Hey guys, after years of hesitation, I started my first cycle!


Registered User
Feb 9, 2013
I am athlete trying to make it to the pro level. Throughout college and semi pros I've always been pressured into steriods but stayed away. It was getting to the point where I need to build muscle to get to the pros, had everything else down(diet, weight training regimen, speed and agility, mental game) but always had a problem gaining solid lean mass. So what I'm saying is I've exhausted my natural ability to gain. I could lean out very easily tho, which helps with speed and agility, just need more power behind it. So finally decided to go this route. After much research and patience I decided to start a 10-12 week cycle with Test 400. Doing 1.2 cc a week.

my starting stats are 1/25/13
height: 6'0
lean mass:172lbs

current stats 2 weeks into test 2/9/13
lean mass: 176

Very sterile with my enjections, do through the delts. I hate taking shots so was nerve racking first 2 times, 3rd time wasn't bad after warm shower and massage and needle gauge change from 21 to 23. Injections didn't hurt as bad as everyone says them to be but I understand what they meant. Felt lots of pressure afer injection for a few mins and knot bruise feeling for 3 days after.

Only 2 weeks in and seeing big difference in muscle tone and lots of compliments at the gym and practice. Strength is slowly going up as well. So far, so good. Taking bi-weekly photos and body fat tests. Looking forward to a safe and successful cycle!
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Registered User
Dec 24, 2012
The knot feeling is probably due to the high concentration of the test. I'm not too sure your frequency of injection but I would be injecting twice per week. This would also help with the pain whilst keeping a nice even dose without the highs and lows. I would also try using slin needles to lower the pain. Your using some pretty big needles. Best of luck with your first course buddy. It should be a good one. 205 - 210 lbs isn't an unrealistic weight to get to if you eat right and train hard, especially on your first course


Feb 6, 2012
Hey sportyguy, welcome to anasci. You should go to the introductions section and introduce yourself.


Jan 12, 2006
Porn Forum :)
Welcome to the board.

You should have started with a single estered Test like Enan or Cyp instead of a multiestered Test like 400.

Depending on where you are injecting you should be using a 25g 1" pin.


Super Moderator - RIP
Nov 18, 2012
Profits single ester advice same as I would give. I only like sust or similar
with eod injs . I really notice the up /down of the prop. 25x 1 inch pins for delts as stated above . I highly doubt you have exhausted your natural ability to gain---BUT sometimes circumstance dictates a need too speed things up a bit.
Totally understand you having a "window" of opportunity.
keep your estro and related in check. I don't believe high(to the point of sloppy water retention) dose test is right for speed and agilty.Make sure you do very thorough pct as this will be key in keeping gains.Love to see you achieve your goals. Keep us posted .


Registered User
Oct 25, 2012
Profit's right you should have gone with enan or cyp to be able to keep more stable blood levels.


Nov 11, 2012
Mûnich , Germany
Welcome brutha..one of a first timers big mistakes is a multi estered compound for reasons stated as from above..but hey you've already started so now what you want to really research is how to keep your hormone level steady so hit the web search t400 cycles and probably see a chart or dosing schedule .I've never used t400 but I'm sure someone here can assist in right direction. Optimum first cycle is cyp / dbol tabs its a tried.and true method for bulk .for a speed endurance cycle one may opt to deca and anavar IMO.
massaging injection site after injection can help alleviate knots sometimes as it disperses the depot throughout muscle site.
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Feb 7, 2013
I've also been a pro athlete, some of the compounds used in conjunction with Test that made a huge difference in recovery, performance, and muscle gain for me were

Test+ tbol
Test+anavar+ light dose of dbol (15mg daily)

Honestly for me the best stack for sports performance and muscle gain would be some thing like this

12 week cycle

Week 1 -
Test Enanthate or Cypionate - 750mg
EQ- 900mg
Mast Enanthate-200m

Weeks 2-12
Test - 400-500mg
EQ - 400-600mg
Mast- 200mg

For a first or even second cycle that should do you really well.

