Dusties Pod Cast


Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
Please dont kill the messenger here guys. I was watching the latest show this morning and couldn't help but notice what appears to be a noticable OCD typs twitch in Dusties right eye. I couldn't help but feel bad for the guy. Im sure anyone can sercombe to nervous pressures in one way or another. He just seams so easy going it's hard to believe he's having issues.
Anyway, these two guys have a great pod cast and I suggest you subscribe to it.


Registered User
Apr 6, 2017
If I remember correctly, in one of the episodes a week or two ago Dusty discussed having eye surgery, so could be some residual effect from that


Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
That's actually good to hear. I'd imagine that's easier to overcome than a nervous twitch. I had one as a kid and it was with me for over a year. I would blink my eyes in a real pronounced way. But like all things it passed.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Feb 19, 2018
If I remember correctly, in one of the episodes a week or two ago Dusty discussed having eye surgery, so could be some residual effect from that
That's actually good to hear. I'd imagine that's easier to overcome than a nervous twitch. I had one as a kid and it was with me for over a year. I would blink my eyes in a real pronounced way. But like all things it passed.
He did have eye surgery but, he's also completely ocd.

I've been working with him for about four months now and I can see it in his updates and messages back and forth.

Great guy though and still laid back, cool as shit it would seem.


AnaSCI VIP / Donating Member
Sep 24, 2006
They are getting better, but they are real basic pods. Maybe i'm just too educated and experienced to learn much:(

Both guys work well together, I'm a huge Dusty fan, but Ron is a better talker. I would say at this point, if you watch Dusty's training vids, you will learn more from those, than the pods. That said, this is all new for them, but i'm still waiting for the episodes where they really dig deep in detail for the big 3 categories: Training, dieting (both off-season/precontest), and drug use (off-season and pre-contest).

A good story here and there is fine, but i'm more of a substance guy than a hanging out at the bar story talk guy. Maybe i'm expecting too much?

Wish I could put in questions, but i'm not gonna go and start up a lame Instagram account just to do it.

I want to know more of Dusty's AAS/performance enhancement stuff than anything. I doubt he can talk about different supplement stuff since he is under contract. I've been reading diet and training stuff by him (and Dante) for YEARS, and although I may learn something here and there to try out, 95% I've already read x 1000x.

I know Dusty doesn't like to talk about the drug side, but it would be cool to get one good episode in, or a few, to really go over what he does that has worked for him, which would persuade people to follow suit.....since he's generally thought to use a more safer and health-conscious approach.

For example, we know he usually does around a trt dose of test all off-season, maybe some HGH, then ups stuff during pre-contest. This is what he has alluded to in all his posts, because diet and training get him where he needs to be.

What I would like to know is:

1) Do you use only trt levels of test the whole off-season only? If not, what do you change up and why?

2) Do you still do test sub-q? What has been your experience with this route. If you changed, why?

3) Do you ever other compounds, say Nandrolone for off-season for joints? Anavar if you know there is going to be a video or guest appearance or photoshoot?

4) You mention that 1200mg/wk is the max you see benefits, do you use this dose off-season, or pre-contest?

5) Do you adjust your test dosage up or down as the weeks progress in a prep? Or, Does it stay the same throughout?

6) Do you take test out prior to stage?

7) What AAS will you not take?

8) Do you ever use the 'wet' compounds, like anadrol or dbol?

9) What compounds do you use in your prep?

10) What AAS do you find are a waste to use, from your experiences?

11) What is your experience with Tren? How do you administer it - sub-q or IM? What is the max dose if used? Highest dose used?

12) Benefits he's seen using HGH? Protocol for off-season? Protocol for pre-contest?

13) Any thermogenics used in prep? Clen? Ephedrine? T3? other?

14) Ever used DNP? Experience if used?

15) How do you structure your insulin pre-w/o? Is it used every workout, or just before legs or back?

12) Have your dosages increased from prior to being a pro, to now trying to compete as one?

13) Please list current regime of 'health' products used...both from sponsor and not sponsored?

14) Any health supplements that just didn't show much benefit for you?

15) Do you also use HCG each week? Clomid or AI's? Nolva?

16) Will having kids ever be in your future?

17) We know that balance is the key to life and success, what do you do outside of the eating, training, managing stores, coaching, shopping, Instagram and traveling for sponsors? Do you ever do other stuff like go to the beach? Camping? Movies? Go to the lake? Play some ball or get on the ice for fun?

18) How often, if any, do you drink alcohol? What do you drink?

19) Go more into smoking weed pre-w/o? Do you do this with insulin? Since you mentioned doing both prior to workouts.

20) How often do you get bloodwork done? What is the main concern that pops up for you when they do fall as abnormal?

21) Tell us 3 things people may not know about you?

I can go on and on, but these are questions i'd like to ask Dusty, not because I want to go and duplicate what he is doing, but because I like learning and hearing what works for others, and what they like doing, or what they need to do on their level.


AnaSCI VIP / Donating Member
Sep 24, 2006
CG, you should post this over at ProM, so I can copy my response above over there, and maybe it will get back to him:cool:


Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
No thank you. I was kinda feeling bad about posting it at all. I just hope it all goes away for him and he's back to normal as soon as possible.

It's cool finding out Monte is working with him. Hope he posts about it in his log.


Registered User
Oct 25, 2012
I have seen a few of these and they are ok. A good listen when doing cardio. Much better than some of the other newer podcasts.


Feb 6, 2012
Ron is the better talker but both seem nice. I have only listened to a couple so will listen to a few more this week. I doubt you will get any hardcore drug talk from either of these though.