First Cycle


New member
May 30, 2006
okay, so i'm 21 years old and i want to hit up a cycle... ive been working out for about 1 full year now and feel my gains are beginning to diminish... i have remained at 170 lbs. for about 6 mos now. i am 5'10'' tall and have a little belly fat... otherwise im in decent shape. i want to gain a decent amount of mass and get extremely cut up. about 185-195 lbs. of pure muscle is my goal. i was wondering if anyone had some good advice as to what a good beginning cycle would be to help me achieve these results. i konw about the nolv and clo and pct and all that stuff as i have been reading up on steroids for about a month now to gain a full understanding, and i believe that now im ready to do it... any help?


Registered User
Jun 19, 2005
tamooch said:
okay, so i'm 21 years old and i want to hit up a cycle... ive been working out for about 1 full year now and feel my gains are beginning to diminish... i have remained at 170 lbs. for about 6 mos now. i am 5'10'' tall and have a little belly fat... otherwise im in decent shape. i want to gain a decent amount of mass and get extremely cut up. about 185-195 lbs. of pure muscle is my goal. i was wondering if anyone had some good advice as to what a good beginning cycle would be to help me achieve these results. i konw about the nolv and clo and pct and all that stuff as i have been reading up on steroids for about a month now to gain a full understanding, and i believe that now im ready to do it... any help?

Im glad to here your doing some research on this before getting into it.
For a firsttimer you should look into a Test E or Cyp cycle for 10 or 12 weeks at 500mg Every week. then you would apply nolva and clomid for pct 2 weeks after your last test shot. for injection instructions go to www.howtodoinjections.com
and if you have any other qustions post them up bro


New member
May 30, 2006
i was also wondering if anyones heard of "ivitamins.com" as they sell stealth injectables which claim to "get through customs" .... enlighten me

Big A

IFBB Pro / NPC Judge / Admin
Sep 10, 2005
tamooch said:
i was also wondering if anyones heard of "ivitamins.com" as they sell stealth injectables which claim to "get through customs" .... enlighten me

ivitamins is legit.


Registered User
Jun 19, 2005
ke20 said:
what doses of clomid should you use for pct and for how long?

clomid can be admisnistered in many differnt ways. persoanlly this is what I do and it works every time for me.

pct day1- 200mg
days2-14 100mg ED
days 14-28 50mg ED

and I always make sure everything is in check about the 14 day mark. If everything is recovering as planned then I will drop it to 50mg. If Im not fully satisfied I will stay at 100mg for the remainder of the pct all the way to 28 day.

are you using some nolva along side the clomid?


New member
Jun 3, 2006
tamooch said:
okay, so i'm 21 years old and i want to hit up a cycle... ive been working out for about 1 full year now and feel my gains are beginning to diminish... i have remained at 170 lbs. for about 6 mos now. i am 5'10'' tall and have a little belly fat... otherwise im in decent shape. i want to gain a decent amount of mass and get extremely cut up. about 185-195 lbs. of pure muscle is my goal. i was wondering if anyone had some good advice as to what a good beginning cycle would be to help me achieve these results. i konw about the nolv and clo and pct and all that stuff as i have been reading up on steroids for about a month now to gain a full understanding, and i believe that now im ready to do it... any help?

1 year working out and your gains are deminishing????????????????? your not serious are you? Also your 21yrs old, you need to wait and give your body at least 2 more years of hard workouts and also give your body enough time to finish its own natural depletion of Testosterone before you hit any juice!

one year of working out means nothing if your using that as a basis to now jump on the juice. Dont be in such a hurry, train hard, eat PLENTY and get plenty of rest, those are the keys to a good body before you ever put any juice in you. (not flaming you brother, just trying to help you naturally first)


New member
Jun 3, 2006
healthfreak said:
clomid can be admisnistered in many differnt ways. persoanlly this is what I do and it works every time for me.

pct day1- 200mg
days2-14 100mg ED
days 14-28 50mg ED

and I always make sure everything is in check about the 14 day mark. If everything is recovering as planned then I will drop it to 50mg. If Im not fully satisfied I will stay at 100mg for the remainder of the pct all the way to 28 day.

are you using some nolva along side the clomid?

Healthfreak, may I ask you a question? why do you go 200mg-100mg-50mg?? (just curious bro)


New member
Jun 7, 2006
healthfreak said:
clomid can be admisnistered in many differnt ways. persoanlly this is what I do and it works every time for me.

pct day1- 200mg
days2-14 100mg ED
days 14-28 50mg ED

and I always make sure everything is in check about the 14 day mark. If everything is recovering as planned then I will drop it to 50mg. If Im not fully satisfied I will stay at 100mg for the remainder of the pct all the way to 28 day.

are you using some nolva along side the clomid?

I have done a little research, critique this Pct for me.
Test E 500mgs 10 wks
nolva 20mg ED for 3 wks
clomid 2 wks after last injection
300mg day 1, 100mg next 10, 50mg final 10.

sorry for hijacking your thread tamooch.
Last edited:


New member
Jul 4, 2006
west coast
This pct sounds good to me, the nolva will keep the estrogen under wraps while your test starts to deminish and you are right to start the clomid a couple weeks after the last shot. 2-3 weeks usually. I run my clomid almost the exact same. But seriously bro, working out hard for 1 year. Not trying to stop you from using, but really make sure that you've hit that plataue before hitting up a cycle. You will get the most out of your cycle this way.