GH/IGF/test e/anadrol/methanabol


Registered User
Jun 2, 2005
should be a strong cycle boys- heres what im going to do
12 week cycle with:
50mg/day anadrol in weeks 1-4 and 8-10
50mg/day methanabol weeks 5-7
4iu/day HGH weeks 1-24
25mcg/day IGF week 2, 35mcg/day IGF week 3 50mcg/day IGF weeks 4,5 and 9, 60mcg/day IGF weeks 10-12
670mg/week test e weeks 1-3, 750mg/week test e weeks 4-12

was thinking about doing equipoise but i think i got enough there without it. got liquidex on hand. LIV-52 every day (that shits the heat)

feedback would be appreciated- im 21, workout 5-6 days a week. i weigh 205 bench is only 335 but i was out cause of a car accident for a while. lookin to get bigggggggg


Registered User
May 18, 2005
archangel1 said:
should be a strong cycle boys- heres what im going to do
12 week cycle with:
50mg/day anadrol in weeks 1-4 and 8-10
50mg/day methanabol weeks 5-7
4iu/day HGH weeks 1-24
25mcg/day IGF week 2, 35mcg/day IGF week 3 50mcg/day IGF weeks 4,5 and 9, 60mcg/day IGF weeks 10-12
670mg/week test e weeks 1-3, 750mg/week test e weeks 4-12

was thinking about doing equipoise but i think i got enough there without it. got liquidex on hand. LIV-52 every day (that shits the heat)

feedback would be appreciated- im 21, workout 5-6 days a week. i weigh 205 bench is only 335 but i was out cause of a car accident for a while. lookin to get bigggggggg
uh oh......


archangel1 said:
should be a strong cycle boys- heres what im going to do
12 week cycle with:
50mg/day anadrol in weeks 1-4 and 8-10
50mg/day methanabol weeks 5-7
4iu/day HGH weeks 1-24
25mcg/day IGF week 2, 35mcg/day IGF week 3 50mcg/day IGF weeks 4,5 and 9, 60mcg/day IGF weeks 10-12
670mg/week test e weeks 1-3, 750mg/week test e weeks 4-12

was thinking about doing equipoise but i think i got enough there without it. got liquidex on hand. LIV-52 every day (that shits the heat)

feedback would be appreciated- im 21, workout 5-6 days a week. i weigh 205 bench is only 335 but i was out cause of a car accident for a while. lookin to get bigggggggg
at your young age im curious as to how much cycle experience you have because if this is your first it is WAY WAY WAY to strong for ya and there are alot of things in it that will not be effective.
do not use igf & gh together especially at your young age. i also would not run the orals for as long as you plan nonstop regardless of the fact that you are taking liv-52.
what is your reasoning for using each individual product in this cycle?
to get bigggggggg, you need to eat bigggggggg, not just take alot of drugs.
what is your food plan for during this cycle?


Registered User
Jun 2, 2005
ive read a lot of HGH/IGF/slin cycle recommendations, so to hear you say "dont run gh and igf together makes next to no sense to me. i understand that they do a lot of the same things. but if you look at the science of it, a lot of benefits from GH are because the liver releases igf. however those benefits are not the only ones to be weaned from a GH cycle. the anadrol will be short run, the methanabol will be real short run- so really it is a 12 week GH IGF test e cycle. thats too much?


Registered User
Apr 1, 2004
archangel1 said:
ive read a lot of HGH/IGF/slin cycle recommendations, so to hear you say "dont run gh and igf together makes next to no sense to me. i understand that they do a lot of the same things. but if you look at the science of it, a lot of benefits from GH are because the liver releases igf. however those benefits are not the only ones to be weaned from a GH cycle. the anadrol will be short run, the methanabol will be real short run- so really it is a 12 week GH IGF test e cycle. thats too much?

Since I have no cycle experience with IGF or GH, I won't try to give you advice on that part. With your cycle listed, you have yourself running orals for 10 weeks straight, that's tooooooo long bro! I really don't understand why you want to run IGF and GH at your age, there's plenty of other things out there for you. Also, the bro's here with experience in IGF and GH are some of our most respected memberes and MODS, if your going to say that there recommendations make little to no sence to you, then why ask?


Registered User
Jun 2, 2005
im sorry- thats not what i meant. ive been on a few other forum boards and this one is by far has the most learned members. i didnt understand why it wouldnt be useful. i have however read a little about lowering the dosages when combining them to begin with, keeping it 25mcg for a few weeks before bumping up. maybe not getting up to 50mcg until another cycle altogether. but the oral comments are greatly appreciated. thats why i posted- to get that advice.
maybe i didnt say it before- thanks for the reply pin
prolly keep the orals to weeks 1-3 on anadrol and then weeks 7-9 and that will be all she wrote with the orals and no meth how about that?


