

New member
Apr 5, 2017
Hey guys first time poster here. I'm 22 years old and I'm having a problem with gyno. I was working out for a year and a half when i decided it was a good idea to take deca(i think that was the name of it). Used it for one cycle which turned out to be about a month or a month and a half and then stopped taking it and worked out for another month before deciding my shoulder was too injured to keep going. I had dislocated it many times and I was just hurting it more working out. I had no gyno at the time but a year later I've recovered from surgery and am working out again. I went from 200 lbs to 240 lbs (I'm 6'6") and my chest is mostly fat and i have gyno (pretty big pointy nips that point off to the side instead of straight). Since then I have been lifting weights getting my strength back to where it was before surgery. Chest looks strong but still, big nips and pointing off to the side. I thought this would go away with working out but it hasn't. I have not done any cardio either though, so that could help with it. Do you think I will need to take nolvadex or something like that to get rid of this? You can see them while I'm wearing a shirt so its pretty embarrassing. Any help is appreciated.

lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
Before doing anything, change your diet and do cardio. Get your bodyfat measured and start from their. Talk to a primary health physician about getting a sonogram and blood work to see your pituitary hormone levels, etc.

Bad idea to take a compound eithout knowing anything about it. Based off your post, you were/are uneducated in the use of steroids. Most likely you have you some sort of mamory gland growth but sounds like a lot of fat from your description. Check out a plastic surgeon for a free consultation about liposuction or gyno reconstructive surgury too.

No anti e, sarm or progesterone bkocker is going to be a miracle pill. Diet and surgery will be your only option in reality. Sorry to be blunt.


New member
Apr 5, 2017
Before doing anything, change your diet and do cardio. Get your bodyfat measured and start from their. Talk to a primary health physician about getting a sonogram and blood work to see your pituitary hormone levels, etc.

Bad idea to take a compound eithout knowing anything about it. Based off your post, you were/are uneducated in the use of steroids. Most likely you have you some sort of mamory gland growth but sounds like a lot of fat from your description. Check out a plastic surgeon for a free consultation about liposuction or gyno reconstructive surgury too.

No anti e, sarm or progesterone bkocker is going to be a miracle pill. Diet and surgery will be your only option in reality. Sorry to be blunt.

The truth hurts, but not that much. I'm hoping cardio will fix it. Thanks for the advice.

And yes I was very uneducated about the use of steroids.

heavy hitter

Registered User
Mar 18, 2006
Nolvadex and letro can help though. It wont get rid of it.....but I have seen it shrink gyno and prevent it from getting worse