HUGE Oil Bag!


Registered User
Dec 13, 2014
If he keeps going in his shoulders and chest he'll look like the Brazilian balloon guys LOL


Registered User
Apr 19, 2014
Hollywood, CA
This guy is thinking he has us all fooled.......


Another garbage bodybuilder. Can’t bring up lagging body parts the old fashion way, is too insecure to have any lagging body parts, and thinks he is fooling people with his SEO crap all over the place. I’ve been bodybuilding competitively since 98’ and am proud to say I have never ever put that synthol seo bullshit anywhere in my body.

This sport is for the genetic elite, not the genetic runts who have to cheat to acquire a physique that still doesn’t look like real muscle. This sport need to implement lifetime bans for any seo usage.

In this free for all sport, the only thing I consider cheating is implants and seo. If you can’t build a perfect physique with all the damn drugs we have at our disposal, then maybe this isn’t the sport for you!

I actually just contacted the NPC on how to be a judge. Hopefully it works out, I live in Los Angeles and am 39 years old. I plan on ruffling some feathers judging wise if I get selected. I’m throwing everyone who looks like they have any bullshit oil anywhere and am throwing them into last place. I will judge the competitors that have real muscles and striations first, then I will judge the genetic losers who have to cheat for the last placings.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
I dunno what all y’all haters are crying about. Dude is just strong as fuck. Says it right on the front of his shirt! You can’t argue with a proclamation like that.

The little blondie shooting those videos has one hell of a dumper, too.


Registered User
Dec 13, 2014
I dunno what all y’all haters are crying about. Dude is just strong as fuck. Says it right on the front of his shirt! You can’t argue with a proclamation like that.

The little blondie shooting those videos has one hell of a dumper, too.

LOL true but imo if you are going to use seo at least do it so it looks natural


Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
^^ So true. ^^^^ There is a time and a place for SEO. Four weeks out from a show if you're lagging in an area. The main problem with this stuff is so many guys step over the line and it just ends with them looking silly. There are some guys out there like Matt Porter who are masters of using SEO. You can't just hit one muscle. You have to increase the size of all the supporting muscles to the one your injecting. It works GREAT for filling out a pec tear for a show.
Not sure if it will help with muscle growth. They would like you to believe that. But for instant gratification, 500cc will work miracles if done with discretion and a understanding of the human anatomy and how things should balance as they develop.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
^^ So true. ^^^^ There is a time and a place for SEO. Four weeks out from a show if you're lagging in an area. The main problem with this stuff is so many guys step over the line and it just ends with them looking silly. There are some guys out there like Matt Porter who are masters of using SEO. You can't just hit one muscle. You have to increase the size of all the supporting muscles to the one your injecting. It works GREAT for filling out a pec tear for a show.
Not sure if it will help with muscle growth. They would like you to believe that. But for instant gratification, 500cc will work miracles if done with discretion and a understanding of the human anatomy and how things should balance as they develop.

You know this is exactly why I haven't used SEO is I personally don't think I have the knowledge needed to use it right yet. If used right it has a place to promote what you have but if lacki g the knowledge like me it would probably fuck what I do have up.

That and my wife says she absolutely isn't pumping oil in me everyday if that time comes..lol


Feb 2, 2007
I think most of the tops pro's are using seo these days. This guy has abused it and it shows. He has a Rich Piana look now. This guy actually looked great from pics I have seen a few years ago The problem is he doesn't know when to stop and he looks stupid now.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Just a thought while I'm board lol. Wouldn't using oil be best done by a two person operation? The guy using it and an experienced person administering it who has a good eye for symmetry, proportions,shape and years of bodybuilding experience to get the most out of it without lieing to oneself and going to far with it ?
Last edited:


Feb 2, 2007
^^ So true. ^^^^ There is a time and a place for SEO. Four weeks out from a show if you're lagging in an area. The main problem with this stuff is so many guys step over the line and it just ends with them looking silly. There are some guys out there like Matt Porter who are masters of using SEO. You can't just hit one muscle. You have to increase the size of all the supporting muscles to the one your injecting. It works GREAT for filling out a pec tear for a show.
Not sure if it will help with muscle growth. They would like you to believe that. But for instant gratification, 500cc will work miracles if done with discretion and a understanding of the human anatomy and how things should balance as they develop.

Matt Porter looks great but I think it's obvious where and when he used seo. The issue with this Russian guy is you can't hide 1000's of cc's no matter where you put it. He must know it looks fake and if he doesn't he has a serious case of body dysmorphia.


Feb 2, 2007
Just a thought while I'm board lol. Wouldn't using oil be best done by a two person operation? The guy using it and an experienced person administering it who has a good eye for symmetry, proportions,shape and years of bodybuilding experience to get the most out of it?

That would work but I don't think that's the issue with this Russian guy. Some people for whatever reason like that look. He has so much oil in his body it couldn't possibly look real. I don't know much about seo but when you look at some people it's apparant they aren't thinking symmetry and proportional. They usually want their arms as big as possible. The worst are the guys with huge biceps and tiny forearms because they have no base.


Registered User
Feb 9, 2014
Another garbage bodybuilder. Can’t bring up lagging body parts the old fashion way, is too insecure to have any lagging body parts, and thinks he is fooling people with his SEO crap all over the place. I’ve been bodybuilding competitively since 98’ and am proud to say I have never ever put that synthol seo bullshit anywhere in my body.

This sport is for the genetic elite, not the genetic runts who have to cheat to acquire a physique that still doesn’t look like real muscle. This sport need to implement lifetime bans for any seo usage.

In this free for all sport, the only thing I consider cheating is implants and seo. If you can’t build a perfect physique with all the damn drugs we have at our disposal, then maybe this isn’t the sport for you!

