Dianabol Dose/Duration/cycle


New member
Dec 26, 2005
Hey Gang, I have only posted one thread and that was about d-bol and being tested for it. so i am new to this site overall it has my eye! anyways i been thinking seriuosly about taking some d-bol, becuase now i know i wont be tested for it. i am considering 4 or 5 weeks duration. here is a sample of what i have done before, let me know if i should go lower or higher dose. or any advice/coaching would help. i am 24yrs 200lbs exatcly 6ft with around 5-8%fat, i can see my upper 4 abs. =) here is the sample chart i think i want to use. 1-5days = 10mg daily 6-10days = 15mg daily 11-15days 20mg daily 16-20days = 20/25mg daily 21-26days = 15/20mg daily 26-35days slidding down using about 15/5mg daily......... please let me know what you think there could be some variation to this. Godspeed. oh yea i have clomid, nolvadex, promiveron or however you spell that. ( just in case )


New member
Dec 26, 2005
its me again, i have some stuff to add. i was talking to my freind todd. and he has done a few cycles. he said there are many ways to do it that i did not know of, you could start with 35-50mg daily and work down from there to 4-5 weeks, meaning start to cycle off around the fourth week to about 35-15mg daily, another way of doing it for lond periods (which i dont like) is like 15mg daily for 5-8 weeks, now i dont know about that. but this is why i am asking. he also said some people do it for 5 days a week and take weekends off to let there liver and test slowly get used to working on there own again. also said that some people himself takes all his dose at one time?? i have always spread it out throughout the day..... what do you all think? from your sources or trial and air?? thanks again guys


dbol only is pretty much a waste of steroids and will suppress your natural test. If one is going to suppress test levels, go with an all out cycle that includes some form of testosterone. if you're not wanting to inject, then either get some transdermals, or (not something i would ever do) go with anavar or tbol.


Mar 1, 2005
On My Boat in Texas
Wolfy is right.
And dudeTodd, apparently is not from the same school [of thought]as we here at AnaSci are.He is NOT ready for the medical field...
We invite you to keep reading exo.


New member
Dec 26, 2005
ok after lots of hours reading on the net, i have figured 4-5 weeks no more then 30mg daily meaning no more then 6 thai tabs a day. starting out with 10-15mg. i know dbol is nasty on liver and looses alot of gain if one dont work your ass off once you get off to keep them. also lowers test recovery, only from what ive seen. cycle off it and take some natural boosters to help your body recover.


Mar 1, 2005
On My Boat in Texas
exo said:
ok after lots of hours reading on the net, i have figured 4-5 weeks no more then 30mg daily meaning no more then 6 thai tabs a day. starting out with 10-15mg. i know dbol is nasty on liver and looses alot of gain if one dont work your ass off once you get off to keep them. also lowers test recovery, only from what ive seen. cycle off it and take some natural boosters to help your body recover.

well,something like that..You need not look anywhere else but right here hexo.
do a search on Dianabol.POOF. Volumes of good data.
I dont go by AS "laws". I'll do 25 or 30 mg a day ED(from the start) for the duration of my cycle.
Up to 15 weeks.
...And yes have your Clomid on hand-About 48 of them.
Questions about clomid?run a search here and Pin has posted a real good simple regimen for them-300mg the 1st day /150mg the next 7 days/100mg th next etc,etc,......allow my disclaimer--MY advice is not right for everyone,but ive been in the game a looooooong time.
There are other on here who are more textbook(and rightfully so)thank goodness for Pin,Steel,Wolfy listen to them as well.Then divide by four.

P.S.-DONT DO A DBOL RUN ONLY...Mut have Test AND LOTSA LIV.52 lookit up too cheap not to use...
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Registered User
Apr 1, 2004
exo said:
ok after lots of hours reading on the net, i have figured 4-5 weeks no more then 30mg daily meaning no more then 6 thai tabs a day. starting out with 10-15mg. i know dbol is nasty on liver and looses alot of gain if one dont work your ass off once you get off to keep them. also lowers test recovery, only from what ive seen. cycle off it and take some natural boosters to help your body recover.

