How do I mix this HCG?


Registered User
Jun 11, 2005
I was about to take my first shot of HCG at the end of my cycle but now I need to wait for some advice before I do. I pulled out the vials and gave them my first real attention since they arrived in the mail. There are vials of HuCoG freeze dried powder that is 10,000 IU and vials of Sodium Chloride Injection I.P.. It looks like I need to mix the freeze dried HCG into the Sodium Chloride fluid and then inject it. That sounds tricky. How do I mix them? I guess I can stir it with the needle tip. Is that how you do it?

Also, I only want to inject 3000 IU every 4th or 5th day but this mixes into 10,000 IU. How do I store it? Can I store it? It doesn't seem safe to have it exposed to the atmosphere for several days. Should I just go ahead and inject the whole 10,000 IU at once and do weekly injections instead of bi-weekly? Or should I try to break the freeze dried powder into half and only mix half of it? I hope there is somebody out there who has been in my same situation before. Thanks!


Registered User
Apr 1, 2004
Andrew said:
I was about to take my first shot of HCG at the end of my cycle but now I need to wait for some advice before I do. I pulled out the vials and gave them my first real attention since they arrived in the mail. There are vials of HuCoG freeze dried powder that is 10,000 IU and vials of Sodium Chloride Injection I.P.. It looks like I need to mix the freeze dried HCG into the Sodium Chloride fluid and then inject it. That sounds tricky. How do I mix them? I guess I can stir it with the needle tip. Is that how you do it?

Also, I only want to inject 3000 IU every 4th or 5th day but this mixes into 10,000 IU. How do I store it? Can I store it? It doesn't seem safe to have it exposed to the atmosphere for several days. Should I just go ahead and inject the whole 10,000 IU at once and do weekly injections instead of bi-weekly? Or should I try to break the freeze dried powder into half and only mix half of it? I hope there is somebody out there who has been in my same situation before. Thanks!

If you have 2 amps, 1 with powder and one with liquid, you also will need bacteriostatic water to add to the powder to make the correct dosage. I would break the top off both amps, draw the fluid into a syringe, then shoot fluid into powder amp, cover and shake, draw mixture back into syringe and shoot it into a sealed vial. Then I would add the correct amount of bacteriostatic water to the vial.

If you have a 10,000iu kit, you could add 10ml of water to give you 1,000iu per ml.

DO NOT INJECT 10,000iu's at one time!!! You can store the vial in the refridge with no problem up to 30 days. YOU MUST REFRIDGERATE!!

Before you start, wait for some more replies to double check my info but I'm pretty sure this is correct.


One Cocky S.O.B.
Oct 6, 2004
steele is right on, i would check with your source for the b.a., and this steroid profile on this website is pretty good. so check it out under steroid profiles. and when you open the amp, use a pen cap and it doesnt shatter glass into the solutions.


Registered User
Jun 11, 2005
Thank You

Thanks Steel Addiction and Texas Creed. I will get that mixed and refridgerated like you suggested.


Registered User
Jun 11, 2005
How cycle went

In the nine-week cycle my max banch went from 130 kg to 140 kg, my body weight went from 108 kg to 112 kg. All other lifts were up too but I don't have the numbers in my head. Lat bar pulldown literally really went through the roof because it had been plateaued for about 6 months before this cycle.

I'm looking forward to my next cycle. I hope I don't lose too much of my current gains.


Registered User
Apr 1, 2004
Andrew said:
In the nine-week cycle my max banch went from 130 kg to 140 kg, my body weight went from 108 kg to 112 kg. All other lifts were up too but I don't have the numbers in my head. Lat bar pulldown literally really went through the roof because it had been plateaued for about 6 months before this cycle.

I'm looking forward to my next cycle. I hope I don't lose too much of my current gains.

With the correct PCT and keep eating and lifting, you'll be fine. ;)