Hello anasci


New member
Aug 1, 2010
Heelllooo ANASCI! Surfed the forums and decided to join. I would say I'm an apprentice with AAS. Know the basics but need to know a lot more. I can school most people around my way and am still surprised/pissed off at the dumb asses saying "Steroids shrink your dick!" I've used EQ (will use again some day), T-bol (might use), sust 250 (wont use a blend again), HCG, adex. NO cycle planned I got work to do before I worry about that.

I'm a crazy vet that has let himself go. I'm so skinny I can use venetian blinds as a bunk bed. I dont want to be a bodybuilder but I sure as hell dont want to look like this. I am into martial arts but dont compete. Working my way back to where I was. Long lay off and problems have me down about 40 lbs in the last year. From my heaviest weight I think I want to be about 10 lbs heavier but mostly in my legs and back. Pushing power in my upper body was fine I just want more powerful kicks and take downs as well as the power to hold and pull. I'm naturally tall and gangly. I'm 5' 10 and have an arms span of 6' 2". Most I ever weighted was 170-175. I'm down to like 135-140. I'm not even back to the gym I am trying to get my self used to eating again right now. Been eating more food for about 2 weeks and I am up about 3-4 lbs.

Off to bed see you guys when I am done researching the threads.


Nov 13, 2005

I'll go out on a limb here and say that you need to eat ALOT more food. 5ft 10 140 is just ugly. Actually you should stop reading about steroids and start reading up on nutrition and diet.


Feb 17, 2008
Welcome to Anasci Bro. I can't even remember what 140lbs was like and don't really want to either:D

Get your diet dialed in and you'll be back to a respectable weight in no time.


Feb 24, 2007
Welcome to Anasci first off!

Then go eat some animals and order you some SynthPure...Put that all together and flush it down with green leafy veggies all day long...Train HEAVY as you can w/out hurting yourself.


New member
Aug 1, 2010
140 lbs looks like the commercial they have for 25 cents a day feeds a child in a third world country. Well actually I look liek calvin Klien models used to. skinny as shit but a six pack. Ugly is almost an understatement. I took notes of what I was eating per day and it was like 1,300 calories.....yeah 1,300. That was the final straw now I'm on a mission to eat. One day I finally realized what I looked like in the mirror and now I eat every couple hours even if I aint hungry. Not really good food but thinks like turkey on wheat bread, oatmeal. Still eat things like burritos and pizza but I am getting in the habit of eating. I am going to get more oatmeal, eggs, chicken breast and veggies.

Drob ALOT is an understatement ha I spend about half my time refreshing on what I need to eat and the other half reading up in AAS. I was researching good carbs and found barley is about the most complex carb I can get. I was thinking about adding that in my diet rather than or in addition to oatmeal. I'm cutting out the processed foods and putting in good carbs that will last. I noticed with the increased food my veins pop out more and I felt like I was taking test or something. About two days after I upped my food I had a hard on about half the time. I know I'm not gaining muscles but they are fuller with the food. They actually have some fuel. My body was so starved I bet my blood work would have been/is screwed up.

Jello I am gaining weight back now but in the next week or two I am going to get into the gym again. I'm hoping to be back up to about 150-155 in a couple months. Dont have a goal to get above that I will have to see how long that takes. @ 150 is my natural weight so I should be back up to there pretty easy. I used EVOO before to help get in extra calories because weight gainers just flush threw my body. One person I knew said to eat fatty meat but someone else recommended EVOO because it is still fat just good ones.

Tyrone thanks for the advice. I'll have to get some synthepure for sure. Most protein powders give me gas and cramps unless I make a shake out of them with milk and fruit. At about 96% protein I think it should digest better.

Should I add in EVOO now or wait till I get the rest of my diet dialed in? I'm keeping it simple and getting my shit straight first before I get fancy. Main concern now is just MORE FOOD!


Feb 24, 2007
140 lbs looks like the commercial they have for 25 cents a day feeds a child in a third world country. Well actually I look liek calvin Klien models used to. skinny as shit but a six pack. Ugly is almost an understatement. I took notes of what I was eating per day and it was like 1,300 calories.....yeah 1,300. That was the final straw now I'm on a mission to eat. One day I finally realized what I looked like in the mirror and now I eat every couple hours even if I aint hungry. Not really good food but thinks like turkey on wheat bread, oatmeal. Still eat things like burritos and pizza but I am getting in the habit of eating. I am going to get more oatmeal, eggs, chicken breast and veggies.

Drob ALOT is an understatement ha I spend about half my time refreshing on what I need to eat and the other half reading up in AAS. I was researching good carbs and found barley is about the most complex carb I can get. I was thinking about adding that in my diet rather than or in addition to oatmeal. I'm cutting out the processed foods and putting in good carbs that will last. I noticed with the increased food my veins pop out more and I felt like I was taking test or something. About two days after I upped my food I had a hard on about half the time. I know I'm not gaining muscles but they are fuller with the food. They actually have some fuel. My body was so starved I bet my blood work would have been/is screwed up.

Jello I am gaining weight back now but in the next week or two I am going to get into the gym again. I'm hoping to be back up to about 150-155 in a couple months. Dont have a goal to get above that I will have to see how long that takes. @ 150 is my natural weight so I should be back up to there pretty easy. I used EVOO before to help get in extra calories because weight gainers just flush threw my body. One person I knew said to eat fatty meat but someone else recommended EVOO because it is still fat just good ones.

Tyrone thanks for the advice. I'll have to get some synthepure for sure. Most protein powders give me gas and cramps unless I make a shake out of them with milk and fruit. At about 96% protein I think it should digest better.

Should I add in EVOO now or wait till I get the rest of my diet dialed in? I'm keeping it simple and getting my shit straight first before I get fancy. Main concern now is just MORE FOOD!
Yes, Evoo is good, so is fish oil. I say do power cleans or dead lifts correctly and lift as heavy as you can w/out over-training.


New member
Aug 1, 2010
Yes, Evoo is good, so is fish oil. I say do power cleans or dead lifts correctly and lift as heavy as you can w/out over-training.

I rarely do exercises such as preacher curls and others about as isolated as I get is leg extensions and leg curls. I've done dead lifts in the past here and there but was thinking about making them a regular addition to lifting. Never done a heavy power clean but was also thinking about adding them to for power and explosiveness. Thanks for answering a questions before I was even going to post it.


Aug 28, 2005
Heelllooo ANASCI! Surfed the forums and decided to join. I would say I'm an apprentice with AAS. Know the basics but need to know a lot more. I can school most people around my way and am still surprised/pissed off at the dumb asses saying "Steroids shrink your dick!" I've used EQ (will use again some day), T-bol (might use), sust 250 (wont use a blend again), HCG, adex. NO cycle planned I got work to do before I worry about that.

I'm a crazy vet that has let himself go. I'm so skinny I can use venetian blinds as a bunk bed. I dont want to be a bodybuilder but I sure as hell dont want to look like this. I am into martial arts but dont compete. Working my way back to where I was. Long lay off and problems have me down about 40 lbs in the last year. From my heaviest weight I think I want to be about 10 lbs heavier but mostly in my legs and back. Pushing power in my upper body was fine I just want more powerful kicks and take downs as well as the power to hold and pull. I'm naturally tall and gangly. I'm 5' 10 and have an arms span of 6' 2". Most I ever weighted was 170-175. I'm down to like 135-140. I'm not even back to the gym I am trying to get my self used to eating again right now. Been eating more food for about 2 weeks and I am up about 3-4 lbs.

Off to bed see you guys when I am done researching the threads.

Glad to have you here at ANASCI.