycle until you both have been well educated on the subject. Luckily you've found one of the mist informative and safest boards around, but some vital points have been missed here.
-Before anything goes into his body, a full blood panel, including hormonal, is a must. Any underlying conditions may be amplified with the use of anabolics and can have serious consequences.
-Any steroid use can cause permanent damage to the fragile endocrine system and preventing one from the ability to have children. Are you prepared for this?
-High BP, liver stress, acne, aggression, excess estrogen, erectile dysfunction are just a few problems he may encounter. Does he know how to spot the and how to counter them?
-At 130 he should early be able to add weight/muscle. There has got to be a huge problem in his diet. Steroids will not fix this. What is wrong with his diet.
-Poor training techniques will be amplified with strength gains from steroids. Has he trained long enough to master the techniques of each exercise to remain injury free and maximize his cycle if he chooses to do so?
-Are steroids llegal where you reside and are you prepared for the consequences if they are not?
-when coming off, does he know what pct is and how to run one and if unsuccessful what other options there are?

Please sit down and talk with your husband. Go through this list and answer all the questions in detail. Educate yourself and do as much research as you possibly can, it's all contained within this site. If you can answer all of them, you have a great board to help him along the way.
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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Feb 19, 2013
midwest usa
I'm in agreement with magnus as usual. Diet is huge probably the most important thing when it comes to aas use. You can take all the juice you want work out every day but if your diet isn't on point your gains are going to be mediocre at best. Also need to think about post cycle you don't want to lose all that hard work after you come off.
Also I disagree with the low dose advice not saying take 2 grams a week what I'm saying is once you've done the research and everything is in place I would be at 600 to 800mgs for my "golden cycle" you only get one 1st cycle so don't waste it.


Registered User
Jan 8, 2015
I would suggest this... Tell your hubby to do some research himself before he jumps on any PED's.

It's good that you're looking out for him. But, he needs to be educated as well.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
So, in summary, the 3 main points that most members here have expressed to her are:

1. Fix his diet and training first. At 5'10" and under 140, something is wrong and drugs aren't going to fix that.

2. Caution. These are serious drugs with serious side effects, and are not to be taken lightly.

3. Education. Know everything you can about a substance before you put it in your body. There is a wealth of knowledge available here; it would be foolish and irresponsible to move forward without educating yourself fully.

I hope you and your husband really take these points to heart before he decides to do anything.

Just another thread that reinforces why this is the best AAS board on the net. Mature, educated members that preach caution and preparation to those that are willing to listen. It's a pleasure to be among you guys.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Something to add here when I decided to take the plunge I done a lot of research and really thought long and hard about what I was doing because I new there wasn't really a take it back button, but having said that I had it in my head a cycle or two would have me in shape and I could maintain from there, well fast forward lots of gear latter I'm running way more gear than I ever considered when starting out and I have a long road ahead till I'm at a point where I can just focus on health and maintaining how I want to look.

My point if you think you will just do a little and be happy, ITS NOT GONNA HAPPEN LIKE THAT,when you take the plunge there's no reset and you won't be happy with a little improvement you'll at some point want it all. Now I'm not saying it's the wrong choice,it was right for me, just be informed and make sure your ready for the long haul your getting into.

Just my two cents


New member
Apr 2, 2004
I'd he is going to "do steroids" he should likely do 400mgs a week of test E or C, save eq for 3 or four months later. By the way test , is bio identical to what he already produces, EQ is a HORSE STEROID lol, as a nubie he should sitter clear of that one in my opinion as he likely doesn't need the vascular benefits it provides. His sex drive will boost and he'll put on 20-40 lbs within 3-5 months if he "eats right" and works out hard. It's all about self confidence and vanity, so give him a chance, test won't hurt him in the short term -3-9 months, but that other shit can carry undesirable effects.

So if you want a happier and more confident man and a enhanced sex life, let him give it a go.

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All steroids have undesirable effects.


Registered User
Jan 10, 2016
Super advice by most but I'm gonna be the asshole of the day and call bullshit. And no I'm not off my meds lol. Seen this before. Don't add up. Please don't fucking flame me either as its just my humble opinion....AR....