Deca or Dianabol, Third cycle help


New member
May 24, 2005
I am trying to go onto my third cycle in about a month and a half, and i was just wondering what i should stack with test enanthate. I was told to use either deca durabolin injections, or dianabol tabs. Which would work better??? also, i heard deca gives you limp dick, is that true??


Registered User
Jun 19, 2005
oconnor20 said:
I am trying to go onto my third cycle in about a month and a half, and i was just wondering what i should stack with test enanthate. I was told to use either deca durabolin injections, or dianabol tabs. Which would work better??? also, i heard deca gives you limp dick, is that true??

you can use both if oyu want. do a bread and buter cycle. something like this

weeks 1-10 deca 400mg EW
weeks 1-12 test E 500mg EW
weeks 1-4 d-bol 40mg ED

weeks 14-17 pct. nolva and clomid

and you may want to consider throwing in some hcg shots.


oconnor20 said:
I am trying to go onto my third cycle in about a month and a half, and i was just wondering what i should stack with test enanthate. I was told to use either deca durabolin injections, or dianabol tabs. Which would work better??? also, i heard deca gives you limp dick, is that true??
deca will give ya a limp dick if you are not taking enough test with it. the general rule is to keep test dosage levels higher than the deca. since this is your 3rd cycle, what did the first 2 consist of?
in my personal opinion i would go with the test/deca cycle without the d-bol but i cant recommend this for sure without knowing what experience you have already with dosages and products.


New member
May 24, 2005
my first two cycles both looked like this

test enanthate 500mg/wk for 10 weeks

I really want to see great gains for my next cycle, hoping to put on about 20 pounds of keep gains. I really don't want the limp dick thing though. Do these gains seem feasable for a third cycle????

I'm about 5'10''
165lbs, athletic build
I'm pretty cut naturally, i was also wondering if i would lost a lot of my definition from this cycle, i've heard you carry a lot of water with this cycle??
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oconnor20 said:
my first two cycles both looked like this

test enanthate 500mg/wk for 10 weeks

I really want to see great gains for my next cycle, hoping to put on about 20 pounds of keep gains. I really don't want the limp dick thing though. Do these gains seem feasable for a third cycle????

I'm about 5'10''
165lbs, athletic build
I'm pretty cut naturally, i was also wondering if i would lost a lot of my definition from this cycle, i've heard you carry a lot of water with this cycle??
considering your current weight i would assume you didnt gain much or keep what you gained from your first 2 cycles. because of this i would like to go over your nutritional plan before you start your next cycle because it is probably lacking if you only weight 165 after 2 cycles unless you started out at about 120lbs LOL
20lbs is certainly an obtainable amount of gains if your diet is correct and you are eating enough food. most people who cycle and dont gain much are in this situation because they dont eat nearly enough food no matter how much they think they are eating compared to what they need to be eating.
i love deca and include it in most of my cycles. great bulking gains can be had with deca but yes you will loose some defenition due to some water retention.
please post up your diet plan including exact amounts of food you will be eating and how many meals you will eat each day. show protein amounts, carb amounts, total calories with each meal, & fats consumed. without knowing these amounts you will not know if you are eating correctly to not only gain during your cycle but also to help ya keep gains. gains made off of steroids are lost if you only rely on the gear and not on your food intake...pin


New member
May 24, 2005
This is how i eat on a cycle:

7-8 meals per day

meal 1 double protein shake 50 mg. protein, 7 egg whites, oatmeal

meal 2 tuna fish sandwich on whole wheat

meal 3 quarter pound turkey on a whole wheat sub

meal 4 burger w/cheese

work out

meal 5 steak or chicken of some sort, another double scoop of protein, and some vegtables

meal 6 7 eggwhites with whole wheat pasta

meal 7 tuna sandwich on wheat

meal 8 7 eggs, double protein shake, two pieces whole wheat bread or toast

this was exactly how i ate on my first cycle for about 15 weeks, i was on the cylce for 10 weeks. My second cycle i wasn't really able to eat like this due to lack of funds, but that isn't a problem this summer. Is this an ok diet??? any suggestions...and yes, i was about 125 or 130 before my first cycle, lol, shitty i know


your diet will be sufficient for you to gain. try to pin down the exact amount of protein/carbs.fats you are getting with each meal though as it will help you later when trying to make adjustments to it to make more gians in the future. remember it is better to eat to much food and gain a little fat than to not eat enough and dont gain anything.
at least my guess at your beginning weight was pretty accurate:D
i personally would go with a test/deca cycle. i use deca in most of my cycles and the overall gains will be better than those from d-bol. your limp dick worries shouldnt exist provided you keep the test dosage higher than the deca dosage and also you can get some avena sativa from your local health food store like gnc or vitamin world. it will help make sure you dont get the deca dick syndrome.