Ever have an "IN THE ZONE" workout


Oct 29, 2012
Out in the boondocks
Can't quite explain what happened. December 24, day before Christmas, and I'm looking to earn my cheat meals. Had the day off and church that night, so other than lifting a little early, everything was the same.

No better way to earn a cheat than to do deadlifts, right. After my usual 10 minute warm-up, i begin my routine. 135 for 20, felt normal. 225 for 15, same as usual. 315 for 12, felt great. Now here is where it gets weird. I usually put on 405 and hit 6 or 8 good ones to finish This time I did 12 with ease. When i was done, i actuall checked to see if i forgot to load the bar. Amazed, I went to 455. Nocked out 10 more. At this time i was amped. Put on another 50 bringing to 505 (my previous estimated max). I put on my go to song by Ill Nino "I am Loco" and cranked it up. Cinched my straps up a little tighter an locked on. Having never had this much weight on before, my entire body was fireing everywhere. I started my descent, hoping my 18 month old bicep tendon repair was going to hold. So far so good, tapped the floor and drove with my heels. Not only did i get it, but managed to get 6 more only stopping for fear of an injury.

I am not sure what had happened or if can ever be explained. It felt like the superhuman strength you hear when people are in survival mode. It may go to show how powerful the human truely is. I just wish there was a way to harness it.

Sorry so long winded, but have any of you had an experience like
this. If so I would love to hear it. Sad part of if is, although I thought I more than earned a cheat day, i still feel "Fat As Shit"!


Registered User
Dec 24, 2012
Yep Ive had days like that. They are great. I love it when you accidently load too much weight onto the bar and lift it without even realising that it is a higher weight than first thought. Its like you trick your brain and then when your brain realises its been tricked, it goes into an ultra confident mode where you can lift what seems a house.


Feb 17, 2008
It's those days we live for. Amazing what can happen when you get completely pumped up before a lift.


Registered User
Oct 30, 2012
Great job Magnus, that's some impressive weight.

Can't quite explain what happened. December 24, day before Christmas, and I'm looking to earn my cheat meals. Had the day off and church that night, so other than lifting a little early, everything was the same.

No better way to earn a cheat than to do deadlifts, right. After my usual 10 minute warm-up, i begin my routine. 135 for 20, felt normal. 225 for 15, same as usual. 315 for 12, felt great. Now here is where it gets weird. I usually put on 405 and hit 6 or 8 good ones to finish This time I did 12 with ease. When i was done, i actuall checked to see if i forgot to load the bar. Amazed, I went to 455. Nocked out 10 more. At this time i was amped. Put on another 50 bringing to 505 (my previous estimated max). I put on my go to song by Ill Nino "I am Loco" and cranked it up. Cinched my straps up a little tighter an locked on. Having never had this much weight on before, my entire body was fireing everywhere. I started my descent, hoping my 18 month old bicep tendon repair was going to hold. So far so good, tapped the floor and drove with my heels. Not only did i get it, but managed to get 6 more only stopping for fear of an injury.

I am not sure what had happened or if can ever be explained. It felt like the superhuman strength you hear when people are in survival mode. It may go to show how powerful the human truely is. I just wish there was a way to harness it.

Sorry so long winded, but have any of you had an experience like
this. If so I would love to hear it. Sad part of if is, although I thought I more than earned a cheat day, i still feel "Fat As Shit"!


Oct 27, 2012
Nasty Magnus! It's kind if crazy what we can do when we truly tap our potential.

I think there has to be something to do with neuromuscular adaptation and being able to tap into/recruit muscle fibers that are normally left untouched.

The past couple if weeks I have been having these types of workouts where I am just scratching my head thinking, HOLY SHIT!?!

When you are in the zone, there is nothing like it (training wise at least). Nice work killing it!


Super Moderator - RIP
Nov 18, 2012
Yes I have had those days. Many. Guess thats the real "hook" in this thing of ours.. It's what I refer to as a perfect moment in time..
Glad you had that day and wish you many more of those to come!! T


Super Moderator - RIP
Oct 28, 2012
I love it when workouts happen like this. Unexpected and kick-ass. I wish I could figure out the formula. I would be doing the same all the time.

On the flip side, I've had days where I walked in intending to kick butt, and I ended on a "less than" LOL