G/F found out im interested in a cycle now she wants to copy


Registered User
Sep 22, 2005
Borlando, and Philly every 3weeks
Well, ive been debating doing a cycle for a few years now, and its come down to this and i am going to start as soon as i finish my research. Anyway my gf would like to try a cycle also. He stats are 5'8 140lbs work out 4days a week with 1hr of cardio every day basically. Shes really going for tone and a bit of definition. Her main concern is her boobs lmao. When we started out high protien diets she noticed her breast started to lose some size to them also, so thats her only concern she doesnt want to lose breast size. What kind of cycle do you think she should try out, along with a dosage. Keep in mind she only wants to do one cycle. Thanx


Welcome Justin :)

There are pros and cons to AAS usage and I would like to invite her to join us at AnaSci so she can read, ask questions, and learn just as you are doing Justin :) There are other ways of being lean and obtaining muscle hardness without the use of AAS. I just want to make sure that it is for her....she may find out that it isnt what she wants to do at all. She has good stats as it is...what is her age?

She was concerned about her breasts...they are usually the first to go when there is weight loss. :( I usually lose at least a cup or have lost a cup size when cycling....but I dont mind small breasts.


Registered User
May 29, 2005
down south
my girl is 5'7'' and 130lbs and all she is looking for is a lil bit of tone . she had no work out sch. at all i started her out with a 1 mile walk just for starters and then i got her doing 3 sets of 15 reps leg ext. and now we have added an half hour of step ups. she is just now starting to feel a lil burn which is good. just a lil info i thought i would post any extra help...


Steroid Nazi
Jan 25, 2004
The shadows of your mind
McKenzie said:
Welcome Justin :)
There are pros and cons to AAS usage and I would like to invite her to join us at AnaSci so she can read, ask questions, and learn just as you are doing Justin :)

She was concerned about her breasts...they are usually the first to go when there is weight loss. :( I usually lose at least a cup or have lost a cup size when cycling....but I dont mind small breasts.

I don't either. :twisted:
B or C is perfect as far as I'm concerned. D or above is too much.


Registered User
Sep 22, 2005
Borlando, and Philly every 3weeks
Lmao well she had full firm C's and now since beginning to work out shes become a large b small c. and shes freaking out cuz she loves her full boobs, lmao. She does plenty of cardio, shes just trying to get more of the girlish figure.

Little Man

Registered User
Jul 17, 2005
somewhere, US
dude the boobs are gonna go lol. no getting around it. my girl had to go buy all new bras. to me boob size is a measureof how much body fat women have.
cawb get her doin about 4 to 6 exercises when she does cardio. it will giveherstrength and keep the muscle shecurrently has. it may also increase if you push her. butif she eats too much as it is then she wont get any thinner. err lose body fat.


Registered User
Feb 19, 2005
my girl is 4'9 and 100 lbs, and she is as strong as an ox . Before she started working out she weighed 130 and had D tits. now they are like big b's , thus is life.

THere are all natural bust enhancement drugs, ofcourse I have no idea if they work or not, you could do some research, maybe it would be a good xmas present for the both of you , huh?


Steroid Nazi
Jan 25, 2004
The shadows of your mind
needsomeinfo said:
my girl is 4'9 and 100 lbs, and she is as strong as an ox . Before she started working out she weighed 130 and had D tits. now they are like big b's , thus is life.

THere are all natural bust enhancement drugs, ofcourse I have no idea if they work or not, you could do some research, maybe it would be a good xmas present for the both of you , huh?

Sure you know if they work or not. You just explained why. Your girl had D cups at 130, but went down to a B cup at 100. Why? Fat loss. The breast tissue so many morons worship as REAL boobs (what are those?) is just fat.
Therefore, we can conclude that for the breast enhancement drugs or herbs to work, they would have to replace the fat. Can we replace fat only where we want it?

The answer is NO, for anyone contemplating.

To me a breast is what is on the outside. What I can feel and see. Who cares what fills up the inside?

Oh no, those are fake boobs......................Really?
Last edited:


justin96z28 said:
well surprise surprise she walks in the door, and shes like hey look what i got grobust, lmao. lets experiment and see if they work... oh wait they "may cause lactation"
what she has is a product that will increase progesterone in her system which will potentially increase her breast tissue just like in men.
WORD OF CAUTION!!!!!!!!! make damn sure you use VERY VERY good birth control unless you want her to possibly get pregnat since those products will potentially enhance ovulation and make it easier for her to get pregnant, something the manufacturers will not tell ya.
you need to be up front and honest with her and tell her that since her breasts are made up of fat cells, for her to tone up she will not be able to reduce fat in specific areas thus the loss of breast size. her tits will be one of the largest fat storage areas on her body so it will see one of the biggest losses. if she wants to maintain large breasts then you need to talk to her about breast augmentation once she has reduced her overall bodyfat and gained that 6-pak abs she is looking for. it is just a fact of life!


Registered User
Sep 22, 2005
Borlando, and Philly every 3weeks
lol well she is on an IUD, so i dont think she will get prego we made sure of that. Yea shes all for breast augmentation, she just dont like some of the approachs of how its done, I.E. scaring. Ill give you's a little back round info on her. Liz is 24, when she was 16 she tore her ACL playing floor hockey, had surgery got baseball scar #1 on her right knee, now lets fast forward 7yrs, Nov.5 she was in a car wreck, broke both her legs both ankles and her neck.... Scar now on left knee and both ankles... Shes not to happy about the scars but happy shes walking again thus the change of life body change, but she dont want to add anymore scars to her body, rofl.... Anywayzzz thanx for the info guys... What kinda cycle do you think she should start off on. I was thinking maybe she can do a ECA stack like me, but i havent read about many females trying it. Let me know


She can try an ECA stack with a clean diet and cardio. It would give her energy and somewhat suppress the appetite so she could achieve a more lean look. Also as long as she is cleared from her physician of all of her injuries :)


as far as the breast augmentation goes, most good plastic surgeons go through the girls underarm when inserting to prevent a visible scar under the nipple which used to be the old method or method still used by the cheap surgeons.
sounds like your girl has had it pretty rough so far.


Registered User
Nov 15, 2005
First to go

I used to be a rather large woman (size 20) with full C boobs but after deciding to lose weight and getting hot and heavy into weight lifting, I dropped down to a size 6 but let me tell you my boobs were the first to go. They shriveled to ... I swear ... a minus A lmao

But for a little under 5000 bucks, the good cosmetic doc gave me my C cups back. lol

Boobs consist of a small mammary gland surrounded by fat so when losing fat, they are the first to go. Now mine are surrounded by saline

Tell your girlfriend to start saving her pennies. lol



Registered User
Dec 6, 2005
Las Vegas
This topic is near and dear to my household.

My wife was @ 130lbs with DD and started to work out with me and is now down to 107 with small C's. She goes in for her BA on the 20th with 600cc Unders Silicone implants via the crease. I had forewarned her that her diet and exercise regimen would reduce her cup size. One of her X-mas presents this year was the BA.



Registered User
Nov 21, 2005
107lbs and a small C is pretty much perfect. does she wanna go get to a DD? cause that's just insane to have those size boobs and only weight 107lbs.