good pct?


New member
Sep 20, 2007
I am about to start a cycle of test-p and dbol for about 10-12 weeks. Wanted some feedback on pct. I already have about 40 Nolvodex from my last cycle. any info is appreciated.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
jbt067000 said:
I am about to start a cycle of test-p and dbol for about 10-12 weeks. Wanted some feedback on pct. I already have about 40 Nolvodex from my last cycle. any info is appreciated.

I am new to this too but I don't understand how people who are gonna start a cycle like the one above don't research correct PCT and steroids in general. If you have 40 Nolva from your last cycle can I ask what PCT you done for your last and what was the cycle? Will this be your 2nd cycle? I think Armidex would be the best for you but at a fairly low dosage during your cycle. Or you could do 20mg Nolvadex and 25mg Proviron per day.

Then for PCT you should look at Clomid. If you type PCT in google and clomid you will find countless websites explaining all. Just look at 5 or so and you should have a good picture of what to do (most sites propose the same dosages). I would continue doing 20mg of Nolvadex during PCT as well as the clomid but lower it to 10mg during the final week. So I assume you are planning to run test p all cycle? If so then you are best starting the Clomid about 5days to 1 week after your last shot (active life is 2-3 days). Do you mind injecting ed or eod? If so I would recommend changing to test c for the 12 weeks. The dbol would be an excellent kick start to the cycle. Test C would take a good few weeks to kick in. If you decide to run that then clomid therapy should be started about 3 weeks after your last shot even though active life is about 15-16 days.

Just wondering but how long you planning to run dbol amd at what dosage? If this is your second cycle and you haven't done dbol b4 I would recommend a dosage of about 25mg per day for a max of 6 weeks. Added to that about 500mg of test per week.

Do your research first. Substances you should look at are:
Testosterone Cypionate (just search all the differents tests)

Do you know the specific reason why Nolvadex is used. If not just look it up. Hope it goes well for you.


New member
Sep 20, 2007
I guess my first post didn' t really give alot of information. Yes this is my 2nd cycle and I actually ordered both test-c and p and I went ahead and got some clomid as well. Last cycle I used test-e 500/mg/wk for 8 weeks and started nolvodex about 3 weeks in. I didn't experience many sides i had read about. But yall are both right i do need to reasearch more as i am new to cycles,pcts,etc and even if i wasn't you can always learn more. thanks


Nov 13, 2005
Bump what the others said, PCT should be planned out and in hand before a cycle begins.

Here is the standard PCT and what I reccomend

week 1 Clomid 100 mg ed/nolva 40 mg ed (Day 1 do 300 mg clomid)
week 2 clomid 50 mg ed/nolva 30 mg ed
week 3 clomid 50 mg ed/nolva 20 mg ed

If available you may want to consider HCG 500iu's E7D throughout your cycle, last HCG injection same as last test inject. Do not USE HCG for PCT.



AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I would also rec the HCG. That at 500IU per week for each week you are on. Do you have enough test c for your entire cycle? You can also kickstart with the test p and also run test c (adjust your dosages accordingly). Then you stop the test p after a few weeks. But I don't think that is necessary. The test c and kick start of dbol is an excellent cycle and you will gain lots of mass. Add the HCG each week. Run Nolvadex throughout. Don't start it 3 weeks in again cos you will be kickstarting with dbol which will hit you instantly. Then continue the nolva till the end. Start your PCT of clomid and Nolva 3 weeks after your last shot of test c. The above suggestion of PCT is cool. You don't really need to do 40mg of Nolva. It is similar to Clomid so a huge dosageof Nolva is not needed. I would rec 30 to 20 and finish with 10mg in the final week.

Have you had your bp etc cheked by your doctor? You should before starting and run a liver protector throughout too. You can get many but a decent one is milk thistle. There are much better but that one is decent and very cheap and easy to get. I like to run good and fairly potent multi vitamin whilst on too. Goodluck and I hope it goes well.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I like to not use any anti-estrogens for the first 2 weeks as I think a little build up of estrogen is a good thing. It is essential for effective muscle growth. Then maybe do 10 mg for 1 week and continue with 20mg per day (morning and evening) for the rest of the cycle till you start your PCT dosages.