Had baseline labs done....freaking out..Should I scrap first cycle?


Registered User
Sep 17, 2014
I pinned for the first time ever on Tuesday, starting first cycle 500mg/testC wk w/.25mg arimidex

That morning before starting the cycle I had some blood taken at a physical and requested my estrogen and test levels be checked

I wanted some baselines before ever using AAS so I can know later whats going on with cycling

Today I got a call from the tech saying I should follow up with my doctor bc I have below average test levels

I asked what was below average and she said a range, i think it was 300-1000 is normal, and that mine was 267.

So from what I understand, that is pretty low... like qualify for trt low..

Now I dont know what to do, or how this low starting level will affect my first cycle....
Should I proceed? Will this mean I wont get good gains?
I am really taken aback by this and need some guidance.

Thanks guys


Oct 29, 2012
Out in the boondocks
Well, some may say get on legit trt first, but you will be monitored and have to get bloods again in probably 3 months and every 6 to 12 thereafter. The choice is yours. I would also check to see if your insurance even covers it, cause it's expensive. If you do choose to cycle, your gains will not be effected as you test is now exogenous. You always have to option to go in after your cycle/cycles and be put on trt as its likely your natural t levels will be even lower. Either way I would suggest you do trt in between cycles whether it's Dr prescribed or self administered, cause with your t levels so low your gains will be gone. Also, great job getting pre bloods.


Registered User
Jul 1, 2013
Proceeding with the cycle is your choice my friend. You can wait two weeks go to the dr and get most likely put on trt. Or you can continue your cycle try to run a pct and then have blood drawn to see where you are. Having low T will have no effect on your cycle if you do choose to proceed with it due to the fact that once you have introduced exogenous testosterone into your system your endocrine system will no longer produce testosterone naturally because you already have enough synthetic test in you. This is where the term "shut down" comes into play. It refers to your endocrine system shutting down and no longer producing test because there is no need for it. Hope this helped.

The Grim Repper

Super Moderator
Sep 26, 2008
Making it Happen Somewhere
As magnus said, great thinking getting pre cycle bloods done. You now know what your baseline is. Sure, it's low. But, had you not gotten work done, you'd possibly do a cycle, come off, then see low numbers and not know if the cycle had done that or if you are low because of a condition where the body doesn't produce normal levels of testosterone - hypogonadism.


AnaSCI VIP / Donating Member
Sep 24, 2006
It will not effect your gains as magnus stated. If anything, you will probably feel much better now that you are getting on some test because having low T sucks ass. trt is an option if your insurance will cover the costs...but that is if you can find an md who knows what they are doing and don't have you on some effed up dosage scheme.


Registered User
Sep 17, 2014
Ok I think having put so much time into planning this first go, I am leaning towards doing a cycle, pct, then getting checked again.

I will look into coverage with my insurance, which is pretty good, but I'm not sure its good enough to cover trt...Ive read less and less plans are providing coverage but i dont know that as a fact just what ive read..

so If I do decide to proceed, should I consider increasing the 500mg/wk test i was planning??
I guess test has different effects on individuals so even a low amount like i have planned might work great for me?
or is it less relative and more a matter of I need to get my levels to a certain point to really increase potential for gains?

I dont have absolute clear cut goals for gains during this first cycle bc i really dont know what to expect, but this is a really big deal for me, and if it will only provide me minimal gains at these levels it would be disappointing.


Nov 1, 2012
Flip a coin really, do cycle, than go back and get on trt. Or do it now. You already know your baseline is low.


Registered User
Dec 22, 2013
I'd go ahead and get a script for test just to cover your rearend...

You built a pretty good physique on 200's of test.....did you fast (stop eating) midnight the night before the test?
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Registered User
Sep 17, 2014
I'd go ahead and get a script for test just to cover your rearend...

You built a pretty good physique on 200's of test.....did you fast (stop eating) midnight the night before the test?

No I didn't fast as I wasn't told to. It was just an initial visit with a physical. He wasnt even going to check my test levels, but i mentioned to the nurse I had been a little emotional, and thought maybe lifting weights was causing me to have elevated estrogen levels.

Not sure if it can skew the test but I did have a couple drinks the night before, as well as sex with my ex gf twice, and i got less sleep than normal only like five hours at most as it was an early appointment. so on the bright side maybe my test levels are actually usually higher?

