first timer wanting to use anavar only


New member
Jun 2, 2006
my question is whether or not i should go with dbol or anavar. im pretty set on anavar due to the mild effect it will have. i never used roids before and want to know how i will react to them, in addition i dont want to be bulking out real quick as dbol will do with all the water retention, another thing i dislike about dbol. ill prob go with anavar but i cant get a straight answer from anyone, not that i didnt expect it but still frustrating, on my pct. some say you need no pct and others say my cholesterol will be effected extremely and so will my test production, as well has hair loss and acne. Does anyone know any good legit info on anavar relating to my questions? thanx in advanced, jim. btw i weigh 130 im 5ft 5in and im 20yrs old. rediculous right?


Registered User
May 30, 2006
You should not even be considering gear you are 5'5 and 130!! I mean you proabably get no where near the cals you need to grow you need some creatine/no2/protien powder. If you are going to go on the gear, own up and go with a good cycle you should not run anavar or d-bol by its self in my opionion 4 weeks of d-bol is going to really fuck with your liver values. ok here is a good first cycle(Own up and stick yourself its not that bad)

weeks 1-12 test E or C

Shoot 250 mg monday morning and thursday night

For pct run clomid and nolva

Find my post where I give the half lives and thats when you start pct.

You really need alot more research before you jump in


mn_fighter said:
You should not even be considering gear you are 5'5 and 130!! I mean you proabably get no where near the cals you need to grow you need some creatine/no2/protien powder. If you are going to go on the gear, own up and go with a good cycle you should not run anavar or d-bol by its self in my opionion 4 weeks of d-bol is going to really fuck with your liver values. ok here is a good first cycle(Own up and stick yourself its not that bad)

weeks 1-12 test E or C

Shoot 250 mg monday morning and thursday night

For pct run clomid and nolva

Find my post where I give the half lives and thats when you start pct.

You really need alot more research before you jump in
well stated mn fighter.
i am curious as to why you want to use anavar? anavar will not add size to ya but will make you stronger and have a higher endurance but it is also very expensive.
you would be much better off listening to the advice given above and work on a great diet first because if you are only 130lbs you seriously need to learn how to eat and eat alot of clean foods throughout the day.. by taking gear without adding the fuel to your body to make it grow, all you will do is gain water retention or muscle that is only supported by juice and it will go away once you stop.
how about we first talk about you learning about how to eat and what other natural legal supps you need to take before you decide to hit juice. i would be willing to bet that if we got you a good diet and you followed it to a -T- youi would be amazed at how much you could gain without gear. nobody who only weights 130lbs should ever take gear. you havent even tried to come close to your natural limits before wanting to jump on the juicing wagon


oh and one other thing, dont give the excuse that you have a fast metabolism cause that is all it will be, an excuse. if it is fast you just need to eat that much more food to provide sufficient fuel for your muscles to grow.
i would also like to hear about how much experience you have lifting?


Registered User
May 30, 2006
Like my coaches and brother say if you aren't men enough to stick yourself you aren't ready for gear. Not to mention is diet must be out of whack to way 130 pounds.


Registered User
Jul 23, 2004
Charlotte, NC

Put both together. Mainly the eating and creatine first. I would try to get your weight up at least another 35 to 40 lbs. Also at your age you should already have enought test ruinning thru your body to do the trick. Ive always had the mindset that any diet or bodybuilding program you do is 80% diet and eating and the other is supplementation.


Registered User
May 14, 2005
I'm going to agree with the others. Just so you know where I came from I started out at 6'2" @ 135lbs. Yeah. That's small. I was about to take gear when I decided to try one last time. I decided to quit fucking around and do it right. I went up to about 190 Over a couple of years the natural way. So glad I did. Then I decided to go for the gear and now i'm a consistent 215 @ 8% bf. First off If I hadn't learned how to do it right naturally then I wouldn't have had near the results. Secondly my weight sticks with me. That's a huge statement coming from a natural tiny guy like yourself. Main point here. Take their advice. If you are not sure how to do it naturally PM me I'd love to help you out, i'm a full time personal trainer now and i love helping the little guys.