Dianabol or Anadrol?


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I have done a cycle with Dbol in and that was great. I am yet to try Anadrol but will be doing so very soon. I just wanna know peoples opinions on which is best for them? This interms of benefits and side effects. I have read on every website dbol gives you a sense of well being but anadrol the opposite (feel sick). Is this sense of disposition really bad or manageable?

Oh I have heard anadrol is a killer for your hair too. As I am fairly bald now I am in two minds. I suppose I don't wanna go from what I have to the likes of Billy Zane... I am only 23 but I am cool with me now (hair).

I suppose I always plan to do dbol in the future but I just wanna try anadrol to see how it is (suppose to be the strongest). I would appreciate your advice. Thanks


Aug 28, 2005
Elvia1023 said:
I have done a cycle with Dbol in and that was great. I am yet to try Anadrol but will be doing so very soon. I just wanna know peoples opinions on which is best for them? This interms of benefits and side effects. I have read on every website dbol gives you a sense of well being but anadrol the opposite (feel sick). Is this sense of disposition really bad or manageable?

Oh I have heard anadrol is a killer for your hair too. As I am fairly bald now I am in two minds. I suppose I don't wanna go from what I have to the likes of Billy Zane... I am only 23 but I am cool with me now (hair).

I suppose I always plan to do dbol in the future but I just wanna try anadrol to see how it is (suppose to be the strongest). I would appreciate your advice. Thanks

I like both DBOL and ANADROL very well...but I will always love that super human strength that comes with the ANADROL. Both are great and you cant go wrong with either.

Is balding in your family genetics?


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
ALIN said:
I like both DBOL and ANADROL very well...but I will always love that super human strength that comes with the ANADROL. Both are great and you cant go wrong with either.

Is balding in your family genetics?

Thanks for the response. I suppose balding is in my family genetics. Many people believe that gene is carried by the father (my dad is). But it is actually the mothers side you should go by. Judging by my uncles I would say mixed so I suppose it is. The thing is I shave it every week (electronic never wet shaver). And I am cool with the way it looks now. But I don't want the stubble (lack of a better word) to disappear from the top of my head... you know so you get that horrible look if you left it to grow... like what most scientific professors are sporting! I would have thought the test could be just as bad. But I have heard anadrol, winstrol and tren are the worst by far. I used tren in my last cycle (didn't know when I ordered)... I haven't really noticed a diffrerence (maybe some). Do you recommend not doing the anadrol? Do you know anyone who has been in my situation or it killed their hair? Thanks


Registered User
Jun 21, 2007
So tren is really bad for balding also?! What if I used a shampoo or some type of hair loss treatment during my cycle? Would that help stop, eliminate, or slow the effects?

And to stay on topic, I'm going to try some D-bol soon. I'll let ya know how it goes bra...


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Ryder13 said:
So tren is really bad for balding also?! What if I used a shampoo or some type of hair loss treatment during my cycle? Would that help stop, eliminate, or slow the effects?

And to stay on topic, I'm going to try some D-bol soon. I'll let ya know how it goes bra...

Yeah I have heard tren is really bad. You are best asking many for their opinions as I am unsure of all the reasons for it being so bad. I would assume this was due it's anabolic/androgenic ratio. To show this you just compare it's ratio of 500/500 to Test which is 100/100 (5 times more).

There are numerous shampoos and tablets (like proscar). Maybe some of the tablets may help but I would guess not. Ignore all the shampoos as they are just a waste of £. Not that I have tried but I remember watching a tv programme (10 years younger I think) which had a segment about hairloss prevention.

Like I said above I done a cycle of dbol and tren e and it was great. I didn't really get any sides. Maybe minor one like some acne, feeling hot, joint pain. But all were not bad and completely manageable. But like is always said each steroid reacts different to every person. You could even get someone who can have a strong AAS but reacts badly to a more milder form due to one of it's ingredients. The general view I have read on tren is it is regarded as a gift from the gods. And that it is the best for a cutting cycle too!

The major thing that I experienced with tren e is what is known as tren cough. My endurance was shit when I used it. I stopped all cardio anyway but just the jog to the gym for a warm up was a mission.

You say you are doing dbol. What are you planning to do that with? I put on about 18 pounds when I used it with the tren e. Looking forward to trying the anadrol. I would recommend doing a test with the dbol. The best being test c or e. I don't fancy injecting every 2 days so don't do the test a. You could even add deca to the cycle. How long you planning to do it for. My 3rd cycle is gonna be
Week 1-10 = Test E
Week 1- 5 = Dbol
Week 2-10 = Deca or Eq

Let me know how you get on. Kev


Registered User
Jun 21, 2007
I'm cycling now...

