Different way to do dbol


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I just scanned over some threads on Alinboard and noticed a very interesting suggestion about dbol (by ironbod). Just wondering what you guys think. I might try it out for a future cycle. If it works out I will try it with a tbol cycle too. Not the exact way he states but adapt it (shorten it). The suggestion was how to incorporate dbol into a 15 week cycle. Even if you do it like the below it isn't much more liver toxic than doing 50mg for 6 weeks. But of course checking liver and bp would be essential if doing the below. I wouldn't do that amount but just have 2 phrases instead.

wk 1 50 mg day
wk 2 50 mg day
wk 3 50 mg day
wk 4 Off
wk 5 Off
wk 6 Off
wk 7 40 mg day
wk 8 40 mg day
wk 9 40 mg day
wk 10 Off
wk 11 Off
wk 12 Off
wk 13 30 mg day
wk 14 30 mg day
wk 15 30 mg day

Heres the mg amounts :
6 weeks @ 50mg day = 2,100mg total cycle

Phase 1 .................. 1,050mg
Phase 2 .................. 840mg
Phase 3 .................. 630mg
Not much difference 2,520mg total cycle

If you start @ 40mg, 30mg, 20mg this only equals 1,890mg total.

I would do the following

wk 1 40 mg day
wk 2 40 mg day
wk 3 40 mg day
wk 4 Off
wk 5 Off
wk 6 Off
wk 7 30 mg day
wk 8 30 mg day
wk 9 30 mg day

I think that would be a good alternative because most gains from dbol are experienced in the first 3 weeks (atleast for me). And it is less liver toxic than say doing 6 weeks straight which I have in the past. And I will lower the amount second time round. I was gonna do a 9 week cycle but might increase that by a few weeks to accommodate the above. Of course I would take synthegine throughout and LIV 52. Not to mention not drinking alcohol anytime in the 9 weeks. What you guys think?
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