First cycle feedback


New member
Jun 16, 2005
Hello everyone. I have been lifting for the past 4-5 years. The past two I have started training pretty hard with minimal gains. I have my diet in check with a minimmum of 180 grams of protein a day. I am 5'11 180 sum 11% BF. Here is my proposed cycle please give me advise. I am currently using the MAX OT program.

"taken from another borad"

DBOL weeks 1-5 35 mg ED

Test ....(long acting test - sus-enan-cyp) weeks 1-10 500mg ..2 shots per week....monday and thurs.

Deca/EQ ..weeks 1-10 400mg per week mon and thurs. (shots of test and eq/deca can be taking at the sametime in the same syringe)

Post cycled meds. Clomid

I start clomid 2 weeks after my last shot of test and deca/eq for 4 weeks.

Questions I have :

-When it says 400mg and 500 mg a week. Is that 200mg and 250mg's a shot?

-Will 25 gauge be a good begining size pin?

-Should i stay on CEE during the cycle?

-I take aderrall every day shouldi quit during cycle?

- I Plan to stay on EFA's during cycle as well as B12, is that okay?

Thanks for the help guys.

max lift

Registered User
Feb 24, 2005
how old are you??
the cycle you have laid out is a good one , with that said you may want to put some thought into running test only for your first one,
yup if its 500mgs a week than split it up so you do 1 shot of 250mg on monday and 250mg on thursday I am not familiar with efa's , b12 is ok, for me I have never had the need to suplement with b 12 , pct sounds right ,I run mine for 3 weeks but many do run it for 4 , I use a 23g 1 1/2 pin for glute shots and a 25g 1 for delts.


Registered User
May 4, 2005
Welcome to Anasci brotha. Your stats are just like mine when before I started my first cycle. First, up your protein, try to get 2 grams per pound of body weight. Second, that cycle is fine, but like max said you should really do test only first cycle. Reasoning behind that is If you're taking Test, and deca and you start getting gyno, you won't know if it's the test or the deca, and you need to know that because the treatments for both are different. You might be thinking that you need to take 3 compounds to get results, but trust me, at week 6 in my test only cycle i'm getting great gains in strenth and mass. For the PCT, you should be taking the clomid when you aren't taking ANY steroids, 2 weeks after last test shot at least. Max lift handled the splitting the shots up into 2 per week. 25 g is fine but it will take a long time to inject, I only use 25 for delts, 23 for everything else. Staying on CEE would be fine, you would want to stop if you start retaining too much water. You have to drink LOTS of water to keep bloat away and to flush your kidneys of that Creatine. As for the adderal, I would say keep an eye on you Blood pressure and if it goes up quit the adderal. EFA's and B12 is fine. Keep in mind that it's all about diet though, Eat everything you can, don't worry too much about carbs and fats and all that BS. You need to take in at least 4000 calories a day. AND LIFT HEAVY

max lift

Registered User
Feb 24, 2005
I think you will see great gains from 500 mgs of test e or c for 12 weeks , save the dbol for the next cycle, IMO


New member
Jun 16, 2005
max lift said:
I think you will see great gains from 500 mgs of test e or c for 12 weeks , save the dbol for the next cycle, IMO

Okay so test E or C alone @ 500 mg's for 12? why not less say 8 or 6? I did not know it was safe to run for that long.

max lift

Registered User
Feb 24, 2005
the test takes around 4 weeks to kick in so running it for 6 or 8 would be short changing yourself and not getting the most out of the drug, at 10 or 12 you would be taking full advantage of your cycle , anything longer than 12 weeks you start to get into a situation where you would need to take HGC to give your natural test a kick start but under 12 you "should" have no problem and proper pct will du.

max lift

Registered User
Feb 24, 2005
I should add that their are thoes that feel that shorter cycles are better because your body can recover quicker from them , its my opinion that if I am shutting down my natural test I want to get the most out of it and make the best gains that I can while still maintaning a safty margin (The least amount of gear to make the most gains)


Feb 6, 2004
soloone said:
Okay so test E or C alone @ 500 mg's for 12? why not less say 8 or 6? I did not know it was safe to run for that long.