As far as my physique, I started training in my twenties and I am not in my best shape now, and my lifts arent that close to my personal bests. Id guess my levels havent been this low the whole time, but the last couple years have been tough. Two injuries really limited what i could do in the gym. I turn 34 in a couple of weeks so i thought maybe it was just a combination of age and not being able to "bounce back" from injury as well.

As far as my "rearend" goes, its sore as hell from pinning for the first time


Registered User
Sep 17, 2014
Stay at 500mg/wk. With your low test, your body is going to blow up.

I'm with Magnus. Your natural test is in the basement, do the cycle, use the info you get here in regards to diet, supps, AIs, etc., and you'll be very pleased.

Thanks guys, I think after all the planning and preparing to really work it I want to continue.

My understanding is I can just say to the doc maybe it was cause im a little depressed, and drank too much...let me come back in a couple months and get rechecked...

if at that point im pct'ed it should go back to the same if not lower levels and I could still get trt if I want to. Im not sure I do yet, I have to do a lot of research but my understanding is there's a bunch of hoop jumping to go through and it can be expensive


Oct 29, 2012
Out in the boondocks
Don't tell the doc anything. If you want on, just go in 3 weeks after your last shot and don't to pct. Your test will be in the tanker. No reason to pct if your going on trt. He may even use your old Labs. If for some reason he doesn't give it to you, either find one who does or jump on pct. You will only be 1 week behind normal pct anyway. Remember though if you don't get trt, pct more than likely will not raise your t levels any higher than before, so you will loose a lot of your gains. In that case I would recommend doing self administered trt @ 100mg/wk and do blood work through labcorp or any lab test now.


Registered User
Sep 17, 2014
I looked into my insurance, and its not gonna pay for liquid test... I will have to research TRT and decide, but for now i'm declaring game on for my first run..im eating like crazy and gonna see what i can do... I have time to decide, so im gonna use it....


Nov 20, 2012
1ml of paddock cyp at Sams club is $20 without insurance. You might be able to find a coupon for walgreens or something for a 10ml vial.

I would do like these guys say. Run the cycle, then no pct and get blood drawn at 3 weeks post cycle. It will be under 200, I would guess.


Donating Member
Jan 16, 2014
Island life
I was on TRT and personally it was a waste of time all those blood tests and DR. visits. I was trying to juggle cycles in between visits, F- that!! I TRT my self with a great supplier(s) on hand. If your Dr. sends you home with 3 months of CYP. INJ. then maybe play the game for some free-bee's. Thats my take on the whole TRT game.


Aug 28, 2005
I pinned for the first time ever on Tuesday, starting first cycle 500mg/testC wk w/.25mg arimidex

That morning before starting the cycle I had some blood taken at a physical and requested my estrogen and test levels be checked

I wanted some baselines before ever using AAS so I can know later whats going on with cycling

Today I got a call from the tech saying I should follow up with my doctor bc I have below average test levels

I asked what was below average and she said a range, i think it was 300-1000 is normal, and that mine was 267.

So from what I understand, that is pretty low... like qualify for trt low..

Now I dont know what to do, or how this low starting level will affect my first cycle....
Should I proceed? Will this mean I wont get good gains?
I am really taken aback by this and need some guidance.

Thanks guys

I would keep going with the cycle myself. I would get
some blood work done again about mid way through the
cycle and again right around the last week and see where
your levels end up. The big test will be a month or two after PCT
to see where your natural levels stand.


Registered User
Sep 17, 2014
I was on TRT and personally it was a waste of time all those blood tests and DR. visits. I was trying to juggle cycles in between visits, F- that!! I TRT my self with a great supplier(s) on hand. If your Dr. sends you home with 3 months of CYP. INJ. then maybe play the game for some free-bee's. Thats my take on the whole TRT game.

It's not covered by insurance so it wouldnt be free at all...I have decent coverage but now that ive had my "annual physical"...all office visits, and labwork will get hit with co-pays and and scrips will have to be paid out of pocket :action-smiley-060:

Im going to research and consider my options..since im going to go ahead with the cycle I dont feel like I need to decide right now


Registered User
Sep 17, 2014
I would keep going with the cycle myself. I would get
some blood work done again about mid way through the
cycle and again right around the last week and see where
your levels end up. The big test will be a month or two after PCT
to see where your natural levels stand.

:action-smiley-030: Hey ashop

thanks I hoping to see some good results from a first cycle
I got the gear from a sponsor here
It was A...............something............eh idunno...i forget :D