Firming the Buns


Registered User
Feb 4, 2004
By: Karen Sessions

The buns are also referred to as the "glutes", and are probably the most focused body part. Toned "glutes" support your hips and posture, as well as giving a firmer appearance and improving endurance in such activities as walking, running, inline skating, cycling, etc.

Contrary to popular belief, you don't have to spend a lot of time, or money to get a toned backside. You can get a quality "glute" workout under 15 minutes once a week with just the basics.

There are a multitude of machines at the gym that "isolate" different parts of the hips, thighs, and "glutes". Many of these are a waste of time and lead to over training. All you need are squats, stiff-legged dead lifts, and lunges for an overall bun workout.

Squats for Firming the Buns
Squats work the entire leg and "glute" muscle. If you skip the squats, you are doing yourself a great injustice. To begin, choose a weight you are comfortable with. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Keep your back straight and lower yourself until your knees are at a 90-degree angle. Make sure you contract your "glutes" at the top of the movement and drive the power through your heels.
Perform 3 sets with light to moderate weight in the 15 to 20 repetition range with one-minute rest intervals. Don't use excessively heavy poundage if you carry most of your weight in your hips, thighs, and buttocks.

Stiff-Legged Dead Lifts for Firming the buns
The stiff-legged dead lifts also help to work the "glutes," as well as the hamstrings. This is often a neglected exercise. Form is important. Keep your focus on your hamstrings and "glutes," and not the back.
To begin, choose a weight that you are comfortable with. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and hold the weight in front of you. While keeping your lower back tight, slowly drop your hips behind you and allow the weight to fall toward your feet. As you rise, squeeze and contract your hamstrings and "glutes." Perform 3 sets of stiff-legged dead lifts with light to moderate weight in the 15 to 20 repetition range with one-minute rest intervals.

Lunges for Firming the Buns
Lunges work the entire leg and "glute" area. You can choose to do this with or without weights. To begin, stand normally. Lunge one foot forward until the knee is at a 90-degree angle, and then resume standing position. Do the same movement for the other legs. Perform 3 sets of lunges with light to moderate weight in the 15 to 20 repetition range with one minute rest intervals.
Resistance training will build firm and toned "glutes", but in order to remove the fat, cardiovascular exercise is needed. Any aerobic exercise is good for burning calories and burning fat, but choosing the ones that target the legs and "glutes" are even better.

Power walking, jogging, sprinting, in-line skating, and the elliptical are the best for leaning up the lower body and "glutes". Perform these at least 3 times a week for 20 minutes and progress each week from there.

I must caution you about the stepper and treadmills set on incline. Yes, these are great for building the legs and "glutes", but if added size is not your desire, it's best to avoid these.

If you are unsure of the proper form on any of the exercises, please have an instructor show you.