Hair Thinning


Registered User
Jun 9, 2006
I have realllly thick hair and now on the side of my forehead I have thinned out a good bit. I've only taken 3 cycles ...first one I took at age 21..and i take regular pct for all of them. Will it come by how it was over time? Should I start my pct earlier this cycle to make sure it doesn't get thinner?


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
GetSwullll said:
I have realllly thick hair and now on the side of my forehead I have thinned out a good bit. I've only taken 3 cycles ...first one I took at age 21..and i take regular pct for all of them. Will it come by how it was over time? Should I start my pct earlier this cycle to make sure it doesn't get thinner?

PCT doesn't really have anything to do with hair thinning. Sure it may not be so bad if you do shorter cycles. Simple answer to your question is... no it won't go back. I had a high hair line at 17 but I actually prefer the way it is... so do women. So because I am sensitive in the hair department I started AAS expecting it to slowly disappear and being prepared for that. And good thing I was because it has simply gone. It would have anyway but the process as just been speeded up.

The cause for your hair loss is mainly the testosterone and of course all the androgens. Didn't you do supertest at 900mg per week? I can't imagine much worst than that for hair thinning. Tren, winny and adrol are others that are really bad for hair. Thats why if you are concerned with it to take protection and do stay away from certain compounds.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I couldn't remember all the names but just looked them up. The most common treatment when on is Proscar (Propecia) to help with hairloss. But I believe Dutasteride (similiar to propecia but stronger) is better but both can carry many sides. These include loss of libido so that shouldn't be much of a problem if your on a test cycle but not when off cycle. Other possible sides include sleeping problems and even mood swings. I would research them all and decide for yourself.

Other products to research that have good reps are Rogaine and Provillus. I don't really know anythign about them but hear they are good.

I also believe a shampoo called Nizoral is suppose to be great. Get the 2% version. That isn't even advertised as a hair loss treatment but a dandruff shampoo. It's suppose to really thicken your hair and really does work. You should use that every few days and leave it on about 3-5mins before rinsing.

By the way I have never tried any of those products but know people who have tried the propecia, rogaine and nizoral and speak highly of them. Liek I said I was happy for it to disappear. Saying that I was abut pissed when the sides starting going. Now because of that I have to shave it every week (or even less) so I don't have a big hairline going all around my head. I put that down to my tren and adrol. When using them I saw a big difference in a matter of weeks. Hope it helps.


Registered User
Nov 27, 2007
proscar and or propecia have a nasty side effect. it is only supposed to happen to a small % of men but I have known three men that took it and two of them could get a hard on while on it. it does work though. The nizoral works also but stops working when you stop using it. you will loose all you have gained while you where using it. go and get either nioxen shampoo or Therepro shampoo. when men with high testosterone levels loose there hair it is because after the test has been used it converts to DHT. The DHT comes out in the scalp where the hair root lives.When the hair falls out the DHT block the hair from coming out. the two shampoos I named remove the DHT. unless you are predetermined to loose your hair. (genetics) this will work for you.