hello everyone!!


New member
Feb 27, 2005
Well i am a paying member already after just joining today but anyway i am 6 foot 1 and 170 lbs and have been lifting for a few years now and have not really gained any weight just got a little bit more toned and thats it. I am looking to gain as much mas as i can and im pretty much looking to try whatever people reccomend. If anyone has any ideas or a good setup that i can stack together im willing to try it and i dont really care too much about the side effects so please just let me know and i will order only from the members paid section. Thank you


welcome bro......at 6'1" and 170, you're a skinny guy....I wouldnt recommend steroids till you gain at least another 20 lbs naturally for your height. Post you daily diet so we can critique it for you. Diet is more important than steroids.


Registered User
Nov 16, 2004
The Classroom
jmarctaylor said:
Well i am a paying member already after just joining today but anyway i am 6 foot 1 and 170 lbs and have been lifting for a few years now and have not really gained any weight just got a little bit more toned and thats it. I am looking to gain as much mas as i can and im pretty much looking to try whatever people reccomend. If anyone has any ideas or a good setup that i can stack together im willing to try it and i dont really care too much about the side effects so please just let me know and i will order only from the members paid section. Thank you
Welcome aboard. I have been here only a few months myself. You will find some very knowledgable professionals here. They will most likely want some more information on you though. Most of all your age, maybe lifting routine and diet. That way they can give better advice. Most will start by advising test e or c to start. 250mg twice a week to see how your body reacts. But I will let the experts take over for now. Welcome again. The sources here are great. You can read about that though.


Steroid Nazi
Jan 25, 2004
The shadows of your mind
Welcome to the board bro. I have to agree, it sounds like your diet is off and I'll tell you why. I went into the military when I was 19 and only weighed 155. Up until then my diet consisted of what I was fed at home and that's it. The bases I was assigned to had great lifting facilities that were free, so I took advantage of them. I also had a mealcard and could eat for free anytime I wanted to. When I worked night shifts, I went to the mess hall and ate breakfast. I would then go to the barracks and set my alarm for 1100 am before going to sleep, get up after 4 hours and go eat lunch, come back and sleep 4 more hours then get up and eat supper. Sometime during the night shift I ate a second breakfast. Each meal was as large as any meal you would eat in a restaurant for supper and I was doing that 4 times a day. Within 1 year I had gone from 155lbs to 185 lbs. Withing 2 years I was up to my maximum allowable weight for the military 205lbs. I never touched a single steriod and as it turns out I wasn't even doing a great workout routine, but I did put on 50lbs in 2 years. Food is the most anabolic substance there is.


Perfection Personifide
Dec 7, 2004
Welcome to anasci. What you need to know you will find here, any questions you may have you will also find. Everyone here has told you so far to first get a good solid diet and foundation before using gear but if you think your ready to jump into the game let us know what your looking to do as an outcome. Obviously you want more mass and like wolfy said earlier your first steroid to become familiar with is Testosterone. You might want to consider a long acting testosterone like cypionate or enanthate. 500mgs weekly will be just fine. You mentioned stacking earlier and i wouldn't recommend it at this time. Wait till your next cycle.


Registered User
Jan 13, 2005
Ask Katrina. She knows
I talked to an old lady who runs a restaurant I use to frequent and she is going to order me a few cases of chicken. I told her that I was spending a crap load of money by going to the grocery store and buying the bonless chicken breast and she told me that she could order me a regular chicken breast and all I would have to do was cut the bone out. IS this a waste of my time or would it be worth it?? She can get me about 90-100 chicken breast for somewhere in the range of 65-70 bucks.


Registered User
Apr 1, 2004
jmarctaylor said:
Well i am a paying member already after just joining today but anyway i am 6 foot 1 and 170 lbs and have been lifting for a few years now and have not really gained any weight just got a little bit more toned and thats it. I am looking to gain as much mas as i can and im pretty much looking to try whatever people reccomend. If anyone has any ideas or a good setup that i can stack together im willing to try it and i dont really care too much about the side effects so please just let me know and i will order only from the members paid section. Thank you

Welcome bro. Pay close attention to the vets here, you won't be sorry! :welcome:


:welcome: :welcome: :welcome:
as an experienced bro, i would like to say you made the right decision to come here and ask for advise from others. it is clear you need some help with your diet and probably training before you should get into using gear. keep an open mind and listen to what we have to say and you will see nothing but success in your future ;)