Favorite thing about using AAS


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
In a world where AAS is demonized by the press and the public in general, I thought it would be interesting to focus on the positive aspects of AAS use. Very simply, pick the one that you enjoy, appreciate or value the most about AAS and tell us about it.

For me, the best thing about AAS is the recovery time. The ability to hit a muscle group really hard and wake up the next morning with barely any soreness or tightness is huge. Most days I feel like I could hit the gym and train the same muscle groups everyday, if I were so inclined.

Even in my teens and twenties I couldn’t train with that type of frequency while I was natty. It would take 3-5 days just for the DOMS to wear off from a decent chest workout. No way could I have hit chest again 48 hours later, like I frequently do now.

Well, that’s mine. What’s your favorite aspect of AAS use?

lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
I appreciate the fast recovery and ability to utilize the food intake more efficently. I love that DOMS only last a day or two and sometimes I just cant get any.


Registered User
Aug 17, 2018
For me it wouldn't even be AAS specific, moreso hormone optimization.

Going from someone who had test levels of 60 to normal/high, it's like a window has been opened and you see what life is supposed to be.


Registered User
Aug 17, 2018
Can we talk about "Test Goggles"? [emoji23]

1000x stronger than "Beer Goggles".

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


AnaSCI VIP / Donating Member
Sep 24, 2006
That feeling in the gym where your strength is way beyond what it normally is and you kill the fukking weight, along with a massive pump and veins popping out while looking great leaving people guessing what you are on.

To be honest though, outside of that, I could care less about all that when out of the gym. I don't compete, and I have to talk a lot at work, and I can't be gasping for air in-between sentences while giving presentations or classes on diabetes and health in front of patients or other professionals while my gut is hanging out all distended from dbol and tons of food, while my pants barely fit.

To me, just simply taking low test is all I need for the most part. It makes me feel good in almost every way, strength, sleep, appearance, and sexually.

When I was in my 20's, and maybe early 30's, I didn't mind the pushing things more throughout the year, but now, i'm more for longevity, and being able to run around with my kids and enjoy sleeping without back pumps. I like camping, hiking, being lazy with the family watching movies, and traveling than my younger goals. So the best feeling I get is while on trt dosed test because I can enjoy all that without breaking the bank, having good health, and just feeling good.

Once a year during the summer months, I push it some, but that's about it now. It's almost like when in the gym, and you get motivated by others who may be bigger, stronger, and leaner than you......you get that rush inside like "WTF, i'm gonna kill it and do this and that and come back twice as good as anybody," but on my drive home, the switch is flipped back off and reality comes back into play. The only time I really find a benefit to being fukking huge ass strong with muscles ripping out is in the gym. I don't hang out at bars or anything like that, and if I blend in and not the main freak attraction, I can deal with that. I'm boring these days.
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Registered User
Jun 8, 2015
Was in the gym a few weeks back doing incline benches next to some college aged offensive lineman type. We ended up working in on dips together. He looks at me and says- bro you were pushing some serious weight (I wasn't, small gym). I look at him and say- "it's about time don't you think? I'm nearly 60!"

Compliments like this always help, but what really helps is women. Do they really know they are touching you? I had one rub my shoulders for 15 minutes before she realized that this was probably not appropriate in the work place. Just a couple of weeks ago the wife an I were at an AN pool in Jamaica. This place was for couples only. This women about 25 years younger than me just rubbed my tricep with my wife just to the other side of me.

I'm beginning to think that some women just don't realize what they are doing. (Not that I'm complaining).


Registered User
Oct 25, 2012
The recovery and strength come to mind. I am sure we will all agree seeing yourself jump up 5 pounds every week for 1 month and feeling stronger and fuller every day is not a bad feeling!