

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Only just realized this section is on here. I have been posting for over a month now. Just thought I would introduce myself so people now something about me. I am 24 in 4 days. Been doing the fitness thing since about 16. Just been chatting and gathering lots of info on all aspects of gear and cycles etc. I am on my 2nd cycle now and things are cool. Looking forward to learning more and developing myself through the years. My name is Kev. I thought it would be best to not put my name up but not really bothered now. Elvia is just my gf. I am from Liverpool in England. Anyway I look forward to seeing your posts and learning more. And hopefully helping other people out too.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
xxxcaptjackxxx said:

waht was your first cycle and current cycle? Just curious.:)

Any newbie I would recommend 300-500mg of Test C or E for 10 weeks. But my first cycle was far from that. Everything was cool though. My 1st was

Week 1- 8= Trenbolone Enanthate 300mg per week
Week 1- 6= Dianabol 25mg per day

I used Nolvadex throughout and added provinon near the end to aid PCT. I put on about 18 pounds in the 6 weeks and kept about 13 or 14. Maybe the tren e was far too strong but I was cool.

My cycle now is (I am in week 2 so just starting)-

Week 1-10 = Test C at 600-700 mg per week (3.0ml sachet at 200mg per ml but I get between 3 and 3.5ml per sachet.
Week 1-12 = Deca at 300mg per week (1/2 sachet per week at 200mg per ml again). Need to run deca for long to get full benefits.
Week 4-9 or 5-10= Anadrol 50mg per day (I hear dbol is better on the whole and this is a hit or miss for many but wanna try it out). I was gonna do it week 1-5 but the was a problem with part my order. I am defo getting them in about 7 days though. Plus the more I think about it the more I would prefer to do later in cycle to give me that extra kick when I am in the mifddle of feeling the full effects of the others.

Deca is good to use 2 weeks after to solidify gains. Plus I like to finish each steriod at different times in stead of all together. Then the PCT will solidify even more and I should be cool. I will us HCG 2 weeks after my last shot of deca so in week 14. Nolvadex throughout starting about week 3 (when things have kicked in more). Nolva to be done till just after 3 weeks after the last shot of HCG (as thats active life is 64 hours).

Gonna use Armidex on my 3rd cycle as I have found a site that is cheap. For sites that accept credit cards I found one cheaper one. But compared to the site advertised on here it is very expensive. The sachets are ok but the armidex is $250! Thats nearly more than the steriods put together! I will only use .25 of it though as it sucks up alot of estrogen and you need some to aid muscle growth.
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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I should add in my first cycle 90% of my gains were in the first 3/4 weeks and the last 2 remained fairly stable.


Aug 28, 2005
Elvia1023 said:
Only just realized this section is on here. I have been posting for over a month now. Just thought I would introduce myself so people now something about me. I am 24 in 4 days. Been doing the fitness thing since about 16. Just been chatting and gathering lots of info on all aspects of gear and cycles etc. I am on my 2nd cycle now and things are cool. Looking forward to learning more and developing myself through the years. My name is Kev. I thought it would be best to not put my name up but not really bothered now. Elvia is just my gf. I am from Liverpool in England. Anyway I look forward to seeing your posts and learning more. And hopefully helping other people out too.

Very nice to meet you and glad to have you part of ANASCI family.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
xxxcaptjackxxx said:
y not go with liquid arimidex....much cheaper

Thanks for that. I will give it a look. But even the tabs on the new sites I have seen are very cheap.