Human Growth Hormone (HGH)


Registered User
Nov 9, 2004
Is HGH any good? I read a thing where u can keep alot of what u gain on it is that true. I just recentialy been hearing about it with this whole Giambi Steroid scandal.


you can keep pretty much everything you gain....but you need to be VERY educated (not to mention have some cash) to use it. GH simply makes every single thing in your body big bigger except for your brain and eyes. You can run it at very low doses (2-4 iu's per day with weekends off) and have great success, but GH needs to run run like twice as long as regular gear. I wouldn't dick with it unless you were serious about using it. It works wonder though on promoting collagen synthesis and burning fat....but like i said, dont start thinkin about that stuff till you learn of all the dangers (enlarged hands, jaw, forehead, organs, CTS, etc_...not to mention its price.


Jaysonl1424 said:
what do u think about all this baseball talk with steroids n HGH

i think bonds needs to just come clean.....we all know he's been using some GH. How do we know??? His hat size has increased drastically since he started in the majors. Looked how jacked he's been looking these past few years as well. And when people ask him if he's done steroids, he says no, because GH isnt a steroid. I'm not dissing Bonds at all though, he's one of the top 3 greatest sluggers of all time. He's won the MVP 7 times, 4 more than anyone else. He just needs to come out and admit. We'll all see tomorrow night on 20/20 when bonds trainer Greg Anderson comes on national TV and comes clean. Why do you think Giambi came clean?? Because Anderson is probably going to name names tomorrow night on TV to save his own ass.


Registered User
Nov 9, 2004
Deff i know i will be watching that.. The reason why is prolly cuz people will thing he cheated and thats how hegot most his MVPs and take credit away from his Homeruns the last few yrs


Jaysonl1424 said:
Deff i know i will be watching that.. The reason why is prolly cuz people will thing he cheated and thats how hegot most his MVPs and take credit away from his Homeruns the last few yrs

its not really cheating since anybody couldve taken steroids in the ML's since they didnt test for it. It still takes TONS of skills to hit a ball, field, throw etc, regardless how muscular you are


Registered User
Nov 9, 2004
yeah i know.. im not saying he was cheating.. im saying most of the american people plus the Press sports writers n others will contiunally assume that


New member
Dec 3, 2004
GH is great (definitely worth it) if you have maximized your genetic potential. It (along with IGF-1) are about the only things that will allow you to actually increase the number of muscle cells you have. AAS's are great for maximizing what you already have, but to continue to grow, HGH can't be beat. An added bonus is its function in mobilzing fat and impeding fat storage.

I saw somewhere on the board here my Basic Cycle Guide for the Lazy Man from Anabolic Monsterz...that pretty much gives you the rundown of how to run it with good success. I have personally ran GH for 4 1/2 years now. I am 6' 1", 268 lbs. I don't have any of the problems (bone & organ growth) just lean muscle. It is reasonably safe if not abused.

Best of luck if you decide to run with it.


May 13, 2004
from my understanding you have to run it with slin which can be very detrimental to your health. Things may be great while on it, but post cycle, good luck. Not to mention i want to live to an old age.

About the bonds thing. Yes any one can take steroids, but the whole point of a major league sport is to give every one a level ground. Its a controlled sport, unlike that of bodybuilding.


New member
Dec 3, 2004
I wouldn’t say that you “have” to run HGH with slin. It certainly makes your HGH cycle more productive, but you will see results in the absence of slin. I also wouldn’t say that intelligent slin use would necessarily be detrimental to your health.

Like anything we do, it is all about being educated on the proper use of whatever it is we are taking. If I have a headache and decide to take Tylenol, I can use it intelligently and take two, or I can be stupid with it and swallow the whole bottle and poison my organs and die. Same with even more “safe” things like protein powders. I can intelligently use them and take in a few hundred grams, or I can decide that I am going to drink a 5-pound tub a day and burn up my kidneys.

In the case of insulin, using about 4-8 IU’s only post work out, workout days only, for 4 week on and 4 weeks off won’t cause any detrimental health problems unless there are specific health concerns present to begin with. Using insane amounts several times a day for months on end is guaranteed to send my pancreas screaming and potentially making me insulin dependent. Also we have to be educated in the timing of carbs when using it to avoid potentially dangerous hypo conditions. This is all part of the education process that should precede use of it.

Using HGH may actually help you to live to a ripe old age. There are many anti-aging doctors with a respectable volume of studies showing the benefits of HGH in many of your body’s systems and in slowing the aging process.

Bottom line is the principle is the same for anything that we would use … AAS’s, prohormones, pituitary or thyroid hormones, even vitamins and supplements. Educated, proper dose use is a good thing. Uneducated abuse will always spell trouble.


Steroid Nazi
Jan 25, 2004
The shadows of your mind
dugie82 said:
About the bonds thing. Yes any one can take steroids, but the whole point of a major league sport is to give every one a level ground. Its a controlled sport, unlike that of bodybuilding.
What exactly is a level playing groung though. In Babe ruth's day they didn't even lift weights. If we truly want to make it a level playing ground we would have to take away modern vitamins, weights and protein drinks. Nothing allowed, but practice and skill. I disagree.
The media needs to quit making such a big deal about players using steroids. They've been using them since the 70's at least. What are we going to do, investigate everyone and take away all of their titles?


DragonRider said:
What exactly is a level playing groung though. In Babe ruth's day they didn't even lift weights. If we truly want to make it a level playing ground we would have to take away modern vitamins, weights and protein drinks. Nothing allowed, but practice and skill. I disagree.
The media needs to quit making such a big deal about players using steroids. They've been using them since the 70's at least. What are we going to do, investigate everyone and take away all of their titles?

its impossible to have a level playing field....all sports would be boring as hell if there was. I agree with DR, they've been using drugs for at least 35 years. Actually since like the 50s. They can't really do anything with their drug testing because these guys can just take GH and insulin which are not tested for. Even if they wanted to test for them, it would be EXTREMELY hard to do and very very expensive, and you'd need a blood test. Then all you would have to say is that its against your religion to give blood. The media does not realize that these guys are not taking regular steroids like test, deca, dbol , etc...but steroids and peptides that are undetectable.


New member
Nov 18, 2004
I agree with DR. These guys are still the elite few that make professional sports so exciting and entertaining. To say that drugs made them what they are today is rediculious. That is like saying that anyone who uses performance enhancing drugs could theoretically become a professional athlete. Which is definately not the case.