Has anyone heard Endothil?


Steroid Nazi
Jan 25, 2004
The shadows of your mind
This stuff is being hyped in the Muscle Rags. Has anyone heard of it?

Better than steroids? Who would have thought a compound developed to help people overcome muscle atrophy would become the bodybuilding breakthrough of the decade?

In a remarkable turn of events, arguably one of the strangest in the history of athletic performance, an offshoot of research directed to help victims of muscle atrophy has now become an underground cult phenomenon among bodybuilders, world-class athletes and, strangely enough, couch potatoes from the "boomer" generation. And, if consumer sales are any indication of a product's effectiveness, Endothil[TM]-CR is nothing short of a miracle. Both professional athletes and weekend warriors are buying so much Endothil-CR (especially after the ban on steroids and steroid precursors) that finding a bottle has become just about impossible. Has everyone gone crazy? Well ... not really.


Although Endothil-CR's functional component was already backed by clinical trials documenting its ability to overcome muscle atrophy by increasing muscle mass and strength, the success of Endothil-CR as a performance enhancer and muscle builder was "dumb luck," says Louis Rinaldi, spokesperson for Novex Biotech[TM], the compound's developers.

"When research was first published on the compound's ability to help build, repair and strengthen traumatized muscle tissue, trainers (believe it or not, a lot of athletic trainers are physical therapists who help get trauma victims back in shape) began suggesting the compound's muscle- and strength-building attributes could be a safe replacement for steroids and steroid-like compounds," says Rinaldi. "As these cutting-edge trainers began recommending the compound to their competitive clients, they began to receive feedback like, 'I can't believe the muscle gain and strength gain' and 'I never experienced anything like this, steroids or not.'"
Dr. Daniel B. Mowrey, Novex Biotech's Director of Scientific Affairs, says, "Clearly, people were seeing results, but we didn't have a scientific explanation as to why this muscle mass and strength increase was occurring. However, based on the incredibly positive reports, it is impossible to just ignore the effectiveness of Endothil-CR."


Then, in 2003, the results of an independent study of 31 fit males was released. During a double-blind, six-week study, the active compound in Endothil-CR increased upper body strength by 102% and lower body strength by 249% after concentrated exercise (as measured by the amount of weight participants could bench press and leg press). And biceps circumference increased dramatically over placebo--more than a one-inch increase in circumference versus almost no increase with the placebo group.

Since the study's release in April of 2003, researchers have been seeking a natural source for the active Endothil-CR compound. Finally, Novex Biotech discovered that, of all things, an extract of a special strain of green tomatoes could provide the active compound in the precise amount needed to increase muscle mass and strength as shown in the study.

That discovery led to Endothil-CR ... a unique and proven method to stimulate muscle growth and strength through the recruitment and differentiation of precursor muscle cells. Finally, a way to build bigger, stronger muscle without steroids or steroid-like precursors. A compound that has not been banned by any amateur or professional organized sporting body including the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) or the International Olympic Committee (IOC).


Mowrey explains, "Most doctors understand the cumulative, detrimental effects steroid abuse has on the human body. So anything that can produce increased muscle mass and strength without relying on steroids or steroid-like compounds has a clear and unambiguous benefit to both professional and amateur athletes ... and is well worth the effort in altering established training regimens."

So, if you see athletes popping a tiny little pink tablet developed to help trauma victims regain muscle size and strength, don't think they've gone off the deep end ... they may be smarter than you think.

So, what's the catch?

To experience the full benefits of Endothil-CR you'll have to completely alter your workout routine. You can no longer do generalized, full-body workouts, but just like restoring atrophied muscles, each day you work out, you'll have to focus on a single, specific muscle group and exercise that muscle group to exhaustion. Why? Because exercise to exhaustion creates "trauma" and Endothil-CR helps your body repair trauma by recruiting endothelial precursor muscle cells to repair (build) traumatized muscle tissue. The results? An increase in both upper and lower body (whichever area you exercise) muscle size and circumference ... and increased strength.

Having a hard time finding Endothil[TM]-CR?

If you've been searching for Endothil-CR, you already know it's become almost impossible to find. This tiny little tablet has attained "cult" status. Try your local GNC retailer (they always seem to keep it in stock), or try ordering through your local gym or supplement retailer. Can't wait? Your best bet is to call Novex Biotech[TM] at 1-800-520-0370, or order online at www.Endothil.com. The price is $89.00 for a full 30-day supply ... one tablet taken 30 minutes prior to your workout every day.

By the way, Endothil-CR is backed by a 100% no questions asked, money-back guarantee: if for any reason you're not satisfied with Endothil-CR, simply return the empty container within 30 days for a full refund.

Biswajeevan 2nd M.B.B.S
Nanjing Medical University


Registered User
Jun 19, 2005
Never heard of it. It does look tempting if it is legit.
It scares me because its from someone in china.


Registered User
Jun 19, 2005
CHRIS 1 said:
I will try it. I doubt it works if it did everyone would be on it. It says GNC may carry it. I go to the Vitamin Shop most of the time I never seen anything like that there it must be pretty new.

CHris is our lab rat here. jk LOL
GNc is so expensive. I use to go to Vshoppe becuase I was freinds with the manager and he hooked me up royaly. but now i moved so everything is over the internet. Try it and let us know chris


Registered User
May 29, 2005
down south
that is pretty interesting something that works as good as steroids but isn't. but is there any side effects or has there even been a study on it. i am tempted to try a lil myself. even if it doesnt work as well as real juice it would be great to use during your off cycle...


Sep 19, 2004
I hate to be the "glass is half empty guy", but the sales people don't even "work" at GNC. I would try it though if it weren't 89 bucks for a 30 day supply. The real stuff isn't that much and we know it works. Everything about the add sounds like the all too familiar Marketing ploy we read in the mags everday. They are all the same. But if they want to send me some I would gladly try it.


Registered User
May 29, 2005
down south
the price is down a lil about 20 bucks and i agree it sounds a lil fishy but even if you can get some results it would be great between cycles