Help, It hurt's real bad!


Registered User
Jan 21, 2006
I just recently started my cycle and I just did my fourth injection of test prop yesterday. I didn't have any pain with the first two injections but these last two have been bruital. The injections themself are fine, it's just about 3 hours after that they start to hurt. Both glutes are a little swollen but are not red at all. I also started feeling like I was getting the flu after my third shot, then after about 24 hours it was gone. Then I did my fourth shot and got the same symptoms. What is going on. This sucks! I can handle the pain but I don't want to feel sick all the time. Anyone got any input?


Perfection Personifide
Dec 7, 2004
Take too pills of "i'm just a big pussy medicine then call kell in the morning" just playing. Prop hurts bro but not excruciating like your making it sound. Let's do the emergency room test. from a scale of 1-10 how does it hurt.


Registered User
Jun 11, 2005

If 2 out of 4 injections didn't swell then you have a 50% chance the next one will be swelling free, bro! Keep it going. I often get some swelling on the glutes. That's why I prefer delts and ventrogluteal.


Registered User
Jan 21, 2006
Like I said fella's, the pain I can tolerate, I just didn't know what's up with the flu symtoms. Maybe it's just a coincidence. By the way Oracle, to answer your question, the pain is probably a 9 in the morning considering I can barely get out of bed. During the day it goes to about a 4-5 then about an 8 in the evenings. I can handle a little pain, but it's kind of interfering with my workouts. This morning I set down on the bench in the gym and it felt like I had been kicked by a horse right in the ARSE! Lol.


Registered User
Jun 6, 2005
I really think that your body will get used to it, and the symptoms will go away.


Perfection Personifide
Dec 7, 2004
mightymo51 said:
Like I said fella's, the pain I can tolerate, I just didn't know what's up with the flu symtoms. Maybe it's just a coincidence. By the way Oracle, to answer your question, the pain is probably a 9 in the morning considering I can barely get out of bed. During the day it goes to about a 4-5 then about an 8 in the evenings. I can handle a little pain, but it's kind of interfering with my workouts. This morning I set down on the bench in the gym and it felt like I had been kicked by a horse right in the ARSE! Lol.

I had that happen to me me once where my wife gave me the shot in the right ass. I couldn't sit for a few days. It maybe because your injecting a little fast.


Registered User
Jan 21, 2006
You just brought up a great point Oracle. I gave myself the first 2 injections with no problems, however, my wife gave me the other 2 because she loves doing it for some reason. I'll give myself the next shot tomorrow. I know that test prop just hurts anyway, but should I expect this much pain for the whole cycle or will it lighten up a little. I appreciate all the advice fella's!


New member
Dec 19, 2005
In the Gym
The first post says nothing about site rotation. Is that as important for Prop as it is for Cyp and many others? The post makes it sound sort of like the first two (trouble-free) shots were one in each glute, and therefore both on fresh territory, but that the next two shots that did produce problems were about where the first two had been.

Is that correct, or am I reading between the lines too much?

And what does site rotation mean to most of you old hands? Must the entire outer right or left Quad (or upper-outer R or L Glute) be avoided for a week, or can you hit the same bodypart twice as long as the needle is an inch or two away from the previous shot?


Registered User
Mar 9, 2005
I Used Prop And Shot In The Glute Just Alternating Every Other. But Moved It A Few Inches. That Is The Only Spot I Shoot. But It Sounds Like Your Girl Just Shot It Too Fast


Registered User
Jan 21, 2006
Yeah, I'm just alternating each glute for the injections. Today I feel much better with no flu symptoms and the soreness is going away, however, I'm gonna inject tonight so I guess I'll just have to see. I'm still kinda new here so I won't post what brand it is because I don't know if that is too much info in the open forum. Just being cautious! Anyway, I'm gonna do my 5th injection today and I'll let you all know how it goes.


Registered User
Jan 25, 2006
I shot some Winny (stanozolol, water suspension). First shot I emptied the hypo at a normal rate. I couldn't sit for a week my ars was red hot and swollen for 2 x days.

The next shot (1ml) I shot over about 20s. Very very very little pain from then on...

Remember Fast is good in sex, bad in injections... so sloooooowoww down there machine-gun...


Registered User
Sep 9, 2005
Up North
mightymo51 said:
Like I said fella's, the pain I can tolerate, I just didn't know what's up with the flu symtoms. Maybe it's just a coincidence. By the way Oracle, to answer your question, the pain is probably a 9 in the morning considering I can barely get out of bed. During the day it goes to about a 4-5 then about an 8 in the evenings. I can handle a little pain, but it's kind of interfering with my workouts. This morning I set down on the bench in the gym and it felt like I had been kicked by a horse right in the ARSE! Lol.
A few causes of pain......the most worrisome one would be infection, especially since the other injections didn't hurt and this one if from the same batch. Pain can also commonly be from a high BA content. Also, the ones that come out of the oil and crystallize in the muscle tend to hurt, especially test suspension, but also commonly test. prop. To try to minimize it, you could heat the oil before drawing it up and injecting, keep the volume to less than 2 cc or so, and maybe boil off some BA before injecting. If it still hurts a lot or the gear is even "crashing" out of the oil when cool, then try diluting it up with some sterile oil (filtered via 0.2 filter into the partly-filled prop. vial), and / or add some BB to it to help keep the prop. in the oil following injection. Other things like local hematoma / bruising from puncturing small arteries / veins at injection site can also contribute to pain.

The flu symptoms are common with rapidly increasing dose or if never used it before. Worse for oils / esters that are absorbed more quickly, like prop. instead of enanth. This is the so-called "test flu" that I imagine you have heard of. Some debate as to the actual cause, whether it's the hormonal effects of high-dose test hitting you or, more likely, an immune reaction to the prop. itself or any impurities in your gear. Try some searches on "test flu" for more info.


Registered User
Nov 19, 2005
Dude it hurts alot no matter what

I did a cycle of that shit and I grew a ton but I hurts so much it's not even funny, it does not matter you do, I tried everything. I got kind of sick as well. I noticed the more I did the less it hurt. The up side is you will continue to grow for about a month afterwards. I suggest 1 gallon of H2o daily and milk thistle for you liver, also I would do 20 min in the sauna on workout days for your kidneys. Next time mabey test-E would be a less painful choice. I had some days where I was so tired I could even function. I feel for you because I had the same experience when I did it and I will never do it again because of it. Watch out for sustanton 250 as well


Registered User
Jan 21, 2006
Well, I took all of your advice and I think I found the problem. Like I said before, I gave myself the first two injections with no problems and my wife gave me the second two which is where the problems started. I did my fifth injection and only had minor soreness which can be expected with prop. I injected very, very, very slow (about 45 sec or so) and have had no problems. By the way juddwoo, my first cycle was a sust only at 500mg a week and only two of the injections made me a little sore but nothing compared to what I experienced a few days ago. I was very impressed with the results of that cycle, but who isn't on their first. Again, thanks for all the advice fella's. It's nice to know that when you have a serious question you can ask it here and there are a bunch of fella's like you to answer it and give you a lot of great advice that always seems to work.

P.S. I have learned that it is much better to inject yourself!