Hawk return/update and added to the family too!


Feb 2, 2013
Hello my brothers,
Sorry for my absence as of late, but June was insane! It started with my mom visiting for a week from the east coast. Then 3 days later my inlaws visiting for 10 days from the north east. Then a week of vacation two days after the inlaws left in Orange Beach, AL.

Of course I was still working (read busy season for a contractor), but we decided to become foster parents (kinship guardians) to one of my boys friends.

Enter Reggie. Reggie is a young black boy who my boys befriended 6 years ago when we moved to the midwest. His momma would often lock him out so he would spend the night at my place. Years pass and his mother (read POS) wanted nothing to do with him and he was staying in a boys home and getting tossed around by the State, except for weekends when he would stay with us.

Now, Reggie is a pretty fine young man and we loved having him over and we are surprised how well he turned out given all the adversity. But, without any guidance he got in some trouble for shoplifting and was put on probation (before us) then a week before my vacation he was caught shoplifting some headphones from CVS. So, they threw him in county lock up for 14 days! We could not get him out or get word to him since we had no rights over him. Needless to say his POS mother wanted nothing to do with him.

So, we hired a laywer and met with his case worker and everybody else under the dam sun before and after vacation to get this kid out of jail and into our care. Well, he is finally here and fits right in. Heck, when we went on vacation he cleaned the house from top to bottom just because he is a neat freak.

There is more to tell, but that the nuts and bolts of it all. And really just a long way saying I missed my second family, but priorities.



Mar 8, 2014
Good to see you brother! I was just thinking the other day, what the hell happened to Hawk?lol. Thats a noble thing you're doing with Reggie bro, youre a good man


Super Moderator - RIP
Oct 28, 2012
Now that is a story that just about brings a tear to my eye. What you are doing says volumes about you.


Registered User
Jul 24, 2014
Very good of you and your family.You've given this young man a chance to succeed in life.I didn't realize Al had white sand beaches it looked nice there.As busy as you been you'll have to find time for a cold brew out at the casino.They brew some good craft beer out there.


Feb 2, 2013
Now that is a story that just about brings a tear to my eye. What you are doing says volumes about you.

I know many of you guys would do the same...we never thought we had a choice. When my wife went to the hearing Reggie was skyped into the court room so he could not see her. At one point the judge asked where he could go if he got out? Reggie teared up and said, I don't know? I just don't want to be alone. My wife lost it. The kid had no hope. It was a no brainer.

This part is also cool and reminds me how many good people there still are out there. Now I know when I say I am a contractor people may think I'm loaded. Well, I was once, but when the market tanked the bank took it all back. I remember painting a guys house in trade for an '85 suburban so I could stop taking the wifes mini van to work. I say all that to say that we started a go fund me account for Reggies bail $1200 cash only and laywer fee of $500. (Now, my buddy is a laywer and dropped it from $1500 to five when I told him.)

Anyway, we posted the link on fb and friends who I haven't talked to in years stepped up and donated to this boy they never met. One guy, called me and loaned me the bail money. While, I could have covered it, it would have hurt pretty bad with vacation looming. The donations we received covered almost everything in less than 12 hrs.

So, while I often watch the news and roll my eyes, this experience reminded me that there are still good people out there with hearts that are not afraid to reach in their wallets.



Super Moderator - RIP
Nov 18, 2012
Hey chick way to go! You and I talked about this at length.
14 days for the shoplifting. here in chicago the same rings true. Nice thing is if a white kid from the burbs gets snagged stealing they call their parents most times and powder their little butts ruffle the hair and say oh don't do that again you little scamp. ther black kids are usually hand cuffed and slammed face first into the ground' No he(reggie) should not have been lifting goods not purchased. On the other hand 14 days in county for a kid is really out of hand.
Dude I know you well and have to say I'm grateful for people like you.
Racism is stronger than ever and just one of those things in life that leaves me scratching my head. Ignorance is a tough nut to crack. Some of the most racist people I know have had little or no interaction with races other than their own.
As I type this I have two little grand daughters pulling on my shirt hollering pop pop pop pop ! pop pop when are we going fishing! we will be heading up to my folks today as this will be the last day here then they will go back to tx. In about 20 minutes I will be hearing are we there yet? are we there yet?
Kids are kids are kids. Its the guidance and genuine concern by the right people that make all the difference in the world. What happens from birth to pre puberty is the mapping for a lifetime. As you know I had another nephew
shot to death 2 weeks after you were last here. Another was gunned down
2 years ago. a week after this latest family loss another nephew was shot but not fatally. Reggie is on the endangered species list. You my friend will be the life"s game changer for him. I raised 2 special needs kinship guardian kids from babies. They are thriving. Where the public schools here wanted to just house them the school we got them into (charter) has been a blessing.
The older of the two is 15. He already has his sights set on north western.
He would like to become a design engineer for auto manufacturing.
This is a very rewarding experience. The kid will f -up here and there as most do. Just stay the course and remember even when angry you guys are all he has.
Thanks for making a difference . This is what men are suppose to do.
Protect and help children and those less fortunate alway respect and protect the elderly, That is what a strong male is here for. Bring him with next time up.
Talk soon. and I have to say very cool my friend. Thanks , smiling .. T


Feb 2, 2013
Hey T,
I did appreciate you lending me your ear through all this. It is also good to know that kids can change if they get a little help from people who care. It wad my first experience with a system that is intended for good, just keeps people down. It even surprised me how kind some folks were while others are so indifferent. Basically, the system for inner city folks just keeps them in the system...I mean, punish a 17 year old kid for not doing community service (parole violation) when he has no home, no matter a car? WTF? And trust me the PO reaming him out was not white, rather a well educated black woman who never saw a day on the street. It didn't take long for my mild mannered wife to tell her just her where the bear shit in the woods.

It's all messed up and it's up to us who may have an opportunity to show grace to those we can cuz the government can't do it. Not, everyone can do what we did, but we all can offer a kind word or hold a door regardless of color. Pull the skin of a person and we are all the same.

Be blessed all,