Welcome to Anasci. Yes, its safe to run it that long. Test for 10-12 weeks at 500mg would be a great first cycle. The one you posted is fine, but not for a first one. Check the thread below, as well as the may other stickies that are posted. :)


Eating Machine

Registered User
Jun 20, 2005
Soloone, I want to reiterate what SteveO said about the 2 grams of protein per lb of lean body mass. That is the reason you have quit gaining. Your not taking in enough protein.

1 gram per lb is what you will be taught by many "experts" in nutrition. They are not bodybuilders and have no idea what kind of demand we put on our bodies.

I train with some guys at my gym that have been training 25 plus years and they ask me how the hell I am gaining so quick. When I finally convince them to up the protein, guess what I am their new best friend. Try it for 6 months and see what happens to you.


New member
Jun 16, 2005
steve0085 said:
Yay!! I gave good advice!!! There's a first for everything

Yes I know I am bad about my diet at times. Any Suggestions for meals with larger intake. There is only so many chicken breasts, oats and natty penut butter i can take.


Registered User
May 4, 2005
If you're trying to bulk up, eat everything. Don't worry about Fat and sugar and all that stuff. Get some weight gainer and drink that with a meal to up your calories. Drink a nice big protein shake in the morning. Tuna is good, lots of protein and CHEAP. Don't try to eat just protein in a meal to get your grams up, it will make you lose your apetite, eat a chicken sandwich instead of just chicken, the carbs will help you feel hungrier.


Perfection Personifide
Dec 7, 2004
steve0085 said:
If you're trying to bulk up, eat everything. Don't worry about Fat and sugar and all that stuff. Get some weight gainer and drink that with a meal to up your calories. Drink a nice big protein shake in the morning. Tuna is good, lots of protein and CHEAP. Don't try to eat just protein in a meal to get your grams up, it will make you lose your apetite, eat a chicken sandwich instead of just chicken, the carbs will help you feel hungrier.

I depend on weight gainers alot on cycle as a reassurance that i'm getting the necessary calories and protein and so on. I found that it really helps out alot as far as bulking.


New member
Jun 16, 2005
steve0085 said:
If you're trying to bulk up, eat everything. Don't worry about Fat and sugar and all that stuff. Get some weight gainer and drink that with a meal to up your calories. Drink a nice big protein shake in the morning. Tuna is good, lots of protein and CHEAP. Don't try to eat just protein in a meal to get your grams up, it will make you lose your apetite, eat a chicken sandwich instead of just chicken, the carbs will help you feel hungrier.

Thanks man I am new but not that new. Like i said i got a decent diet going i need to bump my meals from 4-5 a day to 6-8.


Registered User
May 18, 2005
steve0085 said:
Welcome to Anasci brotha. Your stats are just like mine when before I started my first cycle. First, up your protein, try to get 2 grams per pound of body weight. Second, that cycle is fine, but like max said you should really do test only first cycle. Reasoning behind that is If you're taking Test, and deca and you start getting gyno, you won't know if it's the test or the deca, and you need to know that because the treatments for both are different. You might be thinking that you need to take 3 compounds to get results, but trust me, at week 6 in my test only cycle i'm getting great gains in strenth and mass. For the PCT, you should be taking the clomid when you aren't taking ANY steroids, 2 weeks after last test shot at least. Max lift handled the splitting the shots up into 2 per week. 25 g is fine but it will take a long time to inject, I only use 25 for delts, 23 for everything else. Staying on CEE would be fine, you would want to stop if you start retaining too much water. You have to drink LOTS of water to keep bloat away and to flush your kidneys of that Creatine. As for the adderal, I would say keep an eye on you Blood pressure and if it goes up quit the adderal. EFA's and B12 is fine. Keep in mind that it's all about diet though, Eat everything you can, don't worry too much about carbs and fats and all that BS. You need to take in at least 4000 calories a day. AND LIFT HEAVY
I would recommend worrying about all the carbs and fats just like protein, everything goes hand and hand when building muscle.

Your body needs proper amounts of each...........


Registered User
May 4, 2005
I was just trying to say it's more important to eat a lot than what you eat. Obviously 400 calories of snickers bars aint gonna cut it, but the propper ratio of nutrients isn't gonna help if you aren't eating enough.