Gelenika Tes


Registered User
Jan 13, 2005
Ask Katrina. She knows
I think I spelled it correctly! Oh well.

What is the difference between the UG labs gear and Gelenika ampules? I have not seen any product reviews of the gelenika tes E so if anyone has any feedback please let me know.



ronnier38930 said:
I think I spelled it correctly! Oh well.

What is the difference between the UG labs gear and Gelenika ampules? I have not seen any product reviews of the gelenika tes E so if anyone has any feedback please let me know.

galenika test comes in amps and is dosed at 250mg/ml. the amps are almost always overfilled to about 1.2ml so in reality you will be getting around 300mg of test per shot. it has a great reputation for producing results.
galenika is a human grade product made in a major overseas pharmaceutical companies lab. never heard of anyone not seeing great results when using this test product :)
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Registered User
Jan 13, 2005
Ask Katrina. She knows
Thanks for the info,

I am currently in week 2 of my cycle of Tes E weeks 1-10 and Dbol DS blue hearts weeks 1-4 at 30mg ED.

I am trying to bulk up a little but I am a little confused about dieting. Most of the comments here say to keep caloric intake to about 4k-5k ED and protein 1.2-2x body weight. I am getting the proper ammount of protein but I am not sure about the calories. I have somewhat of a little beer belly left over from the college days. I don't want to take in to much fat and become bulky via more fat on my body.

Will this diet still produce results? I have been eating very clean and what I mean by that is not a lot of bad fat in my diet only good fat from chicken, Lean beef, Deer meat, Seafood,catfish, tuna, cott cheese, and buffalo and plenty of shakes with a little fiber mixed in. I usually eat a veggie(usually a green or yellow veggie) with each night and lunch meal to get the proper carbs. In the morning I am getting about 30-40 grams of carbs from oats. Can I eat like this and still see good results?

I am just having trouble with my 10AM and 3PM meals trying to get a few carbs. I have not quite mastered the small in between meals.


Registered User
Jan 13, 2005
Ask Katrina. She knows
I would like to gian weight but I don't want to gain that puffy looking weight. I want to have that thick-solid look. I still have some fat all over my body an I am scared that if I do start eating everything in sight I will look like a round ball at the end of my cycle.

I have cut down from 252 to 210 and droped a lot of fat but still have a good bit to go. I am going to rethink my diet this weekend and come up with a good solid plan to eating 2x more food that I currently am. But I would like to keep it clean with a lot of low fat protein foods.


Registered User
Aug 6, 2004
[email protected]
If you dont want to gain fat you should not be bulking...I really think you should be cutting if you want to harden up. Your not gonna get hard on a bulking diet with dbol and test...and chris offered some excellent advice by the way! You have to remember that even when eating super clean, if your taking in more calories than you are expending, which you must do if you are bulking, you will gain fat. There is no way around this...

If you dont want to put on fat, then cut. You really cant put on muscle and lose fat at the same time, unless you are a very advanced lifter you has been doing hardcore dieting/training for many years and knows his body very well.
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Registered User
Jan 13, 2005
Ask Katrina. She knows
Yeah I am start to look into clen and research that a little more. I dont know anything about it and it will be several weeks before I need it so that will give me plenty of time to research.



Registered User
Aug 6, 2004
[email protected]
ronnier38930 said:
Yeah I am start to look into clen and research that a little more. I dont know anything about it and it will be several weeks before I need it so that will give me plenty of time to research.


Bro...you dont need clen at your age. Cardio and diet and a good ECA stack will be enough to shed the body fat off if you give it enough time...


Steroid Nazi
Jan 25, 2004
The shadows of your mind


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Feb 8, 2005
UK, Wales
pincrusher said:
galenika test comes in amps and is dosed at 250mg/ml. the amps are almost always overfilled to about 1.2ml so in reality you will be getting around 300mg of test per shot. it has a great reputation for producing results.
galenika is a human grade product made in a major overseas pharmaceutical companies lab. never heard of anyone not seeing great results when using this test product :)
There was a big debate about this over at AnabolicReview that many of the guys were not seeing very good results with them. A lab test was produced and they were bady underdosed! I cant remember the batch no. So you should becareful when purchasing galenikas, although the majority are good to go!


ironj13 said:
There was a big debate about this over at AnabolicReview that many of the guys were not seeing very good results with them. A lab test was produced and they were bady underdosed! I cant remember the batch no. So you should becareful when purchasing galenikas, although the majority are good to go!
i issue with them at 1 board is not enough to pursuade me they are bad. there may have been some fakes being sold by a distributor listed or used by members of that board unknowingly and that will all of a sudden make them appear bad to all. i will stand by my statement as they are produced in a real lab and have no reason to be underdosed, unlike alot of mexican gear.
lab tests are so easily faked that i tend not to believe them anyway when people produce these bad ones.


Oracle's my Mod
Aug 16, 2004
Toxic Dump
Guys, is there really anything wrong with doing cardio 3-5 days per week even during a bulking phase? If you stay within your target heart range for your age (which usually amounts to a brisk walk or light jog) you should be burning fat and not cutting into valuable muscle.....I share Ronnie's concerns about packing on the calories and feeding your gut. I realize it is a fine line but even if you eat clean you will put on excess fat if your caloric input is greater than what you are burning....


Mar 31, 2004
daver003 said:
Guys, is there really anything wrong with doing cardio 3-5 days per week even during a bulking phase? If you stay within your target heart range for your age (which usually amounts to a brisk walk or light jog) you should be burning fat and not cutting into valuable muscle.....I share Ronnie's concerns about packing on the calories and feeding your gut. I realize it is a fine line but even if you eat clean you will put on excess fat if your caloric input is greater than what you are burning....

No there is not anything wrong with it and it will help keep fat gains under control when bulking. Just keep it light. I am told that you must stay under 3.8mph on a treadmill - or you will develop fast-twitch muscle fibers in your legs - making it much more difficult to put on mass.


doing that much cardio is fine during a bulking cycle as long as you realise that the cardio will be burning away calories that may be used to build muscle.
it will take a fine balance of nutritional intake and that amount of cardio to build muscle and keep fat down. just make sure your calorie & protein intake is higher than normally it would be for a bulker without cardio.