gyno question


New member
Sep 5, 2004
general gyno question: those of you that typically experience gyno during your cycles, what symptoms do you experience besides the obvious visual ones?...in other words, are the nipples always sore if you get gyno...or itchy, etc.? (by the way, i'm not experiencing any of these physical symptoms yet...just checking so i know what to look for)

i always carry excess fat at the lower chest area prior to this first cycle, so i can't tell the difference visually. additionally, if one does get gyno while on cycle, does it dissipate once off cycle..or overtime? i'm currently at the end of my second week of test e and dbol. i have plenty of nolva on hand if needed.

any help would be appreciated....thanks guys.

Robin Hood

Registered User
Sep 18, 2004
mmm...Well, as i just finished my first cycle 5 weeks ago, i must say i was lucky and had NO gyno.....I was advised to still do my PCT, but it seems that the Nolvadex i used, was not actually neccesary...i started heving backpain and, as soon as i stopped nolvadex...it went away.....which ONLY could have been because my body had NO acccess water....I would personaly suggest you wait till you first NOTICE/SEE the gyno, OR whenever the nipples start to ache...Me personaly, i don't care what happends, but i will NEVER do PCT BEFORE i'm not sure of the gyno symtoms.....the pain i had was f'n sore.....The cause of the pain i could only suggest came to the fact that Nolvadex suppresses the water, thereby leaving you with LESS water in the joints, which actually let to the backpain i had....I might be wrong, but i think it sort of makes sense...


Steroid Nazi
Jan 25, 2004
The shadows of your mind
Once again Robin, PCT is to kickstart your natural testosterone production after a cycle so that you don't lose your gains. PCT has NOTHING to do with gyno.

Lots of people develop sensative nipples for different reasons. Sore and itchy nipples can be the first sign that gyno is coming on, but real gyno causes pain in the nipples and eventually development of fiberous tissue (small hard lumps) just under the nipple. Carrying excess fat in the lower chest is common among some men and is not gyno.


Registered User
Sep 28, 2004
Oslo, Norway
My left nipple is sore 24/7, I have small lumbs underneath the nipple and it hurts when I thouch it to hard.. probably gyno I guess, but Im starting up my pct with nolva and clomid monday so I hope it`ll go away.. If you guys think I should start taking nolva allready now I`ll sure as hell do it, because this is no fun...!

btw, anadrol and test is a superb recipy for developing gyno..

Robin Hood

Registered User
Sep 18, 2004
DragonRider said:
Once again Robin, PCT is to kickstart your natural testosterone production after a cycle so that you don't lose your gains. PCT has NOTHING to do with gyno.

Lots of people develop sensative nipples for different reasons. Sore and itchy nipples can be the first sign that gyno is coming on, but real gyno causes pain in the nipples and eventually development of fiberous tissue (small hard lumps) just under the nipple. Carrying excess fat in the lower chest is common among some men and is not gyno.
Well DR, in that case im one hell of a lucky person...This is my 6th week after my 1st cycle, i stopped using Nolvadex, experience NO pain ( 6 days after using Nolvadex, I HAD ONE hell OF A BACK-ACHE ), and all i can say is...WHAT A RELIEF :).....Maby i didn't need to do a pct, as i am 100% A-ok...


Sep 19, 2004
Robin Hood said:
Well DR, in that case im one hell of a lucky person...This is my 6th week after my 1st cycle, i stopped using Nolvadex, experience NO pain ( 6 days after using Nolvadex, I HAD ONE hell OF A BACK-ACHE ), and all i can say is...WHAT A RELIEF :).....Maby i didn't need to do a pct, as i am 100% A-ok...

You have to do PCT. Even though DR just explained it, I'm not sure if you know exactly what PCT is. I'm only on my first AS cycle but I've done a hell of a lot of research before going into this. Don't mean to sound like a deock but maybe you should read the post on pct, it may be a sticky.

Robin Hood

Registered User
Sep 18, 2004
Blackbird said:
You have to do PCT. Even though DR just explained it, I'm not sure if you know exactly what PCT is. I'm only on my first AS cycle but I've done a hell of a lot of research before going into this. Don't mean to sound like a deock but maybe you should read the post on pct, it may be a sticky.
I read it through and appreciate your advice, but the reason i stopped it, is that the Nolvadex gave me one hell of an ache in my lower back...Now, 2 days after i've stopped.....no more pain..Another reason why i stopped, was that my testicles are also 100%......i think the reason for this was, that i was on a very MILD cycle....:)PS: i also still got AL my gains.....and a whole month has passed already after my cycle......no gyno, no shrinking balls...etc etc....


Perfection Personifide
Dec 7, 2004
Robin Hood said:
Another reason why i stopped, was that my testicles are also 100%...... no shrinking balls...etc etc....

