Do I need to base use a test base wit winny?


Registered User
Sep 22, 2005
Borlando, and Philly every 3weeks
Well my friend got me a 6 week cycle of winstrol v because he has a drug test coming up to become a cop, lol. Anyway I've read on the board to use test as a base and when I asked him about it, he said since its my first cycle not to really worry about it, that he ran winny v only for 6weeks and got decent results. And if I do gotta run test can I just use a natural test booster like gnc sells, im not to big on the injections but I can deal with the 2 winny injects a day. Going to be starting it monday. Stats as of right now are 211lbs 6"3 16% bodyfat, yea i know my body fat could be better. My diet as of right now is very high protien and low to no carbs try to keep between 20-35grms a day of carbs only. I just finished a ECA stack and noticed decent results. Hoping to tighten up with the winny


justin96z28 said:
Well my friend got me a 6 week cycle of winstrol v because he has a drug test coming up to become a cop, lol. Anyway I've read on the board to use test as a base and when I asked him about it, he said since its my first cycle not to really worry about it, that he ran winny v only for 6weeks and got decent results. And if I do gotta run test can I just use a natural test booster like gnc sells, im not to big on the injections but I can deal with the 2 winny injects a day. Going to be starting it monday. Stats as of right now are 211lbs 6"3 16% bodyfat, yea i know my body fat could be better. My diet as of right now is very high protien and low to no carbs try to keep between 20-35grms a day of carbs only. I just finished a ECA stack and noticed decent results. Hoping to tighten up with the winny

well first of all, that low carb diet is rediculous.....they arent healthy for you. and you need carbs to grow. not to mention your CNS runs off of sugar so you better increase those carbs by a lot.

as for using test as a base....it is very wise to do it......if you just ran testosterone only, you'd only have to inject twice a week. i dont know why you're injecting winny twice a day. winny alone isnt really a good cycle and you risk having low testosterone levels as steroids will suppress your test levels (some more so than others). it you are wanting to take steroids for the first time, stick with test only and leave the winny for a later cycle. you'll thank me later


Registered User
Oct 4, 2005
well u got his advice u should probly do some more research before you jump into the deepend..stick with the test only cycle u need to see how your body reacts and youll get good results then start adding other compounds..u know winny can cause really bad joint pain dont you..?


Registered User
Sep 22, 2005
Borlando, and Philly every 3weeks
Yes ive read winny can give joint pain. Ok he said I can swap out the winny for test. What do you guys recommend for test, how should I go for dosage hes never used test so dont know how to advice me on it. Also i read test converts to estro which can cause the "bitch tits' this is on thing that really makes me nervous about test, and why he suggested just winny. If i was to start a test only cycle can I take something instantly to counter act the gyno sympts just as a precaution? Also mentioned to me by my trainer was T-BOL only cycle he ran it and has awsome lean muscle results, which is what Im honestly going for.
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justin96z28 said:
Yes ive read winny can give joint pain. Ok he said I can swap out the winny for test. What do you guys recommend for test, how should I go for dosage hes never used test so dont know how to advice me on it. Also i read test converts to estro which can cause the "bitch tits' this is on thing that really makes me nervous about test, and why he suggested just winny. If i was to start a test only cycle can I take something instantly to counter act the gyno sympts just as a precaution? Also mentioned to me by my trainer was T-BOL only cycle he ran it and has awsome lean muscle results, which is what Im honestly going for.

it doesnt sound like your 'friend' is too educated on steroids. I would suggest you read the stickies, the drug profiles, and as much stuff as you can on this site before jumping into steroids. change your diet as well. you're not going to get big w/o carbs

the search button will be your best friend


Registered User
Sep 22, 2005
Borlando, and Philly every 3weeks
Ive read most of the profiles. And my friend isnt to well educated hes just trying to get rid of his gear to become a cop... Another gr8 cop i most say, lol. Can I go about increasing carbs with like a nitro-explode shake of some sort, I honestly have to say im not a huge fan of starchs. Ive done quite a bit of reading before posting, to try not to sound like to much of an ass or make to much of a fool out of myself. The best gear to me looked to be oral t-bol as it has no gyno effects at all, or winstrol combined wit test, but my only concern for test is the gyno effect and then running an anti-e cycle for 3 weeks. So would t-bol be my best bet then?


justin96z28 said:
Ive read most of the profiles. And my friend isnt to well educated hes just trying to get rid of his gear to become a cop... Another gr8 cop i most say, lol. Can I go about increasing carbs with like a nitro-explode shake of some sort, I honestly have to say im not a huge fan of starchs. Ive done quite a bit of reading before posting, to try not to sound like to much of an ass or make to much of a fool out of myself. The best gear to me looked to be oral t-bol as it has no gyno effects at all, or winstrol combined wit test, but my only concern for test is the gyno effect and then running an anti-e cycle for 3 weeks. So would t-bol be my best bet then?

honestly, i'd suggest that you stay away from steroids. concentrate on your diet. not a huge fan of starches?? you're not going to gain shit w/o having carbs in your diet. if you're looking to get big, don't think steroids is the easy way out. you still have to put forth some effort and eat.

Captain Canuck

Registered User
Oct 9, 2005
Up North
wolfyEVH said:
it doesnt sound like your 'friend' is too educated on steroids. I would suggest you read the stickies, the drug profiles, and as much stuff as you can on this site before jumping into steroids. change your diet as well. you're not going to get big w/o carbs

the search button will be your best friend

I would agree with Wolfyevh

The best thing you can do is read as much as you can.
So if you’re going to take the win-v
At least read up on Test and the Winstrol. You will learn a lot.

Winstrol can be hard on the joints and it would be best to add some Test with your cycle.


Registered User
May 4, 2005
I know wolfy has already twice stated that the low carbs is a bad idea, but i'd like to say it again. Simple fact: without carbs you will not grow, no matter what steroids you take or how much of it.


Steroid Nazi
Jan 25, 2004
The shadows of your mind
justin96z28 said:
Yes ive read winny can give joint pain. Ok he said I can swap out the winny for test. What do you guys recommend for test, how should I go for dosage hes never used test so dont know how to advice me on it. Also i read test converts to estro which can cause the "bitch tits' this is on thing that really makes me nervous about test, and why he suggested just winny. If i was to start a test only cycle can I take something instantly to counter act the gyno sympts just as a precaution? Also mentioned to me by my trainer was T-BOL only cycle he ran it and has awsome lean muscle results, which is what Im honestly going for.
Winny in my opinion acts as a booster steroid. By itself it's worthless, but with another steroid like test it can boost those effects. Estro and gyno can be controlled very easily.
ALL steroids are analogs of testosterone somehow, someway.


Registered User
Oct 4, 2005
like everyone is telling u man do some more research know the facts get ur diet right get a routine down u need to have all this planned way before u start tking steroids..and u need carbs no carb diest over a long period of time are un healthy first of all and u need them to get big imo hit the books my friend..know what ur doing before u jump into the deepend and get into trouble