First Cycle


Registered User
Jan 13, 2005
Ask Katrina. She knows
Hello everyone,

I am planning my first sycle and would like a some tips and pointers if you don't mind.

I would like to start with a Testo E cycle @ 500mg a week for 8 weeks. I am planning to have nolva on hand in case of gyno symptoms(and for PCT).


1. How much Nolva should I have on hand?

2. I would like to jump start with DBOL for 3-4 weeks and a fairly low dosage because I don't want my liver to go into shock. Would someone recommend a dosage? Reason being, I would like to start seeing some results quickly. I have some Diuretics on hand to keep bloat under control(If this is advisable)

3. This may be a stupid question but I would like someone to verify if I understand this correctly.

Testo E comes is 250MG vials and if I want to take 1 500mg shot a week I would have to crack open both vials and shoot all the substance. If this is true then when I draw 1 vial 250mg/ml into a shot how many CC's will that be ?




ronnier38930 said:
Hello everyone,

I am planning my first sycle and would like a some tips and pointers if you don't mind.

I would like to start with a Testo E cycle @ 500mg a week for 8 weeks. I am planning to have nolva on hand in case of gyno symptoms(and for PCT).


1. How much Nolva should I have on hand?

2. I would like to jump start with DBOL for 3-4 weeks and a fairly low dosage because I don't want my liver to go into shock. Would someone recommend a dosage? Reason being, I would like to start seeing some results quickly. I have some Diuretics on hand to keep bloat under control(If this is advisable)

3. This may be a stupid question but I would like someone to verify if I understand this correctly.

Testo E comes is 250MG vials and if I want to take 1 500mg shot a week I would have to crack open both vials and shoot all the substance. If this is true then when I draw 1 vial 250mg/ml into a shot how many CC's will that be ?


for starters, i would recommend doing a test enth only first cycle. although you want to see results right away, one of the most important things about taking gear is the ability to be able to feel the affects of it when it starts to work. with test you will start to feel the affects around week 4-5 but if you took the dbol you will not know when it actually starts to kick in.
as far as the dosing goes, i do not recommend taking it all in 1 shot. spread them out over 2 shots per week taken on sun/wed or mon/thurs schedule with 1 amp each day. 1 amp which is 1ml is = to 1cc
the amount of nolva you should have on hand is about 2310mg. this is based on having 20mg per day for the entire cycle incase it is needed to combat gyno affects, plus the 40mg, 30mg & 20mg dosages per day for the first, second & third weeks of pct therapy.
i also recommend upping the length of the cycle to 10 weeks. reason for this is that the test enth will not reach max bloodlevels till about week 4-5 so if you stop it on week 8 you would be cutting yourself a little short.

could you also give us a little info about yourself such as height, weight, age, bodyfat levels etc. thanks


Registered User
Sep 28, 2004
Oslo, Norway
For pct you would need 20mg nolva ed for 21days. (21 tabs) Always nice to have extra, why dont buy a box and keep what you dont need for this cycle?

If you`re new to dbol I would have gone with 30mg ed for 4wks. Thats 3x10mg tabs a day, and you should spread them over the whole day to get stabile bloodlevels.

I would also reccomend shooting test twice a week for the same reason as for the dbol. You get more steady bloodlevels than if you only do it once a week. shoot monday/thursday for example. Im not familiar with the cc system as I only use ml, but I do belive 1ml=1cc, but you might wanna hear with someone else on that one.

btw, to get the best results, run the cycle for 10-12wks :)


EDIT: guess pin beat me to the finishline there :p


Perfection Personifide
Dec 7, 2004
ronnier38930 said:
I would like to start with a Testo E cycle @ 500mg a week for 8 weeks. I am planning to have nolva on hand in case of gyno symptoms(and for PCT).

2. I would like to jump start with DBOL for 3-4 weeks and a fairly low dosage because I don't want my liver to go into shock. Would someone recommend a dosage? Reason being, I would like to start seeing some results quickly. I have some Diuretics on hand to keep bloat under control(If this is advisable)

3. This may be a stupid question but I would like someone to verify if I understand this correctly.

Testo E comes is 250MG vials and if I want to take 1 500mg shot a week I would have to crack open both vials and shoot all the substance. If this is true then when I draw 1 vial 250mg/ml into a shot how many CC's will that be ?

