Growing while staying lean!!


Registered User
Feb 9, 2014
I have recently been experimenting with new ways of trying to grow while staying lean around 8-10% bf instead of the typical offseason bulking gaining maybe 25-40lbs of extra weight. I have been keeping all my carbs pre/intra/post while using slin/GH around training and then the rest of the day staying high protein moderate fat zero/low carb. Have any of you guys used this approach to try and maintain a lean look all year while using proper timing of gear and food to try and grow? I will lay out my last blast so you can see what I did.

Test enth 500/week
NPP 300/week
EQ 400/week
Test susp 50mg pre workout
GH 5iu/1 hr pre workout
Humalog 4-5iu 15 min pre workout
Nolvadex 50mg daily
Aromasin 10mg 3 times week

-my protein was around 400g daily, fats were around 60g, carbs were 60g pre workout/25g intra/80g post workout. Rest of day was protein/ fats/and veggies

-I went from about 240lbs to 245lbs with bodyfat getting pretty low around 8% I’m assuming. No cardio and weight training around 4-5 days per week.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Feb 19, 2018
I have recently been experimenting with new ways of trying to grow while staying lean around 8-10% bf instead of the typical offseason bulking gaining maybe 25-40lbs of extra weight. I have been keeping all my carbs pre/intra/post while using slin/GH around training and then the rest of the day staying high protein moderate fat zero/low carb. Have any of you guys used this approach to try and maintain a lean look all year while using proper timing of gear and food to try and grow? I will lay out my last blast so you can see what I did.

Test enth 500/week
NPP 300/week
EQ 400/week
Test susp 50mg pre workout
GH 5iu/1 hr pre workout
Humalog 4-5iu 15 min pre workout
Nolvadex 50mg daily
Aromasin 10mg 3 times week

-my protein was around 400g daily, fats were around 60g, carbs were 60g pre workout/25g intra/80g post workout. Rest of day was protein/ fats/and veggies

-I went from about 240lbs to 245lbs with bodyfat getting pretty low around 8% I’m assuming. No cardio and weight training around 4-5 days per week.
Exactly what my approach has been the last year or so.

Works very well for me but, I'm at the point now where I'll have to start adding in carbs besides pre, intra, post and second post meal.

Haven't done cardio in over a year [emoji6]


Registered User
Feb 9, 2014
Exactly what my approach has been the last year or so.

Works very well for me but, I'm at the point now where I'll have to start adding in carbs besides pre, intra, post and second post meal.

Haven't done cardio in over a year [emoji6]

Are you using GH/insulin? What’s your blast look like?


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Feb 19, 2018
Are you using GH/insulin? What’s your blast look like?
Yes I have used gh and insulin during those times.

Training days gh is all pre workout 3-8 iu depending on where I'm at.

10iu slin

Blasts are whatever I didn't run last time [emoji16]


Donating Member
Jul 31, 2007
I do something similar....but not using GH at the moment...and have never used slin.

As long as I have enough carbs pre, intra, and post to fuel my training sessions......The only calories I increase when adding a surplus is "healthy fats". I'm getting enough protein....and I think your body needs at least 80-100 grams of healthy fat a day for optimal hormone levels.

Once a week I will drop fats down to almost nothing, keep protein the same, and take in a huge amount of carbs as a means of shocking my body.

It's slow going....but a lot better than before as I was one who would gain a huge amount too...then just have to diet it all away.

Right now I try to stay within a period that I only need to diet for about 4 weeks to get into really good shape.


Donating Member
Jul 31, 2007
rmtt, how many grams of protein per lb are you eating?
Currently around 1.5 grams per pound....so about 300 grams total.

Some days I may hit 280...some days I may hit 320....but weekly average is about 300 per day.

That comes from an intra and post workout shake...and the rest whole food. I'm not adverse to adding a shake in if I'm in a position where I can't eat...but I do try to keep it to a minimum.

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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
Cardio is always beneficial to help stay lean, even when bulking. HIIT improves insulin sensitivity and helps to burn fat. And the overall health benefits to your cardiovascular system are undeniable. Well planned cardio should be part of everyone’s cycles, whether bulking or cutting. For that matter, it should be part of everyone’s daily life. We’d be a much healthier country/world for it.


Donating Member
Jul 31, 2007
Cardio is always beneficial to help stay lean, even when bulking. HIIT improves insulin sensitivity and helps to burn fat. And the overall health benefits to your cardiovascular system are undeniable. Well planned cardio should be part of everyone’s cycles, whether bulking or cutting. For that matter, it should be part of everyone’s daily life. We’d be a much healthier country/world for it.
Very true. Plus it helps stimulate my appetite making it easier to eat the amount I need to!

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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Feb 19, 2018
Montego, have you posted up your diet in the log? Would be very interesting.
Yes sir is there.

Here's my newest update comparison. 60 days. Same weight but leaner and bigger up top. Legs are slightly down due to how much I've been having to walk at work but they're leaner as well just white AF.


Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
Well this isnt going to be healthy. But you did ask.

You can run a calorie surplus that's way over the line and just burn off the overture with t3,clen,BroncAid, caffeine & ECA tabs and even DNP. I don't ever use DNP, but it's there for the guys that do. This is what 99% 0f the BogBoyz are doing running all that slin. You can say it's all the HGH there running, but it's not. No amount of HGH is going to rain in the amounts of calories they're ramming in.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Feb 19, 2018
Well this isnt going to be healthy. But you did ask.