Now that's a man that knows his nuts.....lol. dagummit we should all be in touch with our testicles like that. Not "literally" in "touch" tex just figuratively.

But seriously Robin Hood how long have you been doing your PCT sounds like you've been on it for a long time since you mentioned a month has passed. On nolvadex if you did about 30 days your cool...clomid is about 21. You should be fine now if you stopped if this is the case.
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Robin Hood

Registered User
Sep 18, 2004
oracle said:
Now that's a man that knows his nuts.....lol. dagummit we should all be in touch with our testicles like that. Not "literally" in "touch" tex just figuratively.

But seriously Robin Hood how long have you been doing your PCT sounds like you've been on it for a long time since you mentioned a month has passed. On nolvadex if you did about 30 days your cool...clomid is about 21. You should be fine now if you stopped if this is the case.
lol....a very short one and i can tell you...6 weeks only, and i DID pick up quite a bit ( well, for me that is..+-13lbs )
Have a look at the new PCT i just put up on the forum....quite interresting..:)..I'm going for 6 weeks now AFTER my cycle..


Sep 19, 2004
No matter how long you were on it or not on it, the point is Pct helps bring your body's testosterone level back up


Perfection Personifide
Dec 7, 2004
Robin Hood said:
lol....a very short one and i can tell you...6 weeks only, and i DID pick up quite a bit ( well, for me that is..+-13lbs )
Have a look at the new PCT i just put up on the forum....quite interresting..:)..I'm going for 6 weeks now AFTER my cycle..

I'm kinda lost here. If you did testosterone in your first cycle are you including in this 6 weeks after your cycle the 2 weeks prior to starting PCT? So you actually been on PCT for 4 weeks? If so then you'll be ok.


Perfection Personifide
Dec 7, 2004
Blackbird said:
No matter how long you were on it or not on it, the point is Pct helps bring your body's testosterone level back up

I'm sure robin hood understands the purpose of PCT now....it's just that he's been on it long enough to discontinue it.


all i got to say about this is that the cycle robin hood did was not long enough to feel the full affects of the synthetic test. he stopped not much longer after it would have started kicking in so his natural levels may not have been suppressed that much and were able to recover on their own. the weight he gained was more than likely from eating more and not from the gear which would also explain why he kept most of the gains.
the important issue here is that ROBIN HOOD must make sure he fully understands the concepts of cycling and see's that his cycle was not long enough given the gear he used to dramatically affect his body, thus his lack of a need for a proper pct. for his next cycle he must run it much longer than the last if he really wants to get his moneys worth from the gear and then he will DEFINATELY need to do a proper pct. if he continues to run these low dosage short cycles his gains will eventually stop completely cause he is not doing that much more than if training naturally.


NorthQ said:
My left nipple is sore 24/7, I have small lumbs underneath the nipple and it hurts when I thouch it to hard.. probably gyno I guess, but Im starting up my pct with nolva and clomid monday so I hope it`ll go away.. If you guys think I should start taking nolva allready now I`ll sure as hell do it, because this is no fun...!

btw, anadrol and test is a superb recipy for developing gyno..
yes anadrol has a very high affinity to convert to estrogen and cause gyno. i run into the same problems cause i use high dosages of drol all the time(up to 150mg per day) and always get gyno in my left nipple.
next cycle i would run at least 20mg of nolva throughout the entire cycle and even add some proviron at 25mg if it is available to you.
my advise to you is to run the nolva at the 40mg dosage past the first week till the gyno syptoms subside then you can lower it to the lower amounts shown for a standard nolva pct run. dont lower it to the 30mg or 20mg levels till symptoms are gone.


Steroid Nazi
Jan 25, 2004
The shadows of your mind
pincrusher said:
next cycle i would run at least 20mg of nolva throughout the entire cycle and even add some proviron at 25mg if it is available to you.
my advise to you is to run the nolva at the 40mg dosage past the first week till the gyno syptoms subside then you can lower it to the lower amounts shown for a standard nolva pct run. dont lower it to the 30mg or 20mg levels till symptoms are gone.

Excellent advice. I would probably up the proviron to 50mg per day in divided doses. I think I gave you similar advice about the nolva now.


DragonRider said:
Excellent advice. I would probably up the proviron to 50mg per day in divided doses. I think I gave you similar advice about the nolva now.
considering that he already has shown that he gets gyno, you are right about the 50mg dosing of the proviron. 25mg probably will not be enough for someone who has already gotten gyno in the past ;)


One Cocky S.O.B.
Oct 6, 2004
yeah, im prone as well, so i always have clomid on hand. the first time i let it go and it didnt go away for a year, but now it went away and is coming back. consider yourself lucky.