Ok here's some answers to some of your questions:

Testosterone Enanthate should be taken at 500mg per week broken up into 2 shots for at least 10 weeks. It's gonna take about 4-5 weeks just for it to start to kick in. I do my injects on Mondays and Thursdays. 250mgs per shot.

IMPORTANT: The vials that you have DOES NOT mean 250mgs for the ENTIRE vial. SO DO NOT USE THE ENTIRE VIAL FOR ONE SHOT!! I did that because your reading the vial wrong and your gonna hurt yourself. The vial means this

250mgs = 1 ml or you can interpret it as this 250mgs = 1 CC (most vials hold 10ml or 10 cc's)
Basically you can get roughly 10 shots out of 1 vial.

When you draw into the syringe you want to draw until the 1cc mark. That will be 250mgs. Again you would do this two times a week to get a total of 500mgs for the week. Remember to alternate your injection sites.

2. Dbol you want to run anywhere from 4-6 weeks to kick off your cycle: my first cycle consisted of 30mgs of dbol for 6 weeks(each tab was 30mgs) I took it every day broken up into 4 so i could take it throughout the day. So this depends on what kind of dbol your gonna get. Obviously if their 10mg tabs you would take 3 whole tabs throughout your day. If their higher in dosage then you would cut them up. Dragonrider stated you could get a pill cutter at the pharmacy so you can cut them up evenly. Don't worry about your liver you won't hurt it.


Registered User
Jan 13, 2005
Ask Katrina. She knows
Thanks guys for the great info. For my first cycle I might just skip the Dbol and run the testo E for 10 weeks.

I am (25 yrs old) 5'10 currently 213 down from 252 about 6 months ago. I have no idea what my body fat is because I don't have the device used to measure my BF. I still have a belly but other than that I am a real thick person. I think, and have been told that I have a really good upper frame to work with. I understand the importance of diet and I think my diet and my understanding of dieting is pretty solid.

Currently I am 1.2x body weight in Protein intake daily. I try to get as much natural protein daily as possible and only use shakes when necessary and post workout mixed with Creatine. I also supp fish oil, multi vit, hawthorn berry, and milk thistle daily.
Last edited:


Perfection Personifide
Dec 7, 2004
ronnier38930 said:
Thanks guys for the great info. For my first cycle I might just skip the Dbol and run the testo E for 10 weeks.

Good decision. Just make sure you fully understand how many CC's you need to do. In your case 1 cc of test per shot (250mg) done two times a week. I'm reiterating this because you said to open up both vials and take the entire vial as a 1 shot. ;) just looking out for you bro.


Registered User
Jan 13, 2005
Ask Katrina. She knows
oracle said:
Good decision. Just make sure you fully understand how many CC's you need to do. In your case 1 cc of test per shot (250mg) done two times a week. I'm reiterating this because you said to open up both vials and take the entire vial as a 1 shot. ;) just looking out for you bro.

Hey thanks man,

I was not sure if people took the entire 500mg(2 vials) in 1 shot. I now understand that it would be best to take 2 shots 1 vial per shot split in the week.

Thanks again. I just became a member so I am wainting for my "info" to clear the 4 day period. (If the above statement violates the policy the by all means delete it)

Another thing, Is testo E the way to go or could you recommend a different type. Check you PM


i had actually typed a much longer more informative first response but my computer erased it when i tried to post it.
sounds like you have a decent plan already in place with your nutritional needs. i would also add glutamine to the post workout drink at 5-10mg, same as the creatine amount.
if you have test enth amps and not a bottle then you are correct with the amount each one has. the only ones that are overdosed are the galenica brand. they tend to have 1.2ml which would be equal to about 300mg of test per amp.
increase your protein intake to at least 1.5grams per lb of bodywweight and experiment some with cardio to help control bodyfat. you can add in some cardio at 2-3 sessions per week and increase or decrease based on how well you are loosing the gut and adding muscle to your body.


Perfection Personifide
Dec 7, 2004
ronnier38930 said:
I was not sure if people took the entire 500mg(2 vials) in 1 shot. I now understand that it would be best to take 2 shots 1 vial per shot split in the week.

Hmmm i think your still missing it i might be wrong. Here this might help because i'm pretty sure that when you say vial you mean a bottle.