Test E for 12 weeks
EQ for 10 weeks

I'm on week 8 now and want to run D-bol for the last three weeks just to finish out strong ya know. See what it can do for me...

I'll let you know how it goes...

*and the reason I asked about Tren is because I'm going to use it in a cutting cycle before summertime.

Tren ace
Test Prop
with some clen and T3 included...


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Ryder13 said:
I'm cycling now...

Test E for 12 weeks
EQ for 10 weeks

I'm on week 8 now and want to run D-bol for the last three weeks just to finish out strong ya know. See what it can do for me...

I'll let you know how it goes...

*and the reason I asked about Tren is because I'm going to use it in a cutting cycle before summertime.

Tren ace
Test Prop
with some clen and T3 included...

Sounds good to me. Let me know how it goes. Never heard of someone doing it at the end but should be good. Don't know how the test suspesion and/or added weight gained due to test and eq in the last 8 weeks will effect results (doubt it will). Have you put much bulk on over the 8 weeks? If you have never done a strong AAS (Dbol or Adrol) I am guessing you will love the massive weight and strength gains.

I am gonna do a cycle moreorless the same as yours for summer time. I was thinking tren e so I don't have to inject so much. I am doing all you are but need to find more info on the cytomel (T3) as I am unsure if I wanna mess about with my thyroid. Saying that I know it takes 2/3 months for it to recover regardless of the time you are on. I have heard of people being on it for years and years and then recovering after 2/3 months and going back on. I will send what I am gonna do some time. Let me know how the dbol goes. Happy training


Registered User
Jun 21, 2007
Yeah in 8 weeks I have put on around 10-12 pounds. I use the gyms scale and I know it's off, but it's somewhere around there. I'm just wondering if D-Bol at the end will push me even further ya know!

I don't mind injecting more. In fact I'd rather inject small doses more often than larger doses weekly. But that's just me...

I'm hoping to gain more size using Test Prop and Tren ace, but at the same time getting cut to hell by using that form of Test and Tren ace and anavar, along with clen and T3.

I just read that if you use small enough doses at first and then gradually increase, then gradually decrease it should not harm you. But with T3 and any other AAS, they're powerful as shit and are not to be taken lightly. But you know that already. I'll definately let you know how everything goes, and let me know what you think of D-bol vs. Anadrol.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Ryder13 said:
Yeah in 8 weeks I have put on around 10-12 pounds. I use the gyms scale and I know it's off, but it's somewhere around there. I'm just wondering if D-Bol at the end will push me even further ya know!

I don't mind injecting more. In fact I'd rather inject small doses more often than larger doses weekly. But that's just me...

I'm hoping to gain more size using Test Prop and Tren ace, but at the same time getting cut to hell by using that form of Test and Tren ace and anavar, along with clen and T3.

I just read that if you use small enough doses at first and then gradually increase, then gradually decrease it should not harm you. But with T3 and any other AAS, they're powerful as shit and are not to be taken lightly. But you know that already. I'll definately let you know how everything goes, and let me know what you think of D-bol vs. Anadrol.

I am gonna be using test c and will split the weekly injection into 2 (every 3/4 days). It's not good injecting massive amounts (as you know) it can lead to alsorts of problems. I will probably do 500mg of test so two 250's.

Like I said I don't know what the difference will be from if you would have done the dbol at the start compared to now. All I can say is you will be shocked by the increase in mass. Even if it is greatly effected I can see you putting on other 10-12 pounds just due to the dbol.

I am doing exactly the same as you with the cutting cycle. I still wanna go bigger as well as cut. To be honest I am cut all the time but not really big(compared to the other fellas on this thing). I am English so we do it in stones (just under 14) but I guess that would make me about 192 pounds. But I am 6ft 3. I would say my bf was before the dbol etc would have been about 5-6-7tops %. But after the cycle I have alittle more fat all over my body.

I don't wanna be huge at all. I think something like Ryan Reynolds from Blade 3 is ideal for a man. Obviously pro bodybuilders are totally different... I just wanna look good on the beach and for girls etc (and myself).

Yeah with the T3 you go up in dosage. But as I am already not really big and gonna be using the others in conjunction I will start on 25mcg, go up to 50mcg and back to 25mcg (nothing like 75 or 100). I may even not use Cytomel at all and just still to the others. Lower all the carbs and have more protein and in a number of weeks I will be more cut.

I will let you know how the anadrol compares. I am guessing I am gonna put on other 18 pounds so I will be made up. I will keep about 12 of that and that will put me at just under 15 stone. That is ideal for me and the cutting cycle will just add to that. I should be starting the androl this week (should come anyday) so I will let you know pretty soon.