I actually just contacted the NPC on how to be a judge. Hopefully it works out, I live in Los Angeles and am 39 years old. I plan on ruffling some feathers judging wise if I get selected. I’m throwing everyone who looks like they have any bullshit oil anywhere and am throwing them into last place. I will judge the competitors that have real muscles and striations first, then I will judge the genetic losers who have to cheat for the last placings.

I’m curious on why you think SEO is cheating but using steroids is not? We inject hundreds of ML of oil with our gear yearly and it’s clearly not doing it the natural way so why is injecting SEO any different? Have you looked up what most SEO is made of. You don’t think putting 6-9cc of gear in your shoulders weekly won’t cause inflammation and temporary swelling to make the muscle appear bigger just like SEO does.


Feb 6, 2012
I’m curious on why you think SEO is cheating but using steroids is not? We inject hundreds of ML of oil with our gear yearly and it’s clearly not doing it the natural way so why is injecting SEO any different? Have you looked up what most SEO is made of. You don’t think putting 6-9cc of gear in your shoulders weekly won’t cause inflammation and temporary swelling to make the muscle appear bigger just like SEO does.

SEO is like steroids without the hormone so I agree. Maybe he thinks when guys use tonnes of oil to improve a muscle. It is strange the way guys think one is cheating and the other isn't. There are guys using over 3cc's of aas every day but for some reason some don't look at that as the same as synthol.


Registered User
May 15, 2017
Another garbage bodybuilder. Can’t bring up lagging body parts the old fashion way, is too insecure to have any lagging body parts, and thinks he is fooling people with his SEO crap all over the place. I’ve been bodybuilding competitively since 98’ and am proud to say I have never ever put that synthol seo bullshit anywhere in my body.

This sport is for the genetic elite, not the genetic runts who have to cheat to acquire a physique that still doesn’t look like real muscle. This sport need to implement lifetime bans for any seo usage.

In this free for all sport, the only thing I consider cheating is implants and seo. If you can’t build a perfect physique with all the damn drugs we have at our disposal, then maybe this isn’t the sport for you!

I actually just contacted the NPC on how to be a judge. Hopefully it works out, I live in Los Angeles and am 39 years old. I plan on ruffling some feathers judging wise if I get selected. I’m throwing everyone who looks like they have any bullshit oil anywhere and am throwing them into last place. I will judge the competitors that have real muscles and striations first, then I will judge the genetic losers who have to cheat for the last placings.

wow sounds a little harsh. I hear what your saying but I think there is a time and a place. I have used sio before not to excess and not to bring up any body parts. many years ago I tore my bi in a work related incident. It was slight and I was not training at the time so I never noticed it.when I started to train again and put size on I began to notice my left bicep was not growing as well as the right and started to notice the line where the tear was and healed wrong. I tried everything to bring the left up, training that side more over training it everything you can think of. It grew and when i do a most muscular you cant see it. when I do rear bi you really cant but front double its really noticeable and I want to continue to compete because its what I love. so in my case a bit of sio in that side has worked wonders. but i have to be honest I have thought about my non growing calves as well .It seems they dont care about calves anymore anyway so I probably dont need it


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
Another garbage bodybuilder. Can’t bring up lagging body parts the old fashion way, is too insecure to have any lagging body parts, and thinks he is fooling people with his SEO crap all over the place. I’ve been bodybuilding competitively since 98’ and am proud to say I have never ever put that synthol seo bullshit anywhere in my body.

This sport is for the genetic elite, not the genetic runts who have to cheat to acquire a physique that still doesn’t look like real muscle. This sport need to implement lifetime bans for any seo usage.

In this free for all sport, the only thing I consider cheating is implants and seo. If you can’t build a perfect physique with all the damn drugs we have at our disposal, then maybe this isn’t the sport for you!

I actually just contacted the NPC on how to be a judge. Hopefully it works out, I live in Los Angeles and am 39 years old. I plan on ruffling some feathers judging wise if I get selected. I’m throwing everyone who looks like they have any bullshit oil anywhere and am throwing them into last place. I will judge the competitors that have real muscles and striations first, then I will judge the genetic losers who have to cheat for the last placings.

Well then, let’s hope they don’t actually accept you as a judge. People that get into being any kind of judge/official because they have an axe to grind are always terrible as judges. Doesn’t matter the sport or activity. Get into it because you love it and can be objective and impartial, not because you’re out to get someone. That doesn’t help anyone.


Registered User
Oct 25, 2012
Far too much oil. I can tell he would look good without it as well. 1/2 of the oil and he would probably be really impressive but now he looks bad. I wonder how permanent that is and maybe if he stopped injecting for a few months he would look great. Rich Piana used PMMA and that wasn't going anywhere.


Registered User
Dec 26, 2008
wow sounds a little harsh. I hear what your saying but I think there is a time and a place. I have used sio before not to excess and not to bring up any body parts. many years ago I tore my bi in a work related incident. It was slight and I was not training at the time so I never noticed it.when I started to train again and put size on I began to notice my left bicep was not growing as well as the right and started to notice the line where the tear was and healed wrong. I tried everything to bring the left up, training that side more over training it everything you can think of. It grew and when i do a most muscular you cant see it. when I do rear bi you really cant but front double its really noticeable and I want to continue to compete because its what I love. so in my case a bit of sio in that side has worked wonders. but i have to be honest I have thought about my non growing calves as well .It seems they dont care about calves anymore anyway so I probably dont need it

People often assume seo is the easy way out but it can be hard work. I am not a fan of this guys look. But as you posted it can be used intelligently. Guys are using grams of gear, 100ius slin and poisonous fat burners yet some act like seo is the devil in bodybuilding. I have used small amounts of syntherol and have been very happy with the results. I still work just as hard in the gym.