hello everyone


New member
Jan 25, 2013
hi. i joined this site to get information from reliable sources on aas. after creeping around as a non-member for a few days and also doing my own research from books and medical studies, it looks like a lot of people here have good real world studies to learn from. so, thank you in advance for anything i can learn from you guys. :D

a little about me.

i'm currently 35 years old. i have been lifting off and on since high school. i got real serious about it back in 2004 after my father had heart problems and underwent sextuple bypass surgery. that prompted me to examine my own health, which was not good. i started going to the gym 5-6 times a week doing a good mix of cardio and weight training. i ended up losing 107 pounds in about 18 months of semi-hard work (i weighed 345 pounds at 5'11" when i started) and fairly decent dieting. all of my maxes went up significantly but i'm most proud of my bench doubling from 180 to 360 in that time frame.

well, life happens and i got a serious girlfriend and my time at the gym plummeted to zero times a week and i basically gained all the weight back by august of 2012. actually, i got back up to 360 pounds. i wasn't as fat overall due to the muscle mass i packed on but needless to say, i am now obese again.

i started working out again for my new year's resolution but it's more than that now. it's a lifestyle change and i think i've formed the good diet and workout routine habit again. so that's good i guess but one thing is different this time. it seems a lot harder to do the same thing at 35 that i did at 27. i'm not looking for the easy way out because i know there is no secret to getting in shape other than good diet, proper exercise and dedication. i'm just looking for a little help.

i've read here and other places that maybe someone with as much body fat % as i have (36.3%) should probably not use aas because it can lead to increased side effects. i'm willing to believe that as the truth because it just makes sense. however, i will be hanging around to learn until i get myself to a place where it makes more sense to start aas cycles.

i look forward to reading more here!



Sep 17, 2003
Welcome to AnaSCI:)

All the information you could ever need regarding AAS, nutrition and training are right here at your disposal! Plenty of old school, real world people here to help you along the way!


Super Moderator - RIP
Oct 28, 2012
Welcome bro! We inspire each other, learn from each other and have a good laugh too. Glad you are here and back on track in the gym. Jump in on a thread you like anytime. Great group here.


Super Moderator - RIP
Nov 18, 2012
Welcome. Yes sir this is the right spot. Laid back board serious about training and nutrition. Seeing your experience with yo yo wt loss /gain you may want to adopt our lifestyle for a lifetime. anthing you need to know is here.
Glad you made it. Thanks, T


Nov 11, 2012
Mûnich , Germany
Heck you are in the Anacsi iron zone brutha.. Muscle has killer memory and will eat up and spit out fat like me eating auce olive garden salad and those dam bread sticks on a sunday afternoon.. Stick with us and we will assist as true as we all can with no bs and when you know us it's hella cool.. Ps .. WELCOME MATE.. I learn somethin new everyday ..


New member
Jan 25, 2013
Heck you are in the Anacsi iron zone brutha.. Muscle has killer memory and will eat up and spit out fat like me eating auce olive garden salad and those dam bread sticks on a sunday afternoon.. Stick with us and we will assist as true as we all can with no bs and when you know us it's hella cool.. Ps .. WELCOME MATE.. I learn somethin new everyday ..

I like your style, Iron. :D

Thanks everyone for the warm welcomes so far. I am really enjoying the boards so far. LOTS of knowledge here!


Registered User
Oct 31, 2012
Welcome to the board man. You definitely need to get that weight off and keep it off! Can't use a girl or anything else as an excuse anymore. I did that for a long time and finally one day I just stopped making excuses and did it. I was about 265 and 20+% BF. Today, a few weeks into my prep and I'm 234 and about 8%. Took me three years but I had done a lot in the first year.

You have heard correctly about increased sides when at a higher BF level. Especially with the staples like test, deca and dbol. I will say though that at 35 and obese your natural test levels are probably low. You could always go see a doctor and inquire about a test level done. Tell them you have no energy, no sex drive and want to lose some weight. They should also check your thyroid panel. If you don't have insurance you could always order your own labs and get your levels checked. I bet 100-200mg of testosterone would help you feel better and lose weight, just from supporting lean tissue not any magical fat burning powers of testosterone.

My advice for your diet is don't go off the deep end right away. You don't need a no fat, or no carb diet. Just keep a nice balanced diet and reduce your portions at this point. Get rid of any junk food/candy/soda etc.

Workout wise you would do well with a regular old volume routine I would think and a little cardio. Stuff that will really get your metabolism up and running.