Just my 0.2


Registered User
Feb 9, 2013
Thank you guys for welcoming me and support. It wasn't an easy decision for me to make. Even though I've been waiting a researching all this info, I'm still fairly new to it and still learning so the support from this board helps so much. I really want to keep everything in check with my body.

Incognito1- The 21 gauge needle is huge! but it was easy to inject the test. The 23 felt soo much better, but was hard to inject, was like honey.

Hijacked- I thought I did post this in the new members section? whoops

Profit- From what I've read and asked other athletes, test 400 would be a good start for begginers? Well now that I have the whole bottle for my cycle, anything I can do keep things in check with my hormones? Wouldn't 25g needle be too thin to inject test? I had to really push hard with the 23g. I'm going through the delt and alternating every week.

Turbobusa- I've read some books on building muscle(arnolds bible, burn the fat feed the muscle) asked athletes and bodybuilders at the gym, even got the the point where I wasso interested on how food works with the body that I got my license on Sports Nutrition. Followed formulas, ate certain amount of calories, stuck with rations, hit the gym 5-6x a week, and still had very little gains building lean mass. And yeah your right, I do have that "window" of oppotunity. I could receive that call anytime this year. I still haven't decided what pct to go with. What do you suggest?

Aggro- Now that I have test, how can I keep my levels in check?

Ironbuilt- Right now I take once a week, same day and time. Heard some people do twice a week tho. As for speed and endurance what do you suggest I take? I'm having a hard time keeping my energy levels high(regardless of proper nutrition) for I train nearly 3-4 hours a day(2 hours in my sport, 1.5 in gym). Thanks

Enigmatic707- Thanks for the input, helps coming from a pro athlete. All my pro buddies go pretty hard in their cycles, and its not really something I'm looking for. Looking to gain 15-20 solid lbs while maintaining a lean body. What is EQ and Mast? Like I asked Ironbuilt, what do you suggest for energy/pump?

I've read that Anadrol is highly used by athlese for speed, strength, endurance, energy and pump. Really considering taking it to aide in what I'm going for. I may take Nolvadex or Proviron to help blance things out.

Again thank you for the support guys. Please get back to me with some feedback so I can continue to be on the right track with this cycle, esp going into week 3. Have pictures to post soon.


Registered User
May 18, 2005
How do we know the that the T400 isn't just C and E. How do yall know that the T400 he has, has prop or any other of the shorter ester tests in it...?? Just curious because unless
I missed it, I never read that anywhere.

If it's just a cyp and enan blend then 1x -2x a week pinning will be fine.


Nov 11, 2012
Mûnich , Germany
Sportguy ok. The 21 gauge is just to draw from vial..thats it..I use a 25g warm up syringe however u want.hairdryer , warm water, or in sun if you live in tropics. Oil will flow easier. Like when u warn honey it turns thin aye .. For your energy level that is going up and down it's due to multiester as we were saying .a rollercoaster effect . So optimum for that t400 is twice a week for even levels and even energy. If you are to look up all types of testosterone used in t400. Some are in and out one day , three day or five. Possible best option would be to add dbol at 20-40 mg day.


Nov 11, 2012
Mûnich , Germany
How do we know the that the T400 isn't just C and E. How do yall know that the T400 he has, has prop or any other of the shorter ester tests in it...?? Just curious because unless
I missed it, I never read that anywhere.

If it's just a cyp and enan blend then 1x -2x a week pinning will be fine.

Like a fancy name for sus 250. Just a new way higher dose to sell something in my experience. Brand can help this question .


Feb 7, 2013
EQ is short for the name "Equipose" originally marketed for horses to increase athletic performance. It also happens to be one of the most popular hormones ever.

