First Post...Looking for some advice


New member
May 17, 2005
First Post....looking For Some Advice

Whats up guys?....I've coming to the site for about 6 months now, just reading and learning, but now I need some insight.
25 yrs
185 lbs.
Low Bodyfat

I've been using AAS almost every year since I was about 20. I usually run one cycle of Test E and Deca, or just the Test by itself, starting in March or so, just to get NICE for the summer. This year I decided I wanted to get a little bigger so I started out with Deca and Test for about 6 weeks, then ran out of the Deca (which made me hold WAY too much water anyway), and ended up running out of my Test not long after. Problem is, I couldnt get a hold of anything for about 4 weeks, and I just got my second bottle of Test E the other day. I still noticed that I've been making SOME gains since being off, and I've acually hardened up ALOT, especially in my stomach (abs are RIPPED).
My question/concern is how is the lapse in my cycle going to affect my gains from now on?....or will it? I'd like to put on another solid 5-10 pounds over the next 6-8 weeks I'm on the Test. My body reacts very well to any type of AAS, I've actually never used anything more than 500mg/pw of Test, and 400mg/pw of Deca, and usually look WAY better than Vinny Saucehead who's banging a gram of Test a day....god bless genetics i guess.
Anyway, the other thing is, the Test I got is the Brovel Testosterona 200 which I've had in the past and always liked, but have heard a lot of stories about there only being like 100 mg of Test per/ml.
I guess thats about it, hope I didn't ramble too much. I REALLY get a lot out of this site, you guys are some of the most knowledgeable people I've come across on this subject, which is rare to find. Thanks guys,
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One Cocky S.O.B.
Oct 6, 2004
Well, first off, if you notice that you still been making gains while off, then thats good Are you just going to run the test again? or add deca and some dbol? if you havent used dbol i would throw that in with the test and deca, if your trying to get some major gains. If you used dbol then try drol. 4 weeks aint too bad as long as you been eating and working out. i been off about 4 months now and hit the gym 5 days a week and while i lost some, im still pretty big. But again if your going for gains, i would add something else besides test. money permitting.


Feb 6, 2004
If you were off for 4 weeks, did you do any PCT, or just stop taking AAS? Have you started taking test again? If I were you and really wanted to be sure what point Im at, I would get a blood test from the doctor. I would also clear my system out of everything and start a new cycle in a few months. Make sure you have everything you need b4 beginning. If you want to take Deca at all, make sure you have enough for at least 10 weeks worth at 400 mg. You can keep the water weight down by drinking lots of water.

You can make great gains on low doses, but you have to be willing to train hard when you are off as well as on. I am a firm believer in taking as little as possible to make gains.


Registered User
May 18, 2005
tee said:
If you were off for 4 weeks, did you do any PCT, or just stop taking AAS? Have you started taking test again? If I were you and really wanted to be sure what point Im at, I would get a blood test from the doctor. I would also clear my system out of everything and start a new cycle in a few months. Make sure you have everything you need b4 beginning. If you want to take Deca at all, make sure you have enough for at least 10 weeks worth at 400 mg. You can keep the water weight down by drinking lots of water.

You can make great gains on low doses, but you have to be willing to train hard when you are off as well as on. I am a firm believer in taking as little as possible to make gains.
you know i've been curious about this........how much test can the average male body actually use before the rest goes to waste......


New member
May 17, 2005
I just started my Test again last week..THANK GOD! I'm gonna finish out the rest of the cycle like I left it. I'm pretty sure I'll make the gains I want with a couple more months of just straight Test. I work out hard as hell, on or off sauce, so I'm not too worried about it.
And Tee, unfortunately I didn't do any PCT. I am one of those lucky ones I guess that isn't prone to any gyno, and I don't really break out either. I should knock on wood, b/c knowing my luck, I'll start gettin puffy nips as soon as i finish this post. But I think once I'm done with everything, I'll give it a couple weeks and take some Nolva.
But thanks for the advice guys, and I'll keep ya updated.


Steroid Nazi
Jan 25, 2004
The shadows of your mind
Zaven said:
you know i've been curious about this........how much test can the average male body actually use before the rest goes to waste......
It depends on the person. I don't get anything off of less than 1g a week and I really don't get that strong on that.
Some of the pro's go as high as 1g a day and that's just test.
crd35lax is correct. You still need good genetics to gain, no matter what amount you take.