HGH Expectations – Month by Month


Oct 25, 2012
Everyone wants to know how long it will take to start seeing any results from HGH supplementation. Different people notice different results with homeopathic GH. Some people see immediate, dramatic results, while others experience more subtle benefits. With proper diet and exercise, the results can be faster, deeper, and more pronounced. Many people say they have begun a whole new life on GH support - you can, too!

Research shows that positive changes usually take place between one to six months, but can take up to one year. Have patience! Your GH levels may have been low for years. If your receptor sites are blocked, your body may need some time to respond in a positive manner.

If you smoke, drink, fail to exercise, or have a poor diet, the results you desire may take longer. You should also be aware that at certain times the body can shift into "neutral", and some results seem to diminish, or vanish altogether. If you experience this, your body may either be using GH to rebuild tissue or, to a degree, be resting. Experience indicates that, after a while, you should see a resumption of the benefits and even some vast improvements. This can be very exciting!

We recommend proper diet and exercise for faster, deeper, and more pronounced results.

Month 1 - General expectations in the first month include:

Improved stamina.
Better and sounder sleep, and feeling more refreshed upon awakening.
Increase in energy.
Vivid dreams.
More optimistic attitude and better sense of humor.

Month 2 - General expectations in the second month include:

Improved muscle tone.
Improvement in nail growth.
Better digestion.
Weight loss.
Enhanced sexual function.
Improvement to skin tone.
Increase in strength.
Better eyesight, including night vision.

Month 3 - General expectations in the third month include:

Same as months 1 and 2 but probably heightened.
Some manifestations seem exceptional.
Mental processes improve, including desire to do and complete projects.
Faster recovery for wounds and muscle soreness.
Reduction in PMS symptoms.
Greater body flexibility.
Alleviation of some menopausal symptoms.
Muscle size increases, especially if the individual works out.
Hair growth.
Increase in sexual desire.
Less pain in joints.
Improved nail growth (Sign of protein, nutrient assimilation).

Month 4 - General expectations in the fourth month include:

Same as above. Generally most improvements are heightened and are more consistent. Please note again that, at times, the body may shift into "neutral" and some results seem to diminish or vanish. Your body may be suing GH to rebuild tissue or, to a degree, be resting. Experience indicates that, after a while, you should see a resumption of the benefits and even some vast improvements.

Month 5 - General expectations in the fifth month include:

Impressive weight loss and reduction of inches, since fat is reduced and muscle tissue is increased and toned.
Thickening of skin and greater elasticity.
Thickening of hair, plus a shiny and healthy appearance.
Improvement in skin texture and appearance (including lessening of skin discoloration).
Reduction of the appearance of wrinkles.

Month 6 - General expectations in the sixth month include:
Same as above, but now better and with more consistent results.
This could be the really exciting stage!

Cellulite greatly diminishes.
Eye sight greatly improved.
Stronger resistance to colds, flu and other illnesses.
Old wounds have healed or are healing.
Grayed hair begins to return to natural color.
Body is much more contoured.
Better emotional stability.
Some pain and soreness disappear.
Excellent exercise tolerance.
Medical tests show a reduction in cholesterol (LDL) and triglycerides, blood pressure normalizes, heart rate improves, some conditions that have been due to disease vanish or are diminished, and immune system improves.