Getting ready for first cycle


Registered User
Dec 7, 2005
Hey all,

Hope you had a merry Christmas!

Much to my delight I received all my goodies just before Christmas. Let me tell you - this site, the members and the sources rock!

Anyhow - I am preparing for my first cycle which I'll hopefully be starting soon and just wanted to check up on a few things.

1st - I managed to catch the flu on Christmas morning... how lovely... and am just getting past it now. Feel like it's knocked me a bit, but I'm on the mend. I was planning on starting my cycle next week but am now wondering if I should give my body a bit more time? Any suggestions?

2nd - I'm going to be on holiday for 2 weeks about 13 weeks from now. Whilst on holiday it's unlikely that I'll have access to any weights. Planned cycle is my first - 10 weeks Test E 2x250mg per week. I'm worried that I'm going to go on holiday and lose a lot of my gains. Suggestions here? Should I wait until after my holiday to start the cycle?

As always, much appreciated


ben johnson

Registered User
Sep 1, 2005
hey guns good luck on cycle and im no expert but y start if u cant lift for 2 whole weeks??? i say this kuz im starting my 1st cycle on monday ( im so pumped) and i would not start if i had to break in the middle...maybe im wrong, hopefully wolfey or pin or someone with more know how will help u here but thats just the way i think....where u goin on vacation??


New member
Dec 5, 2005
I would start about two weeks after you get back. Give your body a little to get back into it. Expecially if you have had the bug. I just started my 1st cycle yestarday, so I'm not an expert, but I have been lifting for 20 plus yrs.
Good luck and grow!


Registered User
Jun 9, 2005
At Home
Bigguns...Here's the deal.

I'm a real big fan of....When you start a cycle you have all your gear, all your PCT, your diet layed out, and your training program layed out. Personally I feel this is the best way to get the best results from your cycle.

Now having said that (there of course is always life).......You have to realize that sometimes things aren't always layed out perfectly and sometimes a cycle will get interrupted.

Here are things to consider....Will your two weeks off fall during PCT? Is there no body weight strength training you can do in your hotel? ie...pushups, situps, squats, etc.... All these things need to be considered....How about your diet? Can you maintain a healthy diet while on vacation or will you be eating out a lot? Will you be maintaining your minimum amount of protein requirements?

I would say if you are going to do a first cycle (which by the way will most likely be very good gains) don't half a$$ it!!! Do it hard and do it right!!!! You will most likely be more satisfied.....Now if you can find a way to get in a good 4-5 workouts while on your two week vacation I would say go for it!!!!

There is no clear cut answer here....It is almost impossible to say what you would have gained or will loose by taking a break....But I will tell you honestly you get out of it what you put into it!!!!

Good luck in whatever you decide!!!



Registered User
Sep 26, 2005
Bump to Strongman.
I say start the cycle now. Flu should be about gone.
You should be into pct on week 13. Explore travel gymn equipment, that is portable and convenient...maybe not optimal, but quite frankly there will always be something. Your cycle needs to improve your health and your life, so make it work.



Registered User
Dec 7, 2005
Thanks for the feedback guys.

I'm taking the two week holiday to visit my folks and I should be able to find a gym somewhere in their small town. If not I reckon some travel equipment might do. Hell, maybe I'll just get a couple girls to jump on my back and I'll squat away on the beach :p Diet should be ok whilst away. I'm quite keen to get started next week as I've got everything prepared and have been planning it for awhile. If I don't start next week then it's going to have to wait until after my holiday.

At the moment chances are good I'll start on Monday. Think the flu is pretty much gone now. Will keep you guys posted...

Now if I can just get my head around the damn injection... :eek: Wasn't too worried about it at first, but the more I've thought about it the worse it's become. Typical huh! Now I'm trying to decide whether to hit the glutes (which seems to be the norm) or the Ventrogluteal Site (which comes highly recommended here and on other boards) first.

Anyways - your support is much appreciated guys. I'll try get some before pics up soon and will post a thread keeping track of my progress. :headbang:


Registered User
Jun 9, 2005
At Home
Bigguns....Injecting is no big deal buddy. You just have to take your time and make sure you follow a clean, safe protocol.

Make sure you clean the spot prior to injection, aspirate (ALWAYS), slowly inject your gear, clean afterwards, and massage for a couple of minutes.

When injecting in the glutes I find it helpful to use a bathroom mirror to visually help see what I'm doing, and a counter to rest my hand on while injecting. This helps reduce shaking and moving the needle in & out.

Just take your time and don't rush buddy. Make sure you are in a quiet relaxing environment.

On my current cycle I rotate right glute, left glute, and then split injection (test E & EQ) into quads. This rotation has seemed to work out great for me.

Good luck!!


Registered User
Dec 7, 2005
Thanks Strongman.

I have moments when I think "no problem - BRING IT ON" and then others when I think "hell NO". Actually it's not all that scary to be honest. I seem to be a bit neurotic about getting the spot wrong. But I've researched it thoroughly and am pretty sure it's all in my head.

Probably going to hit the gluteas medius (ventrogluteal site) and rotate left/right. Might also go for the regular gluteas maximus and rotate.

Ah well - one little prick and it's all over. I've heard the same thing about balloons and a girls virginity... :p


Registered User
Mar 26, 2005
welcome, my first cycle in early spring i did the glutes and quad injects and i'd feel it for a couple of days. With this cycle i've only done the ventro injects and the discomfort is much less. Sometimes i have to think real hard on which side i hit 3 days prior. For me its a big difference. I used to be phobic about needles, obviously not anymore. After a few jabs it'll be no problem. Clint


Registered User
Sep 26, 2005
Bigguns, I was leary of the injections as well, but it's a much smaller issue than you think. Now I look forward to them and am going to run test prop next cycle, so I had better get used to sticking myself. LOL

Glutes for sure first time.
Don't forget to warm the vials a bit. I let my gear sit in a shallow bowl of warm water for five minutes or so before drawing.

Go for it and good luck!