Look at all the negative sides you just listed in a D-bol only cycle. It's not worth the time or money. Listen to Wolfy and everyone else who is going to tell you the same thing, add some test!! No matter how hard you work your ass off, the fact is your going to swell up like a balloon and notice good strength gains. When you cycle off, you'll deflate, loose your strength and go into a depression!


Registered User
Dec 4, 2005
exo said:
Hey Gang, I have only posted one thread and that was about d-bol and being tested for it. so i am new to this site overall it has my eye! anyways i been thinking seriuosly about taking some d-bol, becuase now i know i wont be tested for it. i am considering 4 or 5 weeks duration. here is a sample of what i have done before, let me know if i should go lower or higher dose. or any advice/coaching would help. i am 24yrs 200lbs exatcly 6ft with around 5-8%fat, i can see my upper 4 abs. =) here is the sample chart i think i want to use. 1-5days = 10mg daily 6-10days = 15mg daily 11-15days 20mg daily 16-20days = 20/25mg daily 21-26days = 15/20mg daily 26-35days slidding down using about 15/5mg daily......... please let me know what you think there could be some variation to this. Godspeed. oh yea i have clomid, nolvadex, promiveron or however you spell that. ( just in case )

Numero uno--dbol only is a complete waste of natural testosterone levels, money, time, and liver/lipid health. Without test, boldenone, deca, or another injectable you will lose 80-100% of any gains you make off the dbol only. Without an aromatase inhibitor your gains will be mostly water, which is temporary, and with one your gains will be essentially a little bit of strength, increased mood and just a slight amount of mass. i'm not kidding when I say you'd be better off spending the money on a good amount of protein instead.

Numero dos--If you can only see your upper 4 abs then there's no way in hell you are 5-8% bodyfat. At 5% you would be on the level of a pre-contest bodybuilder, and even at 8% you'd be so ripped you'd likely have veins on your abs (and be able to see all six/eight--however they're structured).

Numero tres- tapering up and down is useless. Find a dose and stick to it. I've found that .5mg/kg/day works best for me. At 200lbs that was 40 mg/day. At just over 240 I am currently using 50mg/day in addition to test and EQ.

Numer cuatro--get a transdermal or injectable testosterone and either inject 400mg/week minimum or rub on 400mg/day minimum. If you can't get test, EQ or Deca might be suitable substitutions (use a minimum of 400mg/week of one or the other).

Don't do orals-only cycles. Its a waste of time, money and health. Save the dbol until you have some test to run with it.


New member
Dec 26, 2005
hmm good advice maybe i aint 5-8% then =( anyways. i dont mind injectables but i have no access to them for about 4 more months. i do have some good prohormones. when i used dbol before i stacked it with test-ent and deca-d.. taking dbol at the begining. around 200-400 of both test-ent and deca-d. i have proviron.clomid.nolvadex. no HCG. i do have some milk thistle and trib or however you spell that natural test booster. dbol i know is not "the best choice" or "choice at all" my very first cycle i did dbol only for 4 weeks. and when i got off i only kept about 5 pounds of weight which i held for about 1-2months but i gained so much weight around 20-30 pounds. but alot was water and my tits started to get sensitive around the 3rd and 4th week. so i knew then it wasnt that good. plus one night me and a freind name YB got drunk and i was taking shots of 151 and i swear to god my liver was sore the next morning. all in all i really wish i had some test/deca i am dployed to Iraq but we cant go off base only on patrols. i am sure i could stpo by a local pharmacy and maybe look for some but i dont think that is a good idea. once i get back to hawaii then i wouldnt have that big of a problem getting some. but as most young men i am impateint. =) thanks for the advice. ( one question ) you said 15 weeks? of dbol or just like the first 4-5 weeks but 15 weeks in length?


Mar 1, 2005
On My Boat in Texas
mr.nitrofish said:
good write up my spanish friend.
but at 5% you basicly have only a thick skin and no reall fat.

5% BF Is Extreme...not right.Your almost to the point of requiring medical attention to recover..VERY HARD on your system
That's bodybuilding excessive to the point of obsessive.
Only a Mr. Olympia contestant or an anorexic or paris hilton would be at 5%.