It usually comes as boldenone undecylenate, which is a long ester form, for a long time this was the only ester in which Boldenone could be found, but now days you can find it in Cypionate and Acetate forms for a faster acting version. EQ is very very well known to increase endurance by stimulation the production of EPO> thus leading to more oxygen carrying red blood cells. It will cause very very little water retention of none at all. At moderate doses (-600mg) very little sides should be noticed.

Mast is short for Masterone (another brand name ) which is the hormone "drostanolone" comes typically in a short fast acting form of Proprionate and the longer ester of Enanthate. Also very good for overall energy output and recovery, will also yield more explosive power and enhanced recovery time.

The Dianabol I suggested with also help with power, but if take in much more than "low dose" can hinder your endurance.. 15mg/day will give you more explosive strength without compromising your overall cardiovascular endurance and VO2max.

Again- a lot of this I have taken from years of research and trial and error.


Registered User
Feb 9, 2013
Zaven- Its the T400 made by denkall. Im pretty sure it's the legit one. I got it from a reliable source. They also encouraged me to come specifically to this site for the best support. The test400 I got has the typical 3 tests in there, pro,cy, an enan.

Ironbuilt- Was thinking about warming it up, but didn't know if I was able too. Will definitely do that from now on thanks. Yeah I looked up the tests in 400 and it says that Ean and Cyp are pretty much the same thing but one ester half life is a day longer correct? I take the shot on friday, and my least active days are friday,sat and sun so do you suggest I take mon and wed? What doses do you suggest? Just split the dose I have now?

Enigmatic707- Thanks for the input. so this is what I found out...
EQ- very good and popular, but takes 3 weeks to notice the benefits of it. Has low aromatization so doesn't hold much water retention. Good to use with Dbal.
Mast- Pretty much the same thing but doesn't take 3 weeks to "kick in".
Dianabol- Lots of names used for this one, I like what I read on it. Would like to use the tablet version compared to injection. But can take a toll on your liver.
Deciding on which is best for me. Also I've heard/read that EPO may be what I'm looking for. What are your thoughts on that?
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Registered User
Feb 9, 2013
Looks like I am going to start using Nolvadex for I'm starting to notice some signs of aromitization. Lots of water retention on some days. Tender nipples sometimes.


Feb 7, 2013
Looks like I am going to start using Nolvadex for I'm starting to notice some signs of aromitization. Lots of water retention on some days. Tender nipples sometimes.

Novladex will help from keeping gyno setting in but will not help with the water retention. Best bet would be to use .5mg arimidex daily and if needed you can go to 1mg daily

This will keep the conversion of testosterone into estrogen to a minimum. Don't want to rid your estrogen levels completely though it will hamper your gains and make you feel like shit, so start with a lower dose of Arimidex or another aromatase inhibitor.


Registered User
Feb 4, 2013
I am athlete trying to make it to the pro level. Throughout college and semi pros I've always been pressured into steriods but stayed away. It was getting to the point where I need to build muscle to get to the pros, had everything else down(diet, weight training regimen, speed and agility, mental game) but always had a problem gaining solid lean mass. So what I'm saying is I've exhausted my natural ability to gain. I could lean out very easily tho, which helps with speed and agility, just need more power behind it. So finally decided to go this route. After much research and patience I decided to start a 10-12 week cycle with Test 400. Doing 1.2 cc a week.

my starting stats are 1/25/13
height: 6'0
lean mass:172lbs

current stats 2 weeks into test 2/9/13
lean mass: 176

Very sterile with my enjections, do through the delts. I hate taking shots so was nerve racking first 2 times, 3rd time wasn't bad after warm shower and massage and needle gauge change from 21 to 23. Injections didn't hurt as bad as everyone says them to be but I understand what they meant. Felt lots of pressure afer injection for a few mins and knot bruise feeling for 3 days after.

Only 2 weeks in and seeing big difference in muscle tone and lots of compliments at the gym and practice. Strength is slowly going up as well. So far, so good. Taking bi-weekly photos and body fat tests. Looking forward to a safe and successful cycle!

you'll never go back now! Welcome to the dark side!