1 vial contains 10 ml
1 ml is = 250mgs of testosterone enanthate

shot wise 1 ml is = 1 cc

So you only need 1 vial at a time because each vial contains about 10 shots
Use the 1 vial to draw out 1cc of test (that will be 250mgs) on monday
Use the 1 vial to draw out 1cc of test (that will be 250mgs) on thursday
Total of 500mgs of test for the week

1 vial should last you about 4-5 weeks


oracle said:
Hmmm i think your still missing it i might be wrong. Here this might help because i'm pretty sure that when you say vial you mean a bottle.

1 vial contains 10 ml
1 ml is = 250mgs of testosterone enanthate

shot wise 1 ml is = 1 cc

So you only need 1 vial at a time because each vial contains about 10 shots
Use the 1 vial to draw out 1cc of test (that will be 250mgs) on monday
Use the 1 vial to draw out 1cc of test (that will be 250mgs) on thursday
Total of 500mgs of test for the week

1 vial should last you about 4-5 weeks
he may have amps of test enth since it is popular that way especially if purchased from an overseas source. if it is amps he has then he is correct with how he plans on using it.


Perfection Personifide
Dec 7, 2004
pincrusher said:
he may have amps of test enth since it is popular that way especially if purchased from an overseas source. if it is amps he has then he is correct with how he plans on using it.

i agree but lets ask him what he has shall we. Hey bro, do you have amps or bottles? :confused:


oracle said:
:yesway: He's using the 10ml bottles
good thing that was clarified or he would be in a world of hurt trying to inject 10ml at a time, ouch :eek:


Perfection Personifide
Dec 7, 2004
pincrusher said:
good thing that was clarified or he would be in a world of hurt trying to inject 10ml at a time, ouch :eek:

Thats' what i was worried about when i read that. ;)


Registered User
Jan 13, 2005
Ask Katrina. She knows
Thanks guys. I was not thinking correctly, Got a lot on my mind right now(bad breakup 3.5 years with this girl). I meant Ampules when I stated Vials.

I understand that an Ampule would contain 1 shot @ 250mg and a vial would contain 10 shots @ 250mg. I think I got it now !

Where I work we sell ampules and I have no idea why I was calling it Vials.

PINCRUSHER: Your right, I forgot to mention the Glute. Got so much shit at the house can't keep up with all the supps !

Should I keep running my current supps throughout my cycle? I was thinking of doubling my milk thistle and Hawth berry.


Steroid Nazi
Jan 25, 2004
The shadows of your mind
ronnier38930 said:
Hello everyone,

I am planning my first sycle and would like a some tips and pointers if you don't mind.

I would like to start with a Testo E cycle @ 500mg a week for 8 weeks. I am planning to have nolva on hand in case of gyno symptoms(and for PCT).


1. How much Nolva should I have on hand?

2. I would like to jump start with DBOL for 3-4 weeks and a fairly low dosage because I don't want my liver to go into shock. Would someone recommend a dosage? Reason being, I would like to start seeing some results quickly. I have some Diuretics on hand to keep bloat under control(If this is advisable)



Everyone has given you very good answers to your questions, so I want to address some things I didn't see.
The minimum effective dose of Nolva is 20mg per day. So base the amount on 20mg per day for the length of your cycle plus the number of tabs you will need for PCT. 60mg the first day followed by 40mg for 10 days followed by 20mg for 10 days.
Oral steroids are nowhere near as liver toxic as some people would have you believe.
DO NOT use diaretics to control bloat. Diaretics deplete electrolytes and essential minerals. Bloat during steroid cycles comes from some of the steroid converting to estrogen by way of aromitase enzyme. A certain amount of estrogen is essential to muscle growth, so you want to control it, not completely eliminate it. For most people, bloat can be controlled with Proviron and Nolvadex during your cycle. For those who are extremely gyno prone, Arimidex and Nolvadex will do the trick.


Registered User
Nov 9, 2004
To be honest i dont think u have to be worried about your liver going into shock on a couple weeks of dbol. Good luck on ur first cycle.


Perfection Personifide
Dec 7, 2004
ronnier38930 said:
Should I keep running my current supps throughout my cycle? I was thinking of doubling my milk thistle and Hawth berry.

I thought the same thing about my liver and how milk thistle works for you. Your liver will be fine bro, don't waste your money on at. ;)