archangel1 said:
ive read a lot of HGH/IGF/slin cycle recommendations, so to hear you say "dont run gh and igf together makes next to no sense to me. i understand that they do a lot of the same things. but if you look at the science of it, a lot of benefits from GH are because the liver releases igf. however those benefits are not the only ones to be weaned from a GH cycle. the anadrol will be short run, the methanabol will be real short run- so really it is a 12 week GH IGF test e cycle. thats too much?
although you have read about igf/gh & slin being run together, it is only experienced people who should do this. just like i stated in my first response, untill you have used them both individually, it is not recommended to run them together. this has more to do with the potential side affects than anything else. because the sides can get pretty bad, a whole body tingling, numbness in your extremities, bad joint pain similar to carpal tunnel, etc, when running them both together without running either individually to see what sides you will get(and you will get them!) it could lead to very bad sides to the point where you may have to stop the whole cycle. my last run of igf/gh together had me to the point where every time i took a crap, my legs and ass went numb and it led to some embarrising moments when i tried to get off the shitter, especially in public restrooms where others could see my difficulties. i would use the handicapped stall so people wouldnt stare to much as i struggled to walk with legs and an ass that had no feeling LOL

since you have not listed cycle experience, i will assume you have not run any cycles yet. it is best to take it easy your first cycle or two till you see how your body reacts to gear. many first cycles have been run very basic with test only or test with dbol, or deca or eq and they worked out well. we just had a member northQ post pics of his cycle results and if you check them out you will see the very dramatic results he had with very basic first 2 cycles.
the biggest problem is if ya start to strong, you only have one direction to go and that is to constantly increase dosages with each successive cycle and you very quickly will get way to high to fast.
you can easily gain 30-40lbs on a first cycle using just a basic test/deca cycle as long as you have the eating & training part down pat just like northq did.
as far as your change with the orals, you could run the drol weeks 1-4 & 9-12
4 weeks is the best length to run drol for maximum gains and it will give the test time to kick in before you stop the drol or you would risk a significant drop in gains during that approximate week after the drol stops and before the test has reached its maximum bloodlevels.


one other note i forgot to mention is that you should NEVER use slin untill you have alot of experience not only with cycling gear but also with diet planning and running during cycles. slin is very dangerous and is one of the few products we use that can kill ya very easily and quickly if not done properly. i have tons of experience and i still will not use slin because i dont trust myself with keeping up with the very strict schedule of when you need to take in carbs and such after your slin shots.


Registered User
Apr 1, 2004
pincrusher said:
since you have not listed cycle experience, i will assume you have not run any cycles yet. it is best to take it easy your first cycle or two till you see how your body reacts to gear. many first cycles have been run very basic with test only or test with dbol, or deca or eq and they worked out well. we just had a member northQ post pics of his cycle results and if you check them out you will see the very dramatic results he had with very basic first 2 cycles.
the biggest problem is if ya start to strong, you only have one direction to go and that is to constantly increase dosages with each successive cycle and you very quickly will get way to high to fast.
you can easily gain 30-40lbs on a first cycle using just a basic test/deca cycle as long as you have the eating & training part down pat just like northq did.
as far as your change with the orals, you could run the drol weeks 1-4 & 9-12
4 weeks is the best length to run drol for maximum gains and it will give the test time to kick in before you stop the drol or you would risk a significant drop in gains during that approximate week after the drol stops and before the test has reached its maximum bloodlevels.

This is GREAT advice, and also the same advice that PIN gave to me. PIN won't steer you wrong bro. I took 4 weeks of D-bol in the beginning and 3 weeks at the end of a 12 week cycle along with Test E at 500mg a week. I gained 30 lbs at the end of cycle. VERY PLEASED! Your only 21 bro, can you imagine what your cycles will look like in 5 years if you go with your first suggested cycle!!!!! Even better, think of the money you'll be spending! Start slow and cheap, work out like a mad man and EAT, EAT, EAT! You won't be dissappointed.


Registered User
May 18, 2005
I think he may be asking at another board..........lol

just messin with ya archangel1......


one other thing that i think just about all members here will concur is that no matter how good your intentions may be to only run 1 or 2 cycles like alot of us originally planned on doing, ultimately you will run many more. it is very hard to stop running steroid cycles, not because the juice itself is addicting but because the way of life is. everyone has a fear of smallitis meaning you will shrink as soon as you permanetly stop taking gear. because of this simple fact it is always best to start with low dosages. when your body is a virgin to gear, it generally takes only a little bit to make major gains.

i wish ya the best and it seems like you are willing to listen and it appears you have done some research on the products you intend to use but just make sure you stick with the basics for now and later on we can go nutz settin ya up with a wild crazy cycle that will product gains when basic cycles have stopped being effective. ;)


Registered User
Jul 23, 2004
Charlotte, NC
nah, i havent asked at any other boards, like i said- this one is the best ive seen. the food thing is king. ive been eating like a horse for about 5 months now.

not interested in doing slin. period. i have the self discipline to get to the gym every day, not to eat and inject at exact times...i couldnt do it. good advice tho on the rest. thanks for responding at all actually, i posted one and didnt get much response