New member
Jan 25, 2013
Welcome to the board man. You definitely need to get that weight off and keep it off! Can't use a girl or anything else as an excuse anymore. I did that for a long time and finally one day I just stopped making excuses and did it. I was about 265 and 20+% BF. Today, a few weeks into my prep and I'm 234 and about 8%. Took me three years but I had done a lot in the first year.

You have heard correctly about increased sides when at a higher BF level. Especially with the staples like test, deca and dbol. I will say though that at 35 and obese your natural test levels are probably low. You could always go see a doctor and inquire about a test level done. Tell them you have no energy, no sex drive and want to lose some weight. They should also check your thyroid panel. If you don't have insurance you could always order your own labs and get your levels checked. I bet 100-200mg of testosterone would help you feel better and lose weight, just from supporting lean tissue not any magical fat burning powers of testosterone.

My advice for your diet is don't go off the deep end right away. You don't need a no fat, or no carb diet. Just keep a nice balanced diet and reduce your portions at this point. Get rid of any junk food/candy/soda etc.

Workout wise you would do well with a regular old volume routine I would think and a little cardio. Stuff that will really get your metabolism up and running.

Great post man! I think you're right about a trip to the doctor being in order. I'm sure my test levels are low due to obvious circumstances.

I think my diet is okay now, if not good. I'm eating almost all whole foods right now and my macronutrient intake is around 45 percent protein, 30 percent fat and 25 percent carbs.

I'm on a 5 day weight training program now with volume being the focus. Warm up cardio each lifting day. And a full day of just cardio. Looks like this:

Monday - chest/tris
Tuesday - back/bis
Wednesday - shoulders and moderate cardio
Thursday - legs
Friday - cardio day
Saturday - light cardio
Sunday - off day

I'd like to work on more deadlifting and squatting but I'm not sure how to incorporate them yet.

My regular diet looks roughly like this:

Breakfast (right away) - big cup of water, a meat of some kind (usually chicken breast but once a week lean beef), brown rice or sweet potato, banana

Snack - usually cottage cheese and/or a fruit

Lunch - A meat of some kind. Mostly chicken breast. Sometimes salmon or tuna. Usually broccoli.

Snack (usually also my post workout meal) - lean protein supplement (right now, Titan is the brand) and/or a couple hard boiled eggs (i eat the yolk, is this good or bad?)

Dinner - i try to make this mostly just meat. tuna or chicken

I ingest right around 2300 calories per day and I have kept a pretty strict diary and such since the first of the year.

As far as soda and candy, I don't eat/drink either one of those things. I allow myself a little bit of a cheat each saturday. a pint of ice cream or maybe a baconator but not a whole day. just one really crappy food at a time. lol

Let me know if you have any input on this. Thanks again!



Sep 17, 2003
Great post man! I think you're right about a trip to the doctor being in order. I'm sure my test levels are low due to obvious circumstances.

I think my diet is okay now, if not good. I'm eating almost all whole foods right now and my macronutrient intake is around 45 percent protein, 30 percent fat and 25 percent carbs.

I'm on a 5 day weight training program now with volume being the focus. Warm up cardio each lifting day. And a full day of just cardio. Looks like this:

Monday - chest/tris
Tuesday - back/bis
Wednesday - shoulders and moderate cardio
Thursday - legs
Friday - cardio day
Saturday - light cardio
Sunday - off day

I'd like to work on more deadlifting and squatting but I'm not sure how to incorporate them yet.

My regular diet looks roughly like this:

Breakfast (right away) - big cup of water, a meat of some kind (usually chicken breast but once a week lean beef), brown rice or sweet potato, banana

Snack - usually cottage cheese and/or a fruit

Lunch - A meat of some kind. Mostly chicken breast. Sometimes salmon or tuna. Usually broccoli.

Snack (usually also my post workout meal) - lean protein supplement (right now, Titan is the brand) and/or a couple hard boiled eggs (i eat the yolk, is this good or bad?)

Dinner - i try to make this mostly just meat. tuna or chicken

I ingest right around 2300 calories per day and I have kept a pretty strict diary and such since the first of the year.

As far as soda and candy, I don't eat/drink either one of those things. I allow myself a little bit of a cheat each saturday. a pint of ice cream or maybe a baconator but not a whole day. just one really crappy food at a time. lol

Let me know if you have any input on this. Thanks again!


Would be best to start a new thread in the Nutrition forum so that you will receive more views and input:)