help, freaking out


New member
Jan 6, 2004
Here’s my problem. I recently ordered from a well-respected source and to make things clear there is no way it is his fault. I opened a po box at UPS store with my real information and I used the po box address as the address to send the package. The package was mailed domestically. The package was sent using USPS and was going to my UPS store po box. When the package arrived in my area, the mailman tried to deliver it to the UPS store before the store was open. As a result, he deemed my package undeliverable and returned the package to the sender. This was my worst nightmare, but it gets worse.

Well, I checked the tracking number again today and it said that the package was received by the sender two days ago. I am flipping out because I the address for the sender was picked out of the white pages, so the address is real. I can only assume that the person that received this called the police and notified them of this. Now, it’s safe to say that the po box is not safe to send anything to, but is my real address at risk. I used my real address to open my po box and a photo copy of my license was taken when I opened the box. Does anyone think that I will get a visit by some cops? Can UPS store give out my real address? If I was going to mail something to me again would you open a new po box at a different place, use my home address, or is there a way to tell if the po box I already have safe.

Thanks for your help,


Jan 2, 2004
liftingislife said:
Here’s my problem. I recently ordered from a well-respected source and to make things clear there is no way it is his fault. I opened a po box at UPS store with my real information and I used the po box address as the address to send the package. The package was mailed domestically. The package was sent using USPS and was going to my UPS store po box. When the package arrived in my area, the mailman tried to deliver it to the UPS store before the store was open. As a result, he deemed my package undeliverable and returned the package to the sender. This was my worst nightmare, but it gets worse.

Well, I checked the tracking number again today and it said that the package was received by the sender two days ago. I am flipping out because I the address for the sender was picked out of the white pages, so the address is real. I can only assume that the person that received this called the police and notified them of this. Now, it’s safe to say that the po box is not safe to send anything to, but is my real address at risk. I used my real address to open my po box and a photo copy of my license was taken when I opened the box. Does anyone think that I will get a visit by some cops? Can UPS store give out my real address? If I was going to mail something to me again would you open a new po box at a different place, use my home address, or is there a way to tell if the po box I already have safe.

Thanks for your help,
I don't understand what your saying if it got sent bakc to your source then whats the problem just have him resend


Registered User
Jan 13, 2004
I think what he is saying is that it was a bogus return addy, that the sender used. Well Someone got some free shit!! Maybe hes a BBr and wont call the police......or maybe thell just throw it away.


Feb 6, 2004
I would say it depends on how much "stuff" was in the box. If its a personal supply, I wouldnt worry too much. Whatever you do, DO NOT accept the package if it all of a sudden reappears at your PO box, or if someone tries to deliver it to your door. Was the made up address in the same town that you live in, or far away? If its in the same town, and your local police have nothing better to do, they may try and see if you will accept it. If that happens, just play it cool refuse it, and do not get into a conversation with htem.


Registered User
Jan 15, 2004
All you need to do is refuse to sign for the package. If you sign for it, you are on the hook. If you don't then you never received anything, and they cannot charge you. Don't stress yourself out so much though. I ordered $500 worth of gear on 9/09, two days b4 9-11 happened, and it never came because they went apeshiza searching through mail during that time. I got a letter asking me to pick something up from the post office, and that they needed my signature, but I refused to go sign for it, and nothing ever came of it. I was out $500 though. Lesson learned.

You're being a bit paranoid. If you got a bunch opf stuff in the mail that was chemicals/drugs and you had no idea what they were, would you call the police or just toss it in the garbage? Chances are whoever got it either tossed it out or told the mail man "This ain't mine, dude". Either way, there's like a 1-1000 chance you'll ever hear about it again. Just don't go asking and trying to track it down and you'll be fine.


Feb 6, 2004
I agree that he probably hasn't anything to worry about, but being paranoid is what can keep you out of jail. If my bro had been a little more paranoid, he wouldnt be fighting a charge for possession of a controlled substance for a package sent to his home containing about 20 Sustanon amps and some HCG. Signing is not the only way a controlled delivery is made. They can place transponders into the package that will alert them when the box is opened, or they can just wait to see if you attempt to contact the authorities when the package is delivered to you. If they deliver a package to you that is accepted, they can wait for an hour or so and then obtain a search warrant. if the items are in the trash, then they would probably have a weak case. If the items are stuffed in your mattress or in a medicine cabinet, then you have trouble.


Jan 2, 2004
oh I see what your saying you don't have anything to woory about just listen to the others guys and don't sign for ANYTHING..........deny deny deny