You can run a calorie surplus that's way over the line and just burn off the overture with t3,clen,BroncAid, caffeine & ECA tabs and even DNP. I don't ever use DNP, but it's there for the guys that do. This is what 99% 0f the BogBoyz are doing running all that slin. You can say it's all the HGH there running, but it's not. No amount of HGH is going to rain in the amounts of calories they're ramming in.
So the question would be, why force food you don't need only to add in more stress on the body with fat burners?

I never understood that. Also, I don't get cardio during a gaining phase..... You could argue the heart health aspect but, training itself can be a pretty good cardiovascular stimulus. Appetite increase? I guess? Look fuller pushing more good but doing a little cardio? Maybe.

My view is you're losing recovery time and burning up calories you need to grow. That time could be spent napping [emoji6]

Then, when you DO need to do cardio, you have to increase from where you're already at when nutrition adjustments slow progress. Not doing cardio in over a year, I could add in as little as 3 20 minute sessions and see the scale plummet.


Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
I'm sure there doing cardio for heart health. But many studies have proven cardio does improve the bodies response the gear and the effect it exerts.

I didn't recommend burning the excess off the back end by doing meds. But that's what they do. Apparently there are gains to be made by max-plusing glucose storage assisting nutrient/cell insertions. At that level, I think everything they do shortens their lives. Take a look at the new crowed of top BBers and tell me what they have in common with Arnolds day? It's just a different world. But you know this. :)


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
So the question would be, why force food you don't need only to add in more stress on the body with fat burners?

I never understood that. Also, I don't get cardio during a gaining phase..... You could argue the heart health aspect but, training itself can be a pretty good cardiovascular stimulus. Appetite increase? I guess? Look fuller pushing more good but doing a little cardio? Maybe.

My view is you're losing recovery time and burning up calories you need to grow. That time could be spent napping [emoji6]

The research shows that cardio actually improves recovery from weight training. It creates a peristaltic action in the body and the muscles which pumps more blood through the muscles, flushing out the lactic acid and other byproducts from broken down muscle, and bringing in nutrients to speed the repair of the muscle tissue. Plus it makes you more sensitive to the slin you’re already running, which improves it’s function and the subsequent benefits from the AAS.

Just because the number on the scale goes down doesn’t mean you’re losing muscle. At worst you’re burning some muscle glycogen. Throw in some extra simple carbs at the end of your training session and you’re gtg. Best case, you’re oxidizing fat and getting leaner, and that’s never a bad thing.

The research has also shown that the increase in heart rate and respiration’s during weight training is not analogous to the same increases from doing cardio. They have 2 different causes, and 2 different sets of benefits.

Cardio also doesn’t have to add any appreciable time to your workout. One can do all the HIIT cardio that they need in 5 minutes after they get done weight training. 3 sets of 1 minute sprints on the treadmill, rowing machine, elliptical, or just doing squat thrusts or some other body weight movement, with a 1 minute rest in between sprints is all you need. You’re done in 5 minutes, literally. Anyone can find 5 minutes at the end of their workout to burn some fat and improve their cardiovascular health.


Donating Member
Jul 31, 2007
My cardio whether gaining or bulking consists of about 10 minutes HIIT before my workout. Mainly for hearth health and appetite stimulation.

When dieting....I still only do 10 minutes. I can get pretty much as lean as I want to with diet alone and never had to resort to cardio to get even leaner.

But if you set yourself up properly...you should be eating enough calories that when you do go into a deficit....you are able to lose fat slowly and for awhile without your calories getting to the point of needing to add cardio.

I know that Monetgo gets lean without cardio....and I bet when he is on his diet.....he probably doesn't feel deprived.

It's the same with me. Hell I welcome when it's time to diet. Losing fat is easy...it's gaining weight that is my crux. I get to the point that eating becomes so tedious...I just get tired of it. My week will consist of 6 days of clean food..and one day I will eat pretty clean...but sneak in other things where at the end of the day...I will have logged 6,000+ calories.

When it comes time to diet...with a deficit set to lose around 1lb per week...I'm still around the 3,000 calorie per day mark. By the time I get down to where I'm only eating 2,000 calories...I'm generally as lean as I want to get.

Keep in mind that I'm not doing competitions...but I'm leaner than 99% of the others in my gym aside from a few people who may be 2-4 weeks out from a show.

But like I said before...gaining while staying lean is slow. I'm typically eating at a surplus for about 6-8 weeks...then eating at a slight deficit for 2-4 weeks. Two steps forward..one step back.

Keeps the monotony out of the process at least!


Mar 27, 2014
Splitting cardio and weights-
2 chances to open up the gates - you can pound the carbs, proteins or fats into your muscle.
And the cardio helps get more oxygen in the blood stream and help get toxins out
Did I word that right.?
Its big time beneficial.
You will find out once you get older how much it would have helped your lifting journey.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Feb 19, 2018
Yall keep doing cardio, I'll keep sleeping [emoji6].


Registered User
Oct 25, 2012
I train high volume and add in morning cardio. Food is kept clean most of the time so I never get sloppy. If I ever do start putting on unnecesary body fat for whatever reason I change things. Stackign aas with hgh or peps can really help when growing lean.


Registered User
Feb 9, 2014
This was last time I dieted down. I started around 242lbs and I was around 238-240 in these photos. I am a firm believer I can get lean and grow in